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Zaiaku stood,leaning against the inner wall,waiting for his Sensei...and Kage.He recieved a letter stating he was going on his first B-Rank mission while have his Sensei present for assistance.He let out a quiet chuckle.It's about time he finally gets to meet her.He continued to sit there,cloak on,armor on underneath.He looked both ways,wondering where the hell she is.



Mission Info:

Sitting on the edge of a rooftop, I watched Zaiaku Jiendo walk up tot he meeting place.  He was on time.  That was very good.  I looked him over to get a good read on what he was like.  Zaiaku was a very tall teenager. his skin was a dark gray-black color and had no hair at all. His pants were black and he wore the standard shinobi sandals to protect his feet from the hot sand.  His dark skin shined from sweat under the harsh sunlight that glinted off his bare chest.  He had a rather buff build for his age, possibly meaning he was well trained and kept himself fit and in shape.  His eyes had a very wild look to them, his buck teeth adding to his facial features that made his outward appearance a natural grimace.

From the looks of it, he seemed to be a close combat oriented individual.  That was just my kind of shinobi.  Pushing off the roof's edge, I glided down to the street below, landing behind Zaiaku.  The sand softened the landing under my feet, the subtle sound of my white cloak flying through the wind enough to attract the boy's attention.  "Jiendo, Zaiaku I presume?" I already knew it was him from matching his file.  Those of the Jiendo clan were rather easy to spot, although telling them apart was a completely different matter.  "We don't have much time, we're moving out now."

With a jump and burst of speed, I flickered ahead of Zaiaku and out the gateway past the walls surrounding Sunagakure no Sato.  I kept my pace slow to make sure Zaiaku was keeping up with me.  Turning my head to see where he was, I intended to speed up gradually to see just how fast this boy could run.  We needed to move fast.  A lot was riding on this mission and I felt this would help test one of my newest pupils.  "Let's pick it up Zaiaku, I want to see you run!" My voice hollered over to the dark skinned boy as I ran.  "And tell me all you know about this mission."




Zaiaku instantly turned upon hearing something land behind him.There she stood.His Kage...his Sensei.It was such a glamorus moment and who the fuck am I kidding.Zaiaku's bored expression wasn't even phased as she landed.He crossed his arms,inadvertly showing his claws.His dull red eyes met her more bright ones.He observed her physical features.He was about 6 feet,making her rather tall than others.This slightly amused Zaiaku.Her hair shined a shiny sliver in the sunlight.She wore a white,open,cloak and some type of bra of somesort.Her face was stotic,devoid of any emotion,but Zaiaku thought nothing of it."Jiendo, Zaiaku I presume?"She asked in a rather sophisticated voice,something Zaiaku expected."Ay?"He responded,unfolding his large arms,which were hidden by his cloak."We don't have much time, we're moving out now."Well....that escalated quickly.She was off in a burst of speed.He rolled his eyes and leaped,easier landing next to her as she said to hurry up.

As he ran along side her,he took out a cigar and plopped it in his mouth.He then took out a lighter and lit it.He inhaled deeply and exhaled a cloud of smoke."And tell me all you know about this mission."She said as they ran.Zaiaku merely smirked."Oh nothing really..besides the fact we gotta find a A-Rank prick and put a seal on him."He responded as he exhaled another cloud of smoke.Oh....this was going to be fun.



We ran out the gates and the boy hurried to catch up. With my head turned to yell back at him, my eyes glimpsed the rolling eyes as he ran up beside me. His eyelids seemed to be half open as he ran, drooping over his dark eyes as he pulled out a cigar, his hands fumbling inside his cloak for a lighter. I turned my head away from his smoky breath. I was with an idiot. Never had I seen a chuunin so calm to enter a mission that required taking out someone higher ranked than himself.

"Oh nothing really..besides the fact we gotta find a A-Rank prick and put a seal on him." Zaiaku answered between puffs of smoke. Each time he sucked in the cigar, holding the smoke for just a moment before releasing it, irritated me. My cape fluttered a bit higher as i sent my arm out behind me, my hand sending a hard backhanded slap to knock away his cigar and maybe jolt him into reality.

