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1Peace at last. (Open) Empty Peace at last. (Open) Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:26 pm



(OOC: If I type italicized I'm using sign language.)

Chinmoku was laying on to a tree in the forest drawing pictures in her sketchpad. She hadn't had a chance to relax for a while and was happy to be able to just sit and draw. She was in a good mood so she was drawing a scene with wild creatures frollicking around in a field. She was curious whether anybody else was in the forest somewhere. She both wanted someone else to be so she could meet new people but she didn't want anyone to disturb her drawing. She was almost finished with it so she wouldn't really mind.

2Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:55 am



Giketsu slowly strolled trough the tree's a bit sleepy after the night in the sewers at which he was hiding from the last nights rain.He had decided to come here to get rid of the stench.Nothing beats rolling in some flowers after a long and exceptionally stenchful' night.Giketsu is was wearing no shoe's and his ragged pants covered his feet over the ankles.He had a relatively new black shirt covered over his left shoulder.There's no reason to get it wet ,is there?His hair were somewhat messy with few flower buds and pieces of grass tangled in them. Some small patches of grass were sticked to his back due to the moisture.They didn't bother him much so he saw no reason to reach for them.

Overall Giketsu was now smelling quite forest "fresh" leaving no traits of his yesterday.While walking he whistled joyfully to cover the sound of his growling stomach as the few berries he had just earlier didn't seem to reach it.While driving his fingers trough his hair he suddenly notices Chinmoku he startles ,shrugs and hops back.
"Woah ,you scared me!"-Giketsu recovers to regain his stance with his back straight and chin up.
Then he thinks for a second and his face turns into a mix between scare and curiosity - "Do I have a reason to be scared?"

3Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:12 am



Hearing a voice she didn't recognise, Chinmoku looked up from her drawing at the boy who just spoke to her and shook her head. She looked over the boy from head to toe before she signed 'Do you understand sign language?' She then flipped to a new page in her sketchbook and started drawing in it.

4Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:22 am



Giketsu exhaled in relief as she nodded negatively.Giketsu felt really relived and even managed to smile but then all of the his face changed to horror.Handseals!!! Giketsu thought to himself as he noticed Chinmoku moving her hands and suddenly rushed behind the nearest tree for cover.He ran in panick so he even dropped his shirt and tripped on a root while moving behind the trees trunk.Giketsu managed to hold balance after the trip and he instantly dropped down covering his head.Only after a while when he realized nothing is happening he slowly peeked at Chinmoku while still holding his body covered behind the tree.

5Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:33 am



Chinmoku was confused as to what had just happened. "Guess not" she thought to herself. She stopped drawing, stood up then slowly walked towards Giketsu facing the floor, picking up his shirt on the way. When she got to the tree he was behind she held out the hand with the shirt in towards him.

6Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:17 am



Giketsu realized she meant no harm as She handed him his shirt so he slowly took it."Thank you"-he said while rubbing the back of his head with one hand and holding the shirt in the other.He had this stupid smile on his face whit which he tried to hide his embarrassment.
"I wasn't that afraid you know"-Giketsu tried to explain himself-
"I was just preparing a counter attack ,you got lucky I didn't thought of you as much of a threat...".

7Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:57 am



Chinmoku lets out a silent laugh then writes 'I'm a mute I can't speak. I was using sign language' in her sketchbook then turns it around to point towards Giketsu so he can read it.

8Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:04 am



Giketsu shrugs a bit as she makes the sudden moves and then realizes she's writing.He monitors her action and then reads what she has to say.Realizing she's mute he understands his foolishness.
"Ahh , sorry for rash actions"-he says as he puts his shirt on by pulling it over his head.
"What are you doing here in the woods all alone ,are you lost?"- he says while throwing a look around.

9Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:28 am



Chinmoku shakes her head then writes 'I was just out here drawing because I like being in quiet peaceful places.' After showing this to Giketsu and allowing him the time to read it she goes back to the page she was drawing on earlier with the animals and shows it to him.

10Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:39 am



"Looks nice ,your really talanted."-Giketsu says while observing the picture.
"I guess we have something in common - we both make colors with our hands."- Giketsu says smiling and then starts slowly waving his hands in front of him and then soddenly crosses them with a clap followed by a twist as he draws a flower out of a nowhere.It would be a nice gesture if not for the fact that flower was upside down ,with a chunk of earth covering its
still present root.Giketsu decided to hand it to her anyways.The flower itself is beautiful ,with a blue blossom and livingly green leaves.
"Well...Umm...It's the idea that counts ,right?" -Giketsu makes an awkward smirk.

11Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:02 am



Chinmoku blushes and takes the flower. After cutting the roots off with one of her nails she sticks it into her hair. She then writes "It's beautiful thank you. How does it look?" then shows the writing to Giketsu.

12Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:09 am



Watches her de-rooting the flower and putting it into her hair.He would offer her a knife or any sort of a shiv to help her cut the root but after a quick run-over his own pockets to remember he's not carrying any.
After reading her response he makes this stupid looking smiles -"It looks ..." -Giketsu pauses for a second and raises his thumb clearly stating OK ,as there is nothing else he could show her in sign language no matter how much he wanted to.

13Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:03 pm



Chinmoku blushed again and then after another few seconds acted shocked as if she had just remembered something. She started writing in her sketchbook and after a few seconds held it out to Giketsu and it said "I almost forgot to ask. Are you ok? You tripped over earlier."

14Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:58 pm



Giketsu started to feel a bit uncomfortable so he shook his head randomly which might have caused some of the water in his hair to splash on Chinmoku.
"Woah,sorry!"-he shouted out as he noticed what had he done and right as he was about to answer her question and he opened his mouth to say the 1st word a laud growl coming from his stomach covered it.
Giketsu's face clearly expressed awkward confusion."Nice timing ",he taught to himself.

15Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:10 am



Kami ran into the forest and spotted some individuals that might be useful. He stopped running and looked at both of them repeatedly. "Well now this is quite the annoying day." He crossed his arms tightly over his chest as he ran up to them. He cold eyes glaring at both of them. "So it has been months since I made blood spill or took a life." "It appears that my target will become such a bloody sight for all to behold."

16Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:05 pm



Chinmoku turned towards the newcomer and looked him up and down a few times. She didn't like his attitude but decided to try communicate with him anyway. "Do you understand sign language?" She signed to him.

17Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:18 pm



Giketsu recognized the newcomer. He had seen him before and judging by his current attitude he seemed even more corrupted than before. Instinctively checked his own pockets for any item by driving his hands over them and gently touching for anything sharp.From aside this might have looked like cleaning his hands. Obviously he was carrying nothing. Giketsu made a step forth towards Kami placing himself between closer than Chinmoku. He stepped closer to Chinmoku as well moving his shoulder before her still facing Kami.Then Giketsu rose his hands shoulder height with palms toward the rowdy commoner.
"Woah there. I don't think this is a proper place for violence of any sort." - Giketsus voice turned louder and some doubt could be heard in it.

18Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:30 pm



Kami looks coldy at the female. "What exactly are you doing?" His skin seemed paler. His eyes grew colder and with hints of anger. As he glanced at the male with such hate. "There is always a time to take a life." "There is always time to make others suffer to make your point." "So what is yours?"

19Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:28 pm



Chinmoku was both amazed and disgusted at Kami's ignorance and lack of respect for life. She decided not to waste any more time attempting communication and got afraid Kami was going to try something so she slowly backed up and hid behind a tree.

20Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:41 am



Giketsu had seen a lot of violence during his short existence so seeing someone excusing violence as a way of making point enraged him. Giketsu cludged his hand in a fist but then after the next inhale released it. Giketsu felt relived as Chinmoku backed off, he felt it was safer for her that way.
"With violence there is just one point to be made...That your sick and you should seek out some help. Any human being capable of empathy would consider violence as an option only under strict circumstances and no other choice.So ,are you a psychopath or just seeing no other options?"-although this might have sounded offensive Giketsu spoke calmly. He was serious about his arguments as even maniacs had a reason to kill. They were delusional but still arguments. Giketsu stood relaxed yet ready to react as a person like this is unpredictable.

21Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:36 am



Kami coldly looked at male. As he grabbed an animal and began to squeeze on its throat as he punted to finish it off. "You question me with such idiocy." His did not even bother to clench his fist. "I see a struck a nerve." "Judging by your fist you wish to fight me." As he ran right hand through his long black hair his eyes began to look more emotionless. "She showed intelligence by backing away from me." "I could have easily ended her and made it look like it was an animal attack."

22Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:13 pm



At hearing this statement a shiver went down Chinmoku's back. She was terrified by this boy's confidence in his statements causing her to believe he would actually do it. She started shedding slow, silent tears at the thought that this boy would kill so casually without even a second thought just to prove a point.

23Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:20 am



Giketsu realized n ow that he's dealing with someone mentally ill. As a pacifist by nature he looked at the man ending a life of an innocent creature. Giketsu wanted to act but he also knew that there would be no point in this. By killing Kami he would just prove he's no better than him. Something suddenly realized something. Someone who kills that easily is explaining himself. Why? He obviously killed without a reason yet he tried to explain himself ,make an excuse. If he was here for blood he'd already acted. That's if there's a crumbles of logic remaining in his void soul.

Giketsu's face suddenly changed. You could see a smile , even a smirk on side of his mouth. "Don't worry ,"-Giketsu addressed to Chinmoku while still smirking at Kami - " He's not going to hurt you." Then Giketsu made a confident step forth towards Kami provoking to anger him. He closed the distance standing elbow's reach away from Kami and asked ,"Are you?". Giketsu stood close enough to cause natural discomfort as he was obviously invading Kami's personal space. "Cut the crap! I'm tired of your ill babbling. Why ARE you here and what exactly do you want?" Giketsu just stood there relaxed ,with his hands by his side shoulders lowered contrary to military stance therefore signing he's not even slightly tensed. He's breathing was extremely calm ,too calm even. He's left hands index and middle finger were slowly swinging and on his face there was this annoying , self confident smirk.

24Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:28 pm



Kami smirked at him. "Isn't that everyone's question?" "Why are they here?" "Her silence is amusing and yet your stupidity is quite annoying." His eyes shifted toward the the tree she was hiding behind and he grabbed another small animal and began to squeeze on its throat until he killed it. As he tossed it corpse to a tree that she hid behind. "I am tired of cowards in my presence." As looked back at the male quickly. "Lay one hand on me and I will send bury your corpse here."

25Peace at last. (Open) Empty Re: Peace at last. (Open) Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:55 pm



After hearing the obvious last breath of an animal, Chinmoku knew without having to look that the bang on the tree was the corpse being thrown into it. She was absolutely terrified at this point and hoped it wouldn't get any more violent than the boy killing wild animals, though she didn't like that either.

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