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Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Well then, this was... going to be different. For once. He was challenged all the time by his cousin Takoma; but those always ended quickly and with the younger male in the hospital usually. Hotheaded idiot had nothing on Kenta; for all the blonde's posturing and apparent temper, he usually managed to keep cool in fights. Or as cool as one could expect an Inuzuka to be. Hell, that was why he'd taken the liberty of deciding a time and place for the challenge, instead of just taking someone's head off in his office. Although that was a valid option as well; given it was his office, and he was clan head. Bleh, not like he couldn't afford the repair bill himself; his parents had left him a small fortune as an inheritance; he pretty much just donated the entirety of his current pay and spending allotments to the local orphanage as it was; even Michi's pay was just extra spending money they didn't need.

Kenta shook his head some, clearing his thoughts from the rambling tangent they had taken. He was slowly rounding the area he'd designated; dragging a stick in the dirt to outline the combatant zone they would use. It was.... well, nearly the size of a football field, if you where to round one out into a near perfect circle. They would need the extra space of course; what with the speed and power of two Kage level ninja duking it out. It would have likely been a better idea to take the fight completely outside the village, and into the deeper forests between Konoha and the border with the Grass country; but then there was the likely encounters with his Ookamizuka cousins that routinely scouted near the borders. The male wasn't in the mood for a family reunion just yet, the yearly one in three months would be enough for him.

He connected the ends of the circle after nearly a half hour of slow paced walking; retreating from the fading fury of the mid-summer sun and under one of the large trees that outlined the far western edge of the fight area. They would be on the far boundary of the forest and hilly plains; in an area that was a fairly even mix of flat forest and rolling, stream hiding hills. It was perfect for them both; the forest was a natural barrier to protect the village, there was plenty of open space for them to move in, a strong breeze and plenty of water to work with, and given how dry it had been lately, there was plenty of dry brush and such to work with.

“Naota. I know you're there.” He leaned against the trunk of the tree, rubbing the sweat from his brow and taking a swig of water from a bottle he'd brought with him. In this heat, and this close to the fight, he wouldn't have time, nor want to, dive into a stream; as he'd likely fall asleep in the water and not wake up in time. “I need you to be ready for this... I have a feeling... this may turn ugly.” It wasn't that he had a reason to outright distrust the other Inuzuka... but something felt off about this. Like... he should be expecting something dirty to happen. He'd keep his guard up, but not outright say anything. Moving to sit in the cooler shade, partially hidden by the exposed roots, he went over the rules in his mind once more. A final preparations check, as it where. This was his first serious challenge since assuming both Clan Leader and Hokage; the fights with Takoma where little more then a weekly ritual at this point; the wilder male being so predictable to Kenta once he'd mastered the other's style.

They hadn't had to pick Seconds, Yui would be bringing the Kaguya no matter what, and Naota was the only one Kenta knew that could handle this. Step one, check. Mark the battle zone, check. He'd even been generous about it, marking out likely twice the amount of space they would really need. Third, sweep for traps and hidden weapons, Yuki was on that and should be done well before the challenger arrived. In fact, he could see her moving through the undergrowth behind the treeline, sticking to the cool forest over the faster, but broiling hot, open fields. He planned to announce the rules when they arrived; something told him that the Kazekage was not as well versed in clan law as she might wish to seem; and he definitely needed to fill in Naota.

Last edited by Kenta Inuzuka on Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:58 pm; edited 2 times in total



The male stirred, black eyes peering down from the lower branches of a nearby tree. He'd been resting comfortably, watching his Kage undertake the process of marking out the boundaries of this 'battle'., all the while, braiding his 'lines'. One hundred and fifty feet of razor wire, braided down to fifty feet in order to increase the strength. It would dull the cutting power somewhat, but that's what wind chakra was for...

Lowering himself from the branch, he removed his own shirt and tossed it over the low branch. “You presume a lot. One day, you'll ask for me, and I wont respond.” Plopping on his ass, he folded his legs Indian-style and closed his eyes. After several moments, chakra began to leak from his body, enveloping him in a strange aura. What was this? What was he doing? The answer was simple. The male was meditating.

