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1Theft Protection [Training] Empty Theft Protection [Training] Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:16 pm


Trilby opened another crate of beer, passing around the ice cold beverages to his comrades in arms, who were regaling him with tales of the past, of missions, the good and the bad. "So then, he grabbed my sword, and plunged it into my chest. Barely missing my heart. And there I am, sword in my abdomen, and out of nowhere this random hunter shoots him in the head with an arrow and halls me off to the hospital. Absolute bloody miracle I tell you." Trilby paused at this, pondering the notion. It certainly was a dangerous thought, someone taking your own weapon, turning it on you. It would be bad enough with a regular sword, let alone something powerful, such as a legendary blade. The slightest mistake and your own weapon could be your bane. "Hey Akimo, let me see that sword of yours" Trilby asked, nodding towards the grey handled Wakizashi sitting on his lap. "I don't see why not." he said, grasping it by the sheath and tossing it over to Trilby. Unsheathing the blade, Trilby began to examine it in depth. It appeared to be a well designed weapon, with a beautiful zig-zag pattern Hamon running through the centre.

"What crafting method was used for the core?" Trilby asked, inspecting every detail of the beautiful weapon in-depth. It was a lovely, sharp, well polished tool indeed. "Honsanmai. I couldn't afford one with Soshu Kitae, I'm far too broke for that." Trilby withdrew a small, leather bound notebook, quickly drawing a diagram of what he knew about the Honsanmai core. A solid core of low carbon Hocho-Tetsu, that comprised the Shingane. Then high carbon tamahagane and nabe-gane was forced into the kawagane, which was wrapped around the shingane. These metals spanned form 95% to 98% iron. Other than that, it was mostly carbon, the element that gave it both it's sharpness and it's defensive force. The other trace elements of could be easily compensated for. Closing his book, Trilby looked at his comrade with thoughtfulness. "If you allow me to keep this sword for one day, I'll come up with a seal that can ensure no one but you will be able to wield it ever again." The elderly shinobi paused for a second, Looking Trilby up and down before nodding. "I'll get her back from ya tomorrow then. Take care of her." he said with a smile. One day to create a seal. Trilby loved a challenge, but this one would take the cake.

It was early morning, and Trilby was already hard at work. The infinite majesty of the grand library laid out before him. His sensei, the kazekage, was a swords woman herself, even his friend Shibirin was. As such, It made sense he would invent a seal of this nature eventually. His thought process behind the seal was relatively simple, yet brilliant. Within Earth element manipulation was the ability to adjust the density and weight of materials contained within the blade, protecting it from theft, and the horrid fate of someone turning your own weapon against him. He already knew how to trigger ninjutsu effects on physical contact, if he could create a seal that could manipulate the chemical components of the blade to rapidly increase in weight when an alien hand grasped the hilt. Within this, he'd have made one of the most powerful katana defences the sand had ever seen. Still, to do that he had to understand how the blades were constructed, in intricate detail. He started with the chemical composition of the average katana, using it as a base formula for his seal to function within. 95.22% Iron, 3.00% Carbon, 1.54% Cobalt, 0.11% Manganese, 0.05% Tungsten, 0.04% Molybdenum, 0.02% Titanium, and other irrelevant trace elements. While this was not completely accurate, it was accurate enough for the formula that he was working on, falling within the margin of error. Even chraka metals fell within this formula, though they had a higher concentration of Cobalt, Tungsten and adamantium beyond trace amounts.

In the forging process, the soft, low carbon count iron was forged into a shingane by being folded many times, creating hundreds of folds. This meant he'd have to layer the seal effect, otherwise it would only penetrate the first few layers before stopping, limiting the amount of weight it would increase by, and thus it's effectiveness. The outer shell, Kawagane, was formed out of carbon dense iron rather than it's low carbon cousin. The seal effect would have to be split into two, different density formulas for the different types of composition. It was all well and good, but without a trigger mechanism, there was nothing to actually dictate when the effect would activate and when it would lay dormant. The chakra system is a network unique to the human being, and like a fingerprint it's details were unique too. The shape and exact position of the chakra pathways, as well as the form of the chakra itself, was not only unique, but incredibly hard to fake. Trilby postulated a simple Chakra trigger similar to what he used on his Kuroimibe no Geijutsu: Jigoku Youjinbou. The seal could detect chakra signatures on contact, only activating when a non-registered chakra signature connected with the hilt.

The basic skeleton of the formula was complete, a seal consisting of various calculations, a bit of his own personal magic and a locking mechanism, but he needed to test it to be sure. Removing Akimo's old Wakizashi from it's sheath, he laid it out in-front of him. Re-reading his notes, he sighed, thinking aloud. "God, this better work." Trilby raised his hands over the sword, clasping them together. He began to perform a string of hand seals. Anger, Sage, God, Release, Apology, Peace, Confront, Dragon, Rat. Trilby laid his hands on the sword, covering the entire blade from head and toe in kanji in a burst of flame. On the butt of the hilt was his logo, The Ouroboros. All the kanji slowly disappeared, except for a small string on the hilt itself. He grasped the hilt, and the kanji flared up, glowing temporarily before vanishing. It had bound his chakra signature to the blade, just as he expected. sliding the blade back into it's old bamboo sheath, he gathered up his notes, pocketing them and making his way outside into the wind. There, he approached the nearest person he could see, "Excuse me!" he shouted out, making his way towards him. "Can you try and lift this please?" Trilby said with a smile, holding out his sword. The man cautiously reached out, grasping the handle. The sword began to become immensely heavy as the man grasped it, falling out of Trilby's hands and bashing on the ground below. It had worked. The second a man who wasn't the owner held the hilt, the seal activated, making the sword weight increase dramatically. Scooping up the sword, Trilby turned, making his way towards the Jounin lounge. He had a sword to deliver!

The sun had set over Sunagakure, and the jounins were sitting around, drinking and regaling each other with tales once more. Akimo walked in, to see Trilby sitting there, His trusty Wakizashi across his knee. "So, what've you done to my girl?" he said with excitement, staring at his sword. The conversation in the room dropped dead silent as he approached, all eyes sweeping towards Trilby, locking onto the sword with excitement. "Take it." Akimo grasped the hilt, pulling with all his might, yet still the sword remained in place. "what have you done?!" He sounded confused, like he had no idea what was going on. Trilby picked up the sword by the hilt with ease, waving it around. "The seal I promised you. It increases the weight of the materials in the sword when it detects an unregistered chakra signal. Now all I need to do is unbind mine and bind yours." Trilby quickly formed a string of hand seals, causing the kanji to burst into flames before dissolving. Again, he formed his prior string of Hand seals. Anger, Sage, God, Release, Apology, Peace, Confront, Dragon, Rat. Kanji overtook the blade once more, from tip to hilt. "Grasp the hilt and it will only be able to be wielded by you." Trilby said with a grin. Akimo reached out gingerly, grabbing his sword and lifting it. One by one, It was carried around the room, but not a soul could lift it except Akimo. Trilby had done it. In just one day, he had invented another one of his own Dark Priests arts seals, and not only that, but a defensive technique that could protect some of the strongest weapons in the world from theft. Simple, yet complicated, this eloquent piece of seal work could make him a fortune. Perhaps he could even place them on the legendary blades, protecting them from being taken by anyone but their rightful wielder, whoever that might be.

Word Count: 1500/1500

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