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1Guneshi Clan [WIP] Empty Guneshi Clan [WIP] Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:26 am

Madeo Guneshi

Symbol: Guneshi Clan [WIP] (Put your clan symbol here. Small images only

Clan: Guneshi

Kekkei Genkai: Advanced Release: Magnesium Fire

Primary: Katon
Secondary: Doton

Specialization: Guneshi members automatically start with fuuinjutsu as a tertiary specialization, in addition to their primary and secondary specializations.

Location: Sunagakure

Clan History: (What is your clan's history?)

Kekkei Genkai Description: Magnesium Fire is an advanced release that generally maintains the properties of the katon element with a few changes. One of the biggest things that makes it stronger is the fact that Magnesium Fire jutsu are not weak to Suiton Jutsu. They are instead only weak to sand techniques.

Drawbacks: (What is your clan bad at?)

Members: Madeo Guneshi

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Powder Flash:

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