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1Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Empty Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:12 pm



He was walking home in the middle of the night. His entire body aching. His shirt wet with his sweat.  A black tank top, and a pair of long slim black pants. Tired he walked silently, silent steps, and silent breaths. Why was the young man tired? Barely capable of walking two steps to his home? The answer was simple, Tatsuya overdid it again. 

Ten hours earlier. . . .

A heavyweight hammer, six dumbbells ranging from thirty to sixty kilograms, a bunch of logs held tightly together with a rope and at the end a noose for him to place around his waist. A griping feeling of guilt forces him with a bitter tone whispering in his heart. Whatever that feeling of guilt was, or wherever those whispers came from, he had to escape them. He would fill the void in his time with training in secret. Running around dragging logs. Training various muscles in his body as he prepared himself for an even tougher training and a tougher lift with each training he completes. From endurance, to speed, to strength, to whatever would help him grow stronger.


As he paced his steps he would realize one thing, despite being here for one year and not remembering a single thing from his past; he still feels as though he is a stranger. As he walked alone int he night he was approached by three hostile figures. Two male and one female, Tatsuya would attempt to pass through completely not regarding them. When the smirks on their faces got more intense as one placed his hand on Tatsuya's shoulder letting a few words, "Where do you think you're going pretty boy, how about you give me all that you've got and I'll let you live." Tatsuya smiled a little "I understand. You're trying to rob me, very well." Tatsuya quickly grabbed the man's right hand wrist, stepped on his right foot, and quickly launched his hand arm over his shoulder then removed his foot off the mugger's foot launching him to the ground, Tatsuya followed up by quickly handcuffing the man as he sat his knee on him. However, as he was done cuffing him the girl attempted to stab him with a knife, he however replied with a smarter course of action. He would dodge her attack and somersault to the side. He would in that second rush behind her wrap his arms around her waist and perform a German Suplex on her, knocking the female out. One last remained, male, the male was obviously a boxer from his stance and his punches. Tatsuya would get into a fighting stance as he prepared to take down his attacker, he would percieve his opponent's punch and await the right moment. Tatsuya then grabbed the wrist of his opponent and launched a kick at the right side of his neck with his left leg. The police consultant would pull the man's hand through his wrist over his leg resting at the criminal's neck only to rotate his body to follow up with a second kick knocking the third mugger down.

He needed to bring them down to the police station however moving three people wasn't the easiest of tasks. Just as that thought crossed his mind he noticed the big guy he just took down got up, quite the sturdy one. However, what bothered him was the bunch of people approaching this direction, who were they? If they were civilians he could be endangering their lives, and otherwise he would be fighting more even though he is worn out. He heard the approaching bunch talk about food and realized how hungry he was, and secondly, they were not with him. He then intercepted the criminal.

Last edited by :Tatsuya on Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Empty Re: Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:18 pm



Tenjin was walking home from a long training session. It has been less than a week since Tenjin has arrived back from Kumogakure no sato’s chunin exams, and it was certainly an interesting spectacle. Having personally witnessed one of the shinobi who laid waste to Sunagakure battling one of the legendary seven swordsmen of the Mist, was nothing but enlightening for the young and newly ranked up chunin. This battle, only left Tenjin wanting more power, thinking that if the criminal Lamya ever entered Iwagakure, not much could be done to combat her prowess. This led to the idea that Tenjin needed to become ANBU sooner, rather than later, and training right now is his only requirement for such ranks. The young shinobi spent the entirety of today’s date training in Gisei Lake, a sacrifice to his body in order to gain the capabilities to defend his land with the best of them. Tenjin has realized recently that the Iwagakure no sato’s ANBU division has been in dire need of more soldiers, especially considering the grand administrative changes that he’s been befalling the village in regards to attaining a new Tsuchikage. The council has been said to have a candidate chosen, but the individual will not be announced till due time. When this happens, Tenjin wants to stand by this new Kages side, and defend him with his life if need be. This complicated scenario of the world as is was little known to Tenjin when he was a genin, but now that he has been promoted, he has been given a special intelligence in regards to the state of his village.

