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1Man vs Mutant(Mission, Completed) Empty Man vs Mutant(Mission, Completed) Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:09 am

Guanyin Nanashi


Mutant Attacks(B-rank Mission, Repeatable)

Humanoid beasts of various shapes and sizes surrounded the young man, their menacing claws flexing in time with their deep ragged breaths. Predatory eyes stare intensely at the lone human who had made the mistake of wondering into their lair. Tightly coiled muscles were ready to spring into action at the slightest movement of their prey. It would be unlike that the quarry will run away, it was smart and a crafty one. It knew that escaping is inevitable and thus that only left one alternative. . .TO FIGHT!
Not waiting for them to attack, the prey lunged forwarded at the closely abomination, attempting to grasps at the beast neck. Such a foolish mistake. Like clockwork a wide swipe, claws spread outward, sped towards the lunging prey. The beast eyes gleam with excitement at the thought of an easy victory. . .and easy feast for the pack. This would be the case though. Their prey was a slipping one, evident by it ducking underneath the attack and striking the beast in the solar plexus – stunning in momentary. The sound of a knife tearing tearing through flesh ranged out loud, a geyser of blackish liquid painting any and everything close to the flailing, dying beast. The bestial roars of anguish a sweet symphony – music to the prey's ears.
There wasn't any time for the victor to celebrate, for no sooner after the first one fell to the ground with a resounding thud, it's body disintegrated into nothingness, another one attacked. Legs propelling the mighty beast forward, clawed feet digging into the ground, given it traction, right shoulder lower as it attempted a shoulder charged. There wasn't any time to think about a solution for the matter at hand, reversing the grip of the knife to that of a ice-pick fashion, the quarrel got within the guard of the beast, thrusting the knife forward followed by the free hand acting like a hammer and lodging the weapon deeper into the beast flesh. This along with force in which the abomination was charging at led the knife to be plunge to the hilt. It gurgle, blood spewing from it's mouth, splashing onto the opposition. Using unknown strength, the knife was pulled out of it's chest in a twist motion causing even more damage, and leaving a gabbing size wound. It fell like a ton of bricks.
The other beasts were stun. Their prey had just taken out two of their own. The weakling had just killed a family members. The blasphemy is this!? It wasn't suppose to happen like this, it were suppose to be easy. A quick kill and promising feasts. Though this wasn't the thoughts of those who stayed in the back. The senior and more experience members knew the abilities of their prey and expected nothing less from it. The even told this information to the fledglings but like any child they didn't listen. And it ended up with one of their lives being forfeited. Their liquid essence quenching the thirst of their prey. Speaking of prey. . .
The one eyed killer were twirling the knife that painted the smiley face across the fallen beast's neck, any blood on the obsidian colored blade haven been thrown or licked off. The latter being the obvious choice, black stains covering the lower jaw and lips. The single eye locked onto the biggest of the brutes before him who were making his way to the front, the others parting like the red sea – for their leader.
With broken English, and a rough grainy voice the beast began to speak. It's razor sharp teeth, mismatched crooked like they were vehemently disagreeing with each other were presented. “Guanyin Nanashi, the cage is rattling. How much longer before we escape?”
The prey, now identified as Guanyin Nanashi looked at the beast before him – his lone yellow eye staring the those of the obvious leader. He knew what was going to happen next. The leader along with it's pack would leave him alone, going back into the endless void which it came from. The retreating form of the leader and it's group, only prove this point.
Allowing the obsidian knife to twirl aimlessly between his fingers, Nanashi made a crucial mistake of turning his back on the still retreating figures. Having assume that nothing else would occur. The pressure of something pressing down on his shoulder, massive curved claws digging into flesh, blood oozing out slowly. Looking over his shoulder, Nanashi spied the thing who stopped him from leaving.
It was the leader. . .
“I should kill you myself, but what's the fun in that?” It spoke, claws sinking completely into Nanashi's flesh, getting a scream out of the man “But I shall wait. . .for you ain't worth my time. You are still weak. . . but when you become strong, I shall be waiting.” With those words the leader dissolved into nothingness.

