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1A Buisness Meeting (D Rank Mission) Empty A Buisness Meeting (D Rank Mission) Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:12 am



Shigeki chuckled to himself, holding his hands together and making his way towards the building that he assumed would be perfect for a little something he had planned. Ever since his dream his goal had become to get noticed by whomever it was he was dreaming about, some form of shadow puppeteer leading an organization he knew nothing about. He wanted more than anything to be noticed by these people, but he knew that first he had to build himself up in the crime industry here and that would mean he would need to crack a few eggs. He knew the perfect place to start looking for a new base of operations of course, and that was the small warehouse on the opposite side of the village from his apartment. He had chosen this location because it was an area that was often slow busy enough that seeing the odd person slipping in and out of the building wouldn’t be that surprising for the area. He wasn’t sure exactly what he was going to be doing in the building but whatever it was, he knew that this location would be perfect and ideal for it. Perhaps it could just be a place for a little extra income from the owner, who knew for certain?

Shigeki was dressed a little differently than usual, his mid length was still spiked in front of his face but he was wearing a white dress shirt, a pair of black dress pants and a fitted sport coat with a black tie. He was truly dressed to impress, though he still wore his regular boots and his fishnet gloves. The choker was missing in favour of the tie, which it took a lot of willpower to not remove from around his neck. He was never a fan of ties but he knew it would complete the look as he made his way through the unlocked back door of the warehouse and up to the offices. He had set up a meeting with the owner of the building, a Mr. Takatta, and had no intention of being late, wanting to make a good impression on the man so that he would be able to see things his way. As he walked into the office the older man in his sixties sat at the desk, white hair and a well trimmed moustache distinguishing him as the man that Shigeki had come to meet.

“Ah, Mr. Kanetsu, so good of you to join me.” His voice was smooth like velvet and his eyes rose to meet the young Kanetsu’s as he pointed to a chair, which Shigeki did not take, instead leaning on the back of it and staring at the “business tycoon” that was sitting in front of him, looking down at him from his elevated state. The older man shrugged and returned to looking at his notes before sighing and standing up to walk towards Shigeki. “Well Mr. Kanetsu, I have reviewed your request and I’m not going to lie, it looks like a hostile takeover attempt. I don’t respond well to threats and as such…” Shigeki smiled softly and started to form hand signs deliberately in plain sight, drawing Mr. Takatta’s attention. “Mr Kanetsu, please… What are you trying to…” Shigeki slammed his palms to the ground and instantly the ground beneath Mr Takatta began to melt away as he became surrounded with Lava, only a small platform remaining for him to stand on. Takatta began to sweat and freak out, nearly falling into what he believed was a lake of lava as he remembered everything he knew about the Kanetsu clan and their special form of lava jutsu. “AAH MAKE IT STOP! YOU’LL KIL US BOTH!”

“Mr Takatta, I am a Kanetsu, Lava is my life. It would never harm me, you and this building however…” Shigeki held his hands back up in front of his chest. “I can keep going until you and this building burn to the ground and escape without a scratch, or I can allow you to live and run this building as per usual with a slight difference. Half of your profits will be paid to me at the end of each month and if I need to carry out “business” here you will not ask questions and you will allow me to do as I please.” He could see the wetness in the man’s pants and could smell something that he honestly wanted to pretend he couldn’t smell, watching as the man cried and screamed that he would do anything that Shigeki wanted. Shigeki simply snapped his fingers, pretending to get rid of all of the lava but in reality just dispelling the jutsu and leaving the man in his pathetic state. “Good, I’m glad we’ve reached an accord. Remember if I have to come back for anything besides my business or my money you will not be so lucky in our next encounter.” With that he made his way back to the stairway as the old man called for someone to get him a change of clothes.

(749/600 mission complete)

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