Tenjin would look up at the moon with his hands rested upon his head while still pondering the future of Iwagakure and the land hidden in stone. It’s not going to take Tenjin long before he is able to rank up once more. He has already impressed the higher ups with his work in Kumogakure no sato’s chunin exams, not at a participant of the exams, but instead as a representative in the exhibition match as well as with a number of completed missions and intelligence gatherings. Tenjin went to Kumo as a genin, and left as a Chunin due to the work done in a foreign country. While strolling on to his house, Tenjin noticed a very sluggish figure walking in the middle of the night. It was odd considering that there was nobody in the streets at this time so this shinobi was really noticeable. Tenjin was a little further than he would like to be to begin a conversation, but with his keep perception, he did notice that this shinobi has sharp blue eyes, just like Raphael of the Wind. This shinobi also possessed fair alabaster skin, and dark hair with a brown-ish tint. The shinobi appeared tall, Tenjin suspected him to be taller than 6 ft tall. The shinobi appeared to be covert, as he was wearing a black long sleeved shirt and black jeans. Tenjin waited till he got a good distance away before beginning his discussion, “I haven’t seen you around here much?” with an inquiring look Tenjin continued, “Are you a visiting shinobi or are you an Iwa ninja?”

WC 538

3Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Empty Re: Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:09 pm



The person approaching from the dark revealed himself to be a boy around five feet tall, the young man was relived it was not more enemies for him to deal with after a long day of work. The young boy in front of him would approach him in a friendly manner despite the three knocked out bodies around Tatsuya. Either he didn't notice them or he doesn't care. He was a slim yet well-built young boy his body and the way he carried himself made him out to be more of a physical fighter, Taijutsu, Knejutsu, Bojutsu? He wasn't sure.

Tatsuya would listen to the boy's words carefully and reply "I'm afraid I am neither, I am a consultant  for Iwagakure police department." The young man would eye the boy. His stance and the way this boy carried himself showed strength, it was an admirable form that showed great determination. However, Tatsuya purposefully gave an answer that didn't answer the entirety of his questions. Ever since he woke up he's been in Iwagakure, he can't tell anyone he lost his memories otherwise someone may attempt to manipulate him. Another thing is he didn't know if he was from Iwagakure or just a visiting Ninja, but he does know he is chasing his past which is a secret no one should no, not even a child.

The blue eyed swordsman would look at the young boy and speak calmly his tone was as cold and stern as always but he tried to soften it, it was simply how he was. "Would you help me carry these idiots to the police station. I know one nearby." Saying so Tatsuya would carry two idiots each one at one side. The criminals were heavy a bit and Tatsuya was worn out, he couldn't carry the third one, luckily, this boy was around. Tatsuya wondered what a boy could be doing at this time, the boy appeared strong and so Tatsuya predicted the boy with his build, he was a Ninja.

Tatsuya considering Iwagakure as his home would not be a bad idea, but he was eighteen when he has lived for a year here, to disregard eighteen years of life in his previous hometown would be preposterous. Did he have any loved ones? Could he have felt emotions back then? Tatsuya didn't know, but never the less he wanted to know. However, the thing he wants to know is why is there a gripping painful emotion of regret that haunts his heart and forces him to train and become stronger.

It was a starry night, the moon shone ever so beautifully, and the questions in Tatsuya's head would only increase as the seconds passed by. This village, what did it mean to him? Is it a place that could teach him the emotion of love? Will he be able to love the place he's lived in for a  year now? He knew he had many questions, but he also knew he had no answers, it frustrated him.

4Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Empty Re: Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:23 pm



Tenjin was rather surprised to hear this individual not be either an Iwagakure shinobi, nor a visitor. What other options are there really? And Tenjin already knew a great deal of Iwagakures civilians, so he quickly crossed that off the list of potentialities. Being a ninja of Iwagakure no sato, is very much like being a soldier of the village, and Tenjin has tried a great deal to understand and meet a number of Iwagakures inhabitants, yet he doesn’t know them all, he would of course know a consultant, or at least be able to meet one on his route to being a shinobi, I guess this is that time. Tenjin then saw as he had a couple of people restrained on the ground, and was rather disappointed to hear this consultant call them idiots. Anybody that knows Tenjin would know that he is a national socialist, and although he represents his village to the fullest extent, its people, no matter how degrading they may be, are also people that he is proud of, nevertheless, the weakest link need some work to develop themselves properly. Tenjin then proceeded to create the Monkey → Horse → Dragon → Tiger → Ox → Rat → Snake hand seals, establishing the base for the Temporary Paralysis Technique which caused the prisoners to be better restrained. This is a technique that physically restrained the prisoners, as if the criminals had been tied in invisible steel ropes around their torso with their hands by their side. It debilitated the criminals and because they weren’t shinobi, they lacked the ability of strength to break out. Tenjin the decided to speak while grabbing one by the collar of their shirt and standing them up, “I know these guys could have made better decisions in life, but when you live in the bottom of the barrel, there isn’t much you can do but attempt a life of crime to feed your family.” Tenjin then grabbed the other two while continuing his conversation, “We have a missing Tsuchikage and are on the verge of attaining a new, the political system is haywire and the economic stability has matched our current circumstance. I know you’re not from Iwagakure, but sympathize with this individuals please.” Tenjin's monotone was stern as well, with seriousness in every word being spoken.