Light from the sun shined through the closed curtains of his home, illuminating and warming the once dark and cool area. Know matter how cold it got outside, Nanashi always kept his room at a cooling temperature. Rays of the sun began to tenderly lick at his cheeks like a puppy trying to wake up it's owner. Eyes fluttered open revealing themselves to the world. Staring up at the ceiling, while trying to collect his thoughts for today.
What exactly did he had planned? He wasn't meeting his student Alessi today. The woman, who had grown fond of was doing her own thing for the next couple of days, Nanashi given her time off to enjoy the simpler things in life – outside of being a shinobi. Kanetsu Shigeki was doing what he always did. The Kanetsu member being Nanashi second student, having joined the 'team' a year or so after Alessi did. Depending one's viewable, the fact that Nanashi haven't taught the man anything could make some see him as a bad teacher. This wasn't exactly the case though. Shigeki just had a habit of doing things on his own, which was perfectly fine with Nanashi. Not like he wanted to teach another.
Though maybe I should schedule something with him. . .
With his students doing their own thing, what was there for Nanashi to do? He could venue to one of the many Tea Houses that litter throughout the country side? Having neglecting to check up on them, making sure there weren't any trouble being caused, as of late. Or maybe he could visit his home? It has been years since he set foot within that small community. It could be a perfect opportunity to pop in and surprise his family? Haven't seeing all of them in awhile, the last time been when he were dating Yanagi Akai. And the last time he saw his mother was when he were in the hospital, and the visit was less than pleasant.
Probably should follow my student example. . .
Nanashi tossed the covers off his nude frame, and began trekking towards the bathroom to freshen up a bit. Twenty minutes passed before he emerged from the bathroom, steam following behind him like a lost puppy. Moving into his room, Nanashi began to get dressed in his stereotypical garb. Kunai, senbons, scalpel, etc. everything were in the correct place on his person. The head band showing his alliance to Iwa hung loosely on his belt but would soon find its place across his forehead, keeping the bands out of his line of sight. Going over his equipment once more, Nanashi made his way out of his abhor – not before snatching an apple from the fruit dish beside the entrance and heading to the Administration building.
Luckily for Nanashi there weren't many people within the building and thus there was a miniscule wait time before he was given a mission. The mission itself wasn't that surprising. For upon walking into the building many shinobis have been talking about having to take out deformed animals, which have been showing up a lot as of late. No one apparently knew where they came from or how many there actually is. They just know for the past months or so they have been attacking the residents in nearby towns. So it didn't come as a shock that he got the mission as well.
Reading over the parchment, Nanashi thought about he should go about in finding these things. It were known that they had a tendencies of picking off villages are random intervals. And if the reports were anything to go by those who were picked off varied in physical condition from the extremely sick to extremely healthy.
How in the hell am I going to find them?
Karma had a way to bite you in the ass. Nanashi is finding this the hard way, having to dodge a claw wipe from one of beast, striking out with a kunai, aiming to cut their throat, only to have it to substitute with a previous injured one – blackish blood splattering everywhere. The dying beast gurgled on it's own blood before expiring, it's cooling corpse laying forgotten.
The lone eye looked at the other six beasts a front of him. He had been luckily to stumble on them going into a nearby village, obviously going to kill or kidnap someone. Luckily he managed to stop them, chasing them out of the village into the barren landscape – which leads us to his current problem. He were currently surrounded by six more of these beasts, all as vile as the one he just killed. Looking at the beasts a front of him, Nanashi made the hand seal for the fire clone – summoning four of them, each one taking one on, while the original takes on two.
Dodge. Strike. Substitute. Dodge. Strike. Substitute. The deadly dance of the three were beautiful, appearing like they were actually dancing with each other. Every time Nanashi attempted to strike them with a kunai they would substitute with the other who manages to slip into his guard, causing him to dodge. Their team work were incredible and was annoying to say the least.
Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

The consecutive sounds of his clones exploding, along with the heat wave from their fiery explosion caused Nanashi to smile a little – it seemed like they had taken care of their respective targets. And now it was time for Nanashi to do the same.
No longer toying with the pair, Nanashi hands were engulf in medical chakra, sharpening and forming into the chakra scalpel. And with this Nanashi unleashed hell upon them.
It took roughly a minute to dispose of the animals, along with burning their bodies, leaving no evidences behind. Once that were done, Nanashi trekked back home – mission completed.

Final Word Count: 1812/1500

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