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1Street Rat Buisness (Private, Mission) Empty Street Rat Buisness (Private, Mission) Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:27 am



Today it was someones house...

He woke up in a well furnished house, Yuumi looked to the left and he saw a guy and a girl in the bed with him, they were both good looking so he smiled and rolled out of bed, his choice of people hasnt faltered even when he was drinking which he thanked himself for every single day, he didnt want to wake up one day to someone ugly that was one thing that troubled him about drinking and partying. He slid out of the bed and stretched his arms in the air, though unlike the last time he woke up in someones house he got out with out the person waking up, but this time was definitly differant, the two people woke up around the same time and rubbed the sleep from their eyes just as he did they smiled and slid themselves out of bed as well, they all chatted happily while they looked around for clothes to wear, since almost all of their clothes were in a pile together they all rummaged through whilst chatting to find them, he now realized that he forgot both of these peoples names, and what made him laugh out loud for a moment was that they also forgot his name, none of them had even asked each others name the night before they had just seen each other and went to this house, he wasnt even sure if the house belonged to the man or the woman he was with.

But then he remembered something, he had his first actual C rank mission today, so he mentioned it and his friends laughed and waved it off, saying that it was no problem. He looked around for his clothes once again and found his Spandex black long sleeved shirt and his red vest, he put them on with delicate ease, he then found his black pants and pulled them onto himself as well, he found his hat on a nightstand and fit it onto his head snugly, then he found his sunglasses and placed them over his eyes and put his riding boots on as well, he was now ready to leave...

He said farewell to his two new friends and smacked each of them of the behind on his way out, causing an erupting of laughter to ensue, he waved goodby and started on his way to find out his task for the day, maybe this time it wasnt even going to be so menial... as it seemed that most of his missions were, his last one had been to go and fetch a recipe for a person and the one before that had been to stop a bully, he really hoped this time they gave him something that was actually worth while, since higher ranked missions payed a good bit better then the lower ranked ones, and the fact that his nights out were not cheap to have since he had to buy at least a few drinks or someone before he left with them, and he would rather stop buying food them meeting new people and being at new places, it was almost a hobby for him...




He walked into his house and and decided to stay in the clothes that he had already worn that day since he was pretty much not wearing his clothes last night and he really had a task to do right now, he walked up to his mailbox and grabbed a letter from the administration building, it said his name on the front and said that it was from the kage, it was his to see what he needed to do. There have been reports of a man who has been causing much disturbance in our village with his unneeded violence towards innocent people. The man's name is Zahn and he can be distinguished by a burn mark that covers his neck to his collar bone. You are asked to find him and apprehend him. Once you have him in your custody take him to Artho's Keep while he awaits his trial. so it seemed he had something interesting to do, a drunk man whom he had already heard of, he was going to have to catch this man red handed, but he had to wait until night of course when this drunk man ran amok...

Later that day...Around 9pm

Yuumi was walking around the town in search of the drunk man, he was walking down the road casually with his regular attire now since he had a goof bit of time to change his clothes, he was wearing his red trench coat and the black shirt and the red vest with the cravat, he also was wearing his large floppy fedora and his orange sunglasses, and then he saw his missions calling...

He looked down the road to the sight of a drunk man picking a fight with a 30 year old man who was shying away in fear, the drunk man was much stronger and bigger then the victim which explained the reasoning, he jumped high in the air, aiming for the area right behind the drunkard, he landed silently right behind the man, he was balding and an ugly sight, he felt no remorse for arresting this one, he said with a calm voice, You are under arrest the spun around in surprise and wung at him with a meaty fist, he dodged this attack with relative ease and jumped back shaken his head with a tsk tsk tsk face, he then made a quick set of handsigns and created invisble air claws of his left hand, this was just as the drunk man rushed him using taijutsu, he seemed okay with hand to hand fighting though that wasnt going to work since he was drunk, Yuumi blocked the hook with his right hand and sliced the tendons on his forearm making the arm go limp and he then continued on, he sliced the tendons on the other arm as well, making his arms useless, he then jumped behind the enemy and sliced the hamstrings and rendered his foe useless in combat, the man fell with a grunt and lay there useless in combat aspects, he then slung the man over his shoulder and started walking to the prison that he was to drop this man off for his hearing and trial, he would be put away for at least a little more mission done on him...


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