Tenjin then dusted the individuals and began speaking to the criminals, “I do sympathize with you guys (looking at the girl he would say) and girl, but if you commit a crime you still have the justice system to deal with.” Tenjin was positive these shinobi weren’t going to run due to the impossibility of them being able to break out of a ninjutsu with absolutely no chakra or strength to be able to compete with the technique, so he trusted them to walk along with the Consultant to the police station. Tenjin then turned to this consultant and say, “Now where should we be heading?” Tenjin knew about the police stations in Iwagakure, but didnt know if this consultant worked for a specific one, thus he wanted to follow him to his preferred destination. While walking, just about in the halfway point, Tenjin would then ask and inform the consultant, “My name is Tenjin, what’s yours?”

WC 544
TWC 1,082

5Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Empty Re: Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:49 pm



“I know these guys could have made better decisions in life, but when you live in the bottom of the barrel, there isn’t much you can do but attempt a life of crime to feed your family.”

Tatsuya understood what the young man meant, however, he could never accept harming others in order to prosper and survive. Should such a thing become acceptable then people would be no different than animals. Sayings such as 'survival of the fittest' would prevail. Tatsuya didn't care much however, as far as emotions would go he felt as much as a cold iceberg. Tatsuya could feel no emotions, however, that is what crime leads to, morality falls off and the good become bad as their love is turned to hate. Tatsuya studied psychology which is why he can understand people's emotion, but he can'[t fully understand what he doesn't have. The boy was just, and it would be heartwarming if Tatsuya did feel emotion, however he assumed  Tatsuya wasn't from around. Whether Tatsuya was from Iwagakure or not he didn't know. However, Iwagakure could be his home. Tatsuya spoke "I am from Iwagakure. If people start to prey on the weaker to feed their family, then people turn to animals. However, its pleasant that someone who shows everyone mercy is around, it is that behavior that keeps people from becoming animals."

Tatsuya thanked the man with a slight bow as he helped him grab the criminals. His words rang true, the current economical stability is pretty nonexistent. The nation is at its worse, crimes are at an all high, poverty is at an all high, and the village has no one to protect it from whatever danger that is looming. Mothers feeding their skin to their newborns, kids dying from thirst and hunger, and elderly not receiving the proper medical care, and rich swallowing whatever money is left for the weak and the poor. It was sickening. Tatsuya owed it to the land that sheltered him for almost two years now. He owed Iwagakure a better future. Tatsuya would resolve to fight for the village's sake which is why he enlisted as a shinobi of Iwagakure.

The young man with Tatsuya asked him where their destination was, Tatsuya informed him about the police station and Tenjin would hopefully help him out. As they were delivering the criminals on their way to the police station Tenjin introduced himself, Tatsuya at the time knew nothing about his name. Either Tatsuya or Iziell. Tatsuya would tell Tenjin that his name was Tatsuya. Tatsuya considered Tenjin to be a good person, however, he wasn't sure whether he was acting or genuinely good. His words and nature speak well of the man himself.

6Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Empty Re: Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:22 pm



Tenjin remarked to this new shinobis name while walking to the police station, “Tatsuya huh? It appears like we both don’t carry a last name.” Tenjin didnt know if this was true or not, but one thing is certain, when someone hears of only one name, they are hit with the element of surprise, not knowing from what clan or field of study the individual resides from. Tenjin liked this strategy himself as nobody knows much about his study in the particle release, and so his abilities will remain in the dark until he himself has become proficient in the technique and his opponent is able to witness it for themselves. Nevertheless, Tenjin has told just two people of his studies, and whether they would spread the word of a potential jinton user in the future is actually his hope, as he would become renowned in this shinobi world one day as a defender of Iwagakure no sato, or so that is his ultimate goal. While walking, Tenjin let the prisoners walk ahead, as to better keep an eye on them as we wanted some type of privacy with Tatsuya before beginning to speak with this new shinobi once again. After the prisoners got a reliable distance away, Tenjin would start, “So you said that you’re from Iwagakure?” Tenjin would pause for a short period after this rhetorical question. “I have a team that hasn’t really led to much, due to some unforeseen circumstances, and I am seeking to build my own. I have yet to speak to the administrative office about this potentiality, but I am positive that we can gain the permission to create an official team, and if not, at least an unofficial team.”