"The bare minimum won't do, Zaiaku," I raised my voice even louder, showing my displeasure and annoyance. "You better not be giving me smack either for the remainder of this mission. I'm here mainly to observe. This will be on you to complete it. I highly suggest you try your best to fix your first impression and try to actually impress me."

I sprinted a bit faster, testing his speed to the maximum that he could go. He was quite fast, but in the blistering desert and his dark skin, I wondered how his endurance would last for this mission. We continued on through the sand, going to where the last known location of the rogue Masamune had been sighted. Fortunately we were quick enough to pick up the boy's tracks before the wind swept them away. i didn't slow down a bit once the footprints were found, instead speeding up in the adrenaline of the hunt. Going first was usually my role, but this was to be used as a test for Zaiaku, so eventually I let my pace go down, letting him take the lead. We had the footprints now, it was definitely time to see what the boy could do, and what he would do.




The moment he saw her cape flutter high,Zaiaku ducked,barely dodging the slap that was meant for him.In reality,he foresaw it alittle,given his sensei seemed to be a already serious person to begin with.He took the cigar out of his mouth and held it with his hand(farthest away)."The bare minimum won't do, Zaiaku,"She then said,her voice louder than usual.It was laced with annoyance.Zaiaku's expression changed little,however,as she scolded him.Afterall,he has recieved worse....much..much worse."You better not be giving me smack either for the remainder of this mission. I'm here mainly to observe. This will be on you to complete it.""Didn't give ya smack to begin with."He responded,his voice rather relaxed compared to his sensei." I highly suggest you try your best to fix your first impression and try to actually impress me."Zaiaku rolled his eyes."Forgive me...but I don't impress.I get the job done,and then do whatever I need to do for that day."He said,his voice now had a hint of his own annoyance,but it wasn't really noticible.

He noticed her speed up a little bit,obviously testing him.He easily sped up also,looking ahead.Not one drop of sweat had formed yet.His was mainly due to him and his high endurance and stamina.Not to mention,he does LIVE here.As the duo tranversed the sand,they eventually picked up the tracks of the rogue Masamune.When this happened,Zaiaku noticed his sensei slow down a bit,allowing him to lead."Trying to see what I can"He thought.They were nearing the last known location,possibly arriving in the next few minutes."So....what's your name?"Zaiaku asked,slightly turning his head for a instant before resuming to look forward once more.



The boy was confident, that was for sure.  He reacted well enough to pull his head away from my hand slap, saving his cigar for another day.  He was really irritating me and I just wanted the mission to be over, but this wasn't a simple mission, there would be opposition.

After my remark I caught Zaiaku rolling his eyes before he switched over to take the lead in the run. "Forgive me...but I don't impress," he said.  "I get the job done, and then do whatever I need to do for that day."  He kept a calm and relaxed tone, making me more frustrated but I used my kenkei genkai to keep my anger concealed and continued running.

Taking a deep breath to relax myself, I focused my attention ahead.  Out in the distance, a silhouette stood ahead of us.  It was moving away, but we were gaining on it.  This must be the Masamune that had run away.  At last we had caught up.  It looked as if he didn't notice us yet.  My eyes turned to watch Zaiaku run along just ahead of me.  Things were certainly about to get interesting.  Let's see you get the job done Zaiaku, I thought to myself.  The mission was finally coming to a head.





Despite keeping a calm expression and not saying much else,Zaiaku knew he was grinding on her last nerves,the deep breath gave it away.Zaiaku said nothing else and returned the cigar to his mouth.Sure enough,they eventually caught sight of their target of the Masamune clan.He was rather short,blonde hair,blue eyes,and wore heavy desert clothing.Zaiaku,hatching a small idea,quickly put up a hand sign as the usual puff of smoke appeared.Out of the smoke flew the very common desert hawk,for Zaiaku has used transfomation jutsu.He flew high into the sky,making sure he was acting like anyother bird.

The Masamune looked up towards the sky,spotting the 'bird'.He looked on for a moment before continuing to walk on,ignoring the bird.Yes!His plan was working.He soon dropped a little,slowly getting close to the ninja,who was still oblivious to the fact was about to be attacked.




