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1Bill collection (private/nokill) Empty Bill collection (private/nokill) Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:13 pm




Hotaru had gotten up earlier than usual, he had a small mission he was doled out yesterday evening. His apartment was vacant except for the necessities, a very basic set up was all he needed. A bed, table, stove, fridge and sink was basically all that occupied space in his home. Flicking off the covers and letting his feet hang limp over the bed side, Hotaru let out a yawn and a long stretch. It felt good, limbered him up and got him ready for activities. He began his normal routine, eat, shower, oral hygiene, dress and leave. He was not on an official mission, so his traveling cloak and conical hat where left at home. Instead he wore his usual attire which consisted of: a long black Shihakushō worn over a white undershirt. This was all held together by a red sash, his bottoms where the Usual. A white hakama with the lip of the under shirt hanging over it. Finally his headband was firmly placed around his forehead and tied snugly, he was ready to greet the day.

The mission was a pretty standard one, collect some overdue payment from various shop owners. Hotaru wanted to catch them when they where just begining to open up shop as to not spoil current or potential business if the owner where to get angry. Walking the streets of Suna so early in the morning Hotaru noticed Some shop owners where just in the process of unlocking their doors, others where stocking or taking inventory of stock. It was odd, his schedule usually had him waking up two hours after the shops had opened for business. He soon found the first shop address on his list. It was a smaller Ramen bar, he remembered when the bar had first opened, it was a big hit to everyone in town. It basically had a monopoly on the Ramen business in Suna. Maybe the owner had gotten too big for his britches and decided not to pay any rent, he would soon find out.

The owner of the bar was a middle aged man  named Hisoto Maki, he was a businessman through and through. Although his five-five stature didn't intimidate anyone, the small fortune he held after a few months in business sure did."Mr. Maki?"Hotaru asked the man. In return the owner gave a look and began to try and seat him at one of the open tables."Well son, you're the first customer of the day, come on have a se-"
"That isn't why i'm here, Mr. Maki. You have refused to bay two months worth of rent to Sunagakure, they would like it now."

The old mans attitude became a bit hostile. "Little young to be a bill collector, aren't ya squirt? Here, ill give you a free meal and we'll call it even. Hows that sound?"
"That isn't going to cut it," Hotaru said with a bored look. "Your bribes won't work. The money or i'll have this place shut down."The Owner seemed taken back by the comment."No, no need to go that far," the owner said with a nervous chuckle. "Here, ill go get some from the register." Soon his small form returned from the register cash in hand. Hotaru took the money, counted it and placed it in the bag the village provided him. 2,500 ryo down. Only a few more to go.

After leaving the Ramen bar, Hotaru collected money from three other, smaller, shops and vendors. They all were reluctant to give out the money. But with a bit of "coercion" they all cam around. Adding up the total ryo. Hotaru had close to four thousand ryo, the village was lucky he wasn't a greedy punk, or else the bad would be a bit light. Hotaru chuckled to himself as he went to turn in the cash.


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