Tenjin would again pause as he would let his words sink in in order to gage this shinobis reaction. “We may not know each other at all, but if you’re a consultant for the Iwagakure police force, they must have ran a thorough background check to determine if you’re in a Bingo book somewhere. With that I must also conclude that your judgment can be trusted as you’re allied with the side of justice. I seek individuals who can personify the will of stone. As an Iwagakure shinobi I am positive that you are familiar with the will of stone. Being that the Will of Stone is the nindō that exists symbolically, similar to Konoha's famous Will of Fire. I would like to amass a team of Iwa shinobi that would live their lives by this great principle.To do everything within their power to protect Iwagakure and its people.” Looking up, Tenjin would see that they were closing in to the police station. Tenjin would then inquire on this shinobis interest in this potential role, because if his will is strongly tilted in the side of justice, then this shinobi could become a potential right hand to Tenjins ninja career. Needing a training partner, and an individual to be able to weigh in on matters concerning the greater good of Iwagakure no sato. Tenjin even hopes to create his own out - of - pocket organization that is capable of doing things for Iwagakure, but this is something that will need time and consistent effort. Tenjin would then ask, “What do you think?”

WC 549
TWC 1,631

7Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Empty Re: Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Tue Apr 17, 2018 5:40 pm



“I have a team that hasn’t really led to much, due to some unforeseen circumstances, and I am seeking to build my own. I have yet to speak to the administrative office about this potentiality, but I am positive that we can gain the permission to create an official team, and if not, at least an unofficial team.”


The Shinobi helping Tatsuya began speaking about a team he hoped to build. According to the helpful Shinobi his team has faced problems due to some unforeseen circumstances, Tatsuya wasn't sure why the young man wanted to create a team, further more it seems he was serious about the team going as far as to request administrative approval. Administrative approval meant the team would take high priority important missions and operate as a law enforcement and as a approved part of the nation's military. So was the case at least when it came to teams of Shinobi.


Tatsuya would listen to the man as they almost reached the police station. The blue eyed swordsman contacted a cop and informed him of the situation and prepared the station for the apprehension of the suspects. Tatsuya, continued listening to the young man speak as he had more to say. The man made a remark of recognition of Tatsuya's position when it comes to the Iwagakure. He confirmed through knowledge of Tatsuya's occupation; a police consultant, Tatsuya is someone siding with justice. In order to become a consultant one needed a background check, Tenjin was capable of determining that, proving that the shinobi helping Tatsuya was no amateur and is knowledgeable.


Tenjin continued and reached the conclusion that Tatsuya's judgement was not one to be underestimated seeing as how he is a consultant for the police. However, after all observations, Tenjin spoke of his true intent. He's gathering individual that can personify the will of stone. The code an Iwagakure Shinobi lives by. Tatsuya would process this entire load of information, and it was not entirely bad info, just somewhat strange. Why would a team be needed at such a time? Tatsuya recalled reading about a village that was destroyed. The current situation Iwagakure is indeed in a dire situation. Iwa was now one of the weakest villages amongst the remaining four villages.


The man offering   a spot on his team seemed kind and determined. He seemed like someone with will and strategy, and not someone to be underestimated. Intellect is a Shinobi’s greatest tool. The young swordsman considered his offer carefully, and having more allies is necessary, especially if he’s going to protect the current home of the one he adores. The blue eyed Shinobi thought of Iwagakure’s value to himself. It was hard to find emotional value in a man that feels nothing of emotions. His only emotion that he strongly felt was love towards Kongo Sabaku. However, Tatsuya could find emotional value through her, for this was the village he met her in.