As Zaiaku turned into a bird and began flying over the Masamune, I dropped back and kept myself hidden behind a crest of a sand dune. The young rogue had yet to catch on to Zaiaku's trickery and had continued his trek. The Masamune was more skilled than Zaiaku and had more training, so it'd be interesting to see how Zaiaku would fare in such a lopsided battle. He would need to be very crafty to subdue the Masamune. If worse came to worse, I'd have to jump in so I stayed a safe distance away, the crest of the sand dune roughly 30 meters behind the Masamune. My eyes eagerly awaited the battle unfold as Zaiaku lowered down still in his bird transformation, inching closer to his prey.

The angle was good, keeping himself outside of the peripherals of the rogue ninja. Still, the moment of surprise would only give Zaiaku so much of an advantage. It was time to evaluate both Zaiaku and the Masamune. Not only would we need to subdue this man but we would also have to take the man back to get the cursed seal that he was running away from.

I knew the Masamune clan quite well, and the method of putting the cursed seal on their family members was not the best which no doubt was the reason for this one's desperate escape. Still, this had to be done and Suna couldn't risk the intel stored inside this boy, whether consciously or subconsiously, to get into the wrong hands. His steel skin attribute and kekkei genkai were also of great value. A lot was at stake here which seemed to be oblivious to Zaiaku. Too much was riding on this mission for him to be sloughing it off like it was a simple delivery errand. Still, he was pretty confident that he could do this. Watching closely, I waited to see if my hunch or if Zaiaku's big head would be right.




Zaiaku flew up quite high,gaining much altitude,before performing a U-turn vertically in the sky,now flying straight towards the ground next to Suzume.Before he actually managed to hit it,he U-turned again,now flying directly at the Nin at high speed which he managed from going so high."Yes,yes...just a little bit closer!"He practically yelled in his mind,a shroud of smoke with usual poof happening.The nin,hearing the sound,turned around,only to have his face perfectly meet Zaiaku's fist,which was much more painful due to the pent up speed.He went flying back a few meters before skidding on the sand,coming to a stop.Zaiaku hit the ground 3 meters away from him.The nin grunted in pain,holding his face in pain as he got to his knees.Zaiaku took full adavantage of the situation and began running.The nin removed his hands,only to be replaced with Zaiaku's metal boot,sending the nin back a distance more.Zaiaku,putting his cigar back in his mouth,stood there,awaiting to see the Nin.When he finally go up,his face had a slight dent of where it was hit,his nose was bleeding,and he was missing teeth.The sight was laughable,making Zaiaku chuckle.However,the Nin was fast,and made it to Zaiaku in mere moments,delivering a full-fledged punch to his stomach.The breaking of metal was heard under the cloak,but Zaiaku was other-wise unfazed,and swung at the man with his fist.

The man ducked quickly and jumped back.He quickly formed a hand sign.Electricty cackled around his hand as he then shot it out,the electrical beam heading straight for Zaiaku.He quickly jumped to the left,the beam barely hitting him as the nin came running again.Zaiaku,however,was ready this time.The two clashed with a brutal fist fight.Both of them hit their targets at the same time,neither blocking.Indeed,both warriors were brutal.However,whith the quickness,the nin lifted up his leg,and smashed it onto Zaiaku's head,attempting to send him to the ground.Zaiaku was bent forward,but came back up with a devastating upper-cut,knocking the Nin off balance as Zaiaku then led a barrage of punches on to him.The nin stumbled back with each punch,blood coating him and Zaiaku,whether it was their's or the others was unknown.The Nin,finally brought back to reality,jumped back again,attempting to get some distance.He did several hand-signs,and two earthen hands sprouted out the sand,each about a story tall.They grabbed each other and attempted to hammer-fist Zaiaku,but evaded the attack,jumping back at the last moment.Sand was brought up into the air,effectively hiding Zaiaku from sight.The nin canceled the jutsu,the rocks falling to the ground as he watched the cloud.Concealed,he quickly hatched a idea.After doing the hand signs,he created a Haze Clone and exited the cloud from the farthest point,making sure the Nin and Ms.Kazekage didn't see him.

Indeed he didn't,for he kept his eyes on the cloud.Clouds set in,blocking the sun.Shadows were no longer present,which offered some peace from the smoldering heat.The dust eventually cleared,revealing 'Zaiaku' doing a long series of handsigns,as if to do a massive scale jutsu.Reacting,the nin did his signs,and within a moment,a dragon made completely of electricity was formed.Just as quick as it came,it rammed into the clone,exploding,giving off the image that 'Zaiaku' was vaporized.A pleased smile formed on the nin's face.Before he could turn around,Zaiaku appeared behind him."Gotcha!"He said in a shrill,yet,arrogant voice,cigar still in his mouth.The nin looked back,his smile completely gone,right before Zaiaku smashed his fist the side of nin's head,sending him a few meters away.All was then silent.The nin didn't get up,and Zaiaku was panting,his eyes locked on the body.


1523 words

Last edited by Zaiaku Jiendo on Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:42 am; edited 1 time in total



I watched from afar as Zaiaku, still in bird form, came crashing down upon the Masamune.  He came out of the transformation jutsu just in time to catch the boy's face with his fist, knocking him down and out.  A couple more flurries from Zaiaku and the boy seemed to be getting worn down.  The Jiendo was strong, seeing as the Masamune was tough enough to withstand B-rank taijutsu attacks.

A flash of light exploded out in a beam from the Masamune's hands, the beam directed at Zaiaku.  He deftly dodged with apt skill and continued pressing the attack.  The two clashed in a heavy battering of fists and feet.  Sand was kicked up during the fight and in the second it took for the sand to rise and fall, Zaiaku created a haze clone of himself farther away from the Masamune.  The boy created an electrical dragon that shot at Zaiaku's clone while Zaiaku came up behind the boy and knocked him out with one punch.

I got up from my vantage point and moved to apprehend the Masamune.  "Good work, Zaiaku, now we just need to take him to the feudal lord."  A few moments later after getting my bearings, I led the way to the feudal lord's place of residence with the Masamune over my shoulder and Zaiaku following behind me.

It was a long journey to the Feudal Lord's palace. When we arrived, his palace guards stopped us outside of his walls. The white walls of the palace soared up, almost as tall as the walls in Sunagakure no Sato. They were impressively clean and didn't show any signs of erosion which was impressive for a palace that was in the desert.

We were led inside and immediately the answer to how the Feudal Lord and all of his workers lived there was obvious. Lush green plants sprouted everywhere. It was like we had entered a different part of the world. In the middle of his courtyard was a nice big pond of water that seemed to have a slight stream that ran out and away, under the walls and into the main palace. Clever to have built upon an oasis, but cleverer still to have irrigated the water around.

Zaiaku and I made our way up the pearl white stairs that led to the Feudal Lord's main chambers. Upon entering the Masamune was taken by the guards and brought before the lord. He called us in and we began talking. The lord was a pleasant enough man, allowing us to eat and drink before we left. The food was magnificent, much better than I had ever had in Suna. We had roasted duck, fruit salad, fried bananas as dessert and cremé de papaya to top things off. Wine was served for us but I denied it, not wishing to cloud my mind with alcohol. The lord politely switched to a fine glass of delicious grape juice but I suspected Zaiaku was the most disappointed with the change in beverages.

While we ate, the Feudal Lord asked us all about our journey and how the mission had gone. Zaiaku perked up a bit when he got to tell the story of his fight between him and the Masamune. It was pretty obvious that he was exaggerating how easy the fight was and that he was trying to act tough in front of the Feudal Lord, but the lord was kind enough to play along. After we had finished eating, the lord called a few men forward, each of them holding scrolls and wearing long robes of white and purple satin. They placed their furrowed, old hands on the boy and began the process of putting the curse seal on the boy. Knowing how painful body seals can be, myself, I asked the feudal lord for our payment and left. The screams of pain echoing out of the palace walls as I hurried across the desert sand, my hands clutching at my own stomach in sympathetic agony.

Zaiaku and I returned safely back to Suna and the mission complete. He was quite the shinobi and he showed promise. I looked forward to seeing what he would end up doing next and made a mental note to keep tabs on his progress.


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