Tatsuya would remember the moments he shared with Kongo, they helped him find purpose. However, there was a lingering feeling he constantly felt; regret. He felt this regret ever since he awoke, and a woman of black hair always appeared. Tatsuya resolved to search for his memories and to love Kongo to the best of his ability and beyond                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Tatsuya agreed to Tenjin’s offer and looked forward to joining his team.  What Tenjin’s goal is was clarified. Tatsuya understood that working with the strategist would help him reach closure, or find a hint of his past. Tatsuya nodded in acceptance and reached out his hands to shake Tenjin’s hand. As the two shook hands a bunch of criminals broke loose from the police station. Tatsuya gave Tenjin a look as though they didn’t weird to understand one another. They needed to stop the criminals, six criminals in total. Tatsuya would take care of three and Tenjin would take care of the other three.


Tatsuya drew his blade from behind him as he got into a battling stance prepared to decimate the criminals and eliminate that which interferes with his job and damages the home of his loved one. He eyed the criminals as he prepared to intercept them one by one. He would study their movements, their footing, their habits, and their movement patterns.


Among the criminals Tatsuya would fight two were armed, and one seemed to be a shinobi. Tatsuya would need to utilize a good deal of his strength in order to repel the criminals and take them down. The blue eyed swordsman spun his blade in his hand as he brought it back to his left side his other hand immediately following up and gripping the blade. Holding the sword with two hands. This fight would be an interesting one, it would also allow Tatsuya to pay attention to his new friend.


Tatsuya would enjoy this fight, to him, it was simply more training. Tatsuya’s refined and elegant Chakra flowed around him as sharp as a crescent moon. Tatsuya would utilize certain techniques he’s been training in secret. Those techniques would make him stronger. Tatsuya’s lightning was raging inside of him aching to be blasted away at his enemies. However, this lightning raging within as though it’s a beast must be controlled. Tatsuya must control his raging lightning and bend it to his will in order to truly grow stronger. The blue eyed swordsman began releasing his Chakra slowly but steadily and eventually quickly and sharply. He would hone his lightning control and become capable of giving shape to his dominant element, lightning.
Tatsuya was working on developing stronger techniques to aid him in battle. Close range Tatsuya is effective, and he can close in on any far targets, being able to combat the fastest and the fiercest. Tatsuya's blinding Jutsu was also an effective surprise effect. Ninja deal with an environment not only with their eyes, but with their ears as well. However, being suddenly blinded gave a slight window of opportunity to attack the enemy and end their struggle.

The swordsman however, needed a method of attack from a distance, being simply close range was not a healthy thing. Limiting one's self to a certain range is highly unfavorable. Many Ninja preferred long range, and those individuals had their ways of remaining at a distance. Tatsuya had his Kaminari technique which helped him blast himself in a straight line towards a target, however it required time to cool off, during that time a target would have already kept their distance.

And so instead of a new lightning color, this time the swordsman of blue eyes required a functioning attack that targeted even the farthest of enemies. He wanted something that could hit hard and from afar. It was then that the idea of shooting projectiles from afar came popping up in his head. He would launch his lightning from afar and if used in conjunction with his cerulean lightning the reach and speed of such an attack can be enhanced, however he wanted an attack that could be enhanced in terms of damage.

He needed more power, more attack and more defense. He desired an even greater power, in order to protect all that he cares for, and find his memories. To end a chase that seems to hold no closure at the end of the tunnel. Tatsuya closed his eyes as he began to visualize what he needed. The strength to demolish those that stood in his path.

Tatsuya was highly offensive and lacked any defense to back him up, in order to remain balanced, and capable ina  fight he needed a defensive technique that could shield him from oncoming harm in case he determines that whatever he's going to be facing is too difficult to dodge or avoid. A tricky situation is bound to trip him over in case he has no defenses to protect himself from the offensive of others and counter block-able attacks.

Tatsuya gripped his blade and in his stance he moved the blade to his right side as a foot was placed in fron of him and his other was placed behind him. A dash attack, a spinning defense, and a ranged assault, and finally something to strengthen him even beyond the enhancement of his lightning, something more powerful. Tatsuya opened his eyes as they switched to a red color glaring at the enemies he would soon drop,

Toyal words: 3035
Exit Thread

3 C-Rank Jutsus Learned:

  1. Lightning Style: Enraged thunder god I (Raiton) = 900 words

  2. Lightning style: King’s Crescent(Raiton/ Buki) = 800 words

  3. Sword style: Storming Assault (Raiton/Buki) = 800 words


3035/2500 = 535 WORDS LEFT

Perception D2->D3 535/450  Training Complete

Words left: 85

~~Training Complete~~

Last edited by :Tatsuya on Sat Apr 21, 2018 7:49 pm; edited 3 times in total

8Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Empty Re: Resolve? [NK/INVITE ONLY] Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:44 pm



Tenjin was in the midst of shaking hands with his newfound ally, and in the process, realized that six individuals ran right by them, even one breaking their hand shake by running right in between Tenjin and Tatsuya. Tenjin was going to remark on this rude figure, but noticed police officers behind the group of people running requesting assistance in obtaining these running figures as they were apparently criminals who have escaped. Tenjin and Tatsuya looked at each other, and without words, decided to assist in this police officers endeavours to capture these bandits right on their track, and certainly before they got into the village to cause more meihem. Tenjin realized his partner take a sword out which quickly marked him as a swordsman, but Tenjin didn’t have time to entertain these criminals with minor combat, so he decided to utilize a jutsu that he had more or less perfected as a genin. Tenjin would slowly but surely phase out of existence, as he enacted the Transparent Escape Technique. This technique has never actually been seen by anyone except for another Iwagakure shinobi, a kunoichi actually, by the name of Kongo. This jutsu allowed Tenjin to maneuver without being noticed. The technique would be shown to render Tenjin completely invisible, allowing him to both escape from the opponent's sight and make stealthy strikes on his opponent. This is a jutsu Tenjin created in order to pay homage to the great particle release shinobi Mu, and as this occurred, his opponents became much more vigilant. Knowing that Tenjin didn’t disappear to run away, the criminals appeared to fear what was coming next. Tenjin would walk up to the criminals fearing for their lives and at the last secant, the criminal at the utmost furthest distant decided to yell out. “I dont know about you guys, but I’m already out of that god forsaken police station and I am not prepared to fight a shinobi just to go back in!” This person then turned in order to dash out of the area before dust was seen make a cloud right in front of this criminals feet. It was Tenjin who ran at top speed to intercept this man while still invisible, and with a hand placed on his chest, Tenjin would not say a word and instead utilize his newly created jutsu, the Repulsion Technique.

By expelling a massive amount of chakra from his palm, Tenjin was able to produce a strong repulsive force, great enough to be able to break this criminals rib bones with concussive force and push the target back to the point that he reached the doorstep of the police station. This criminal was certainly down for the count, and the action itself brought even more fear into the eyes of these run away bandits. Tenjin would see how his ally was doing and seeing as he was glowing with immense chakra, Tenjin deduced he was in no such thing as imminent danger. With that quick glance, Tenjin would form the ox hand seal, turning the ground beneath one of the target's feet that tried running toward where he believed Tenjin to be, as he was within the jutsu's range into a massive river of mud, just about four meters wide, that threw them off balance and dragged them ten meters in a straight path away from the location they were previously positioned and toward the police station itself. This target was slammed into the police stations rock hard walls, knocking the man out cold as he lost his breath due to being hit with sufficient force on his spinal cord and mostly his tail bone. Tenjin was still invisible, and seeing what happened to the first criminal, the last man standing was wearry about attempting to run off. Seeing the consequence of the second to be better punishment, the man attempted to focus, to try and see if Tenjins invisibility carried some sort of noticeable weakness. But to the uninitiated civilian, perceiving such a weakness would have taken more time that Tenjin was willing to give. Forming the adjacent hand seals, Monkey → Horse → Dragon → Tiger → Ox → Rat → Snake, the Temporary Paralysis Technique was activated on his last target. Tenjin would then slowly begin to phase back into the material world as he slowly walked toward the tied up criminal. The criminals fear began to subside knowing where Tenjin was, and believing that this was the worst he was going to get, but Tenjin didnt want to give this man the opportunity to run again. So when Tenjin got within striking distance, the man began to talk, “Why would…” and before he was done speaking, Tenjin hit the man on a pressure point on the soft spot right above his collarbone in order to knock this man out as well. Before the man fell, Tenjin grabbed him by the shirt and released the bind. The young chunin the proceeded to drag this last criminal toward the police station, and dropping him off right by the door and in front of the cop who was flabbergasted by what he just witnessed. Tenjin looked back at Tatsuya, realizing he was certainly capable of handling his own, he would murmur under his breath before Body flickering out of the area, “We will definitely meet again, Blue Eyed Swordsmen.”



WC 894
TWC 2,525

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