It was something Naota took very seriously, and practically the only thing he did regularly beyond training. In the male's mind, he was within his own body, tugging and stretching his chakra pathways. To anyone looking at him, it would seem that his body would envelop itself in flames one moment, then the flames would be snuffed out as gusts of wind blew away from him. Around his body, the air would shimmer and heat, the grass turning brown, black, and finally beginning to smoke. With this, his lips moved, locking into the mantra that drove him and his training. Mobile. Agile. Hostile.

For several long minutes he remained there, nary a muscle twitching save for his lips. And with his prolonged mediation, the air heated more, the winds picking up and blowing harder to the point that the ground on which he sat had glassed over. His breathing was deep, calm despite the inferno emanating from his body. Almost as quickly as it had begun, the inferno subsided, drawing itself back into the male's body, and giving him the appearance that he was glowing from within. Black eyes opened, and the male stood, offering Kenta a grin.

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

It was nearing the destined time for battle Yui was quite excited enough so she was even shaking she could not wait to do battle against someone probably equally if not stronger than her. It had been ages since she battled someone on par with her as she had always been a dominating force in her village even as a genin she had rarely met a foe that pushed her to the extreme. As she began to meditate several hours before the destined fight it was something Jojo was seeing for the first time Yui was taking this fight very seriously and clearing her thoughts so she could be as focused as humanly possible.

" Jojo I do not think the Kage will play dirty; but keep an eye on the other Inuzuka's in the area if they try to make a move do whatever it takes to stop them. I want a fair one on one battle if anyone interferes I will ill them, so do your best to stop them and you stay out of the fight as well. "

She went back to meditating over the next hour before she stood stretching and looking toward Sekkiea it was time to show the Kage he needed to give her some respect she was no chump like the loyal Mutt as his side. This certainly would be a fight many Inuzuka would come to watch it was rare that two Inzuuka were so powerful and fight for leadership she only hoped her destructive ways would not harm the village. She made her way toward the location of the fight as she saw a line, so they had a boundary oh well though she liked having as much space as she wanted for a fight. She smiled toward Kenta this would be fun, she could taste the fierce battle that would happen it would be one of epic proportions.

" Well the time has come I am sure you have some rules being I am the challenger I must follow them so go ahead and announce them. Do not think I am so naive to not understand my clan I simply play stupid to lower your guard I understand a great deal about many things I am no fool. "

She waited to hear the ruled looking and smiling at Jojo she would be cautious but she would destroy anyone that tries to harm Jojo she really hoped no one was that stupid. She rubbed Sekkiea's head as she had not been in a good battle with her in some time as well, the two were quite the destructive pair she would show Kenta why she was called the bloody beast of Suna.

Jojo Kaguya

Jojo Kaguya

Read if you want to know what all she did in the last 6 hours:

The training she performs was simple as she would be eating right then and there under the supervision persay of the Kazekage watching as the hour was drawing near, a line of sweat beading down her face as she wiped it away and finished the cooking of her meal. It was simple enough to put that the meal only consisted of Miso Soup soaked noodles as she would take them graciously into her bodily system. She found a comfort in this as she continued her perception of the training to which she found the meditation of her friend ending very soon. She found a peace there as she continued to finish eating with sweet delicacy as she continued to sit there and to which she found her friend getting up from her spot, it must be time to go now then? She would follow behind after trashing the utensils she had with the finished meal.

Listening to every word as she entered she would keep with formalities and do a head bow to the two Konoha Shinobi as she knew she would keep a testy look out for any foul play, her senses may be duller but gracefully she found a continued availability to which she would not give away per say. The hope of making it through here without deaths was a strong one for her as she would look around and hope for the better to which she would look and then take part to move and lean into a tree where she looked out and saw the large field. It was definitely big enough to her and probably too big but that was beside the point, she found such a melodic feel to be enthralling to her as she kept her eyes forward and made certain to watch and learn, maybe even to train a little with it.
2113 Words of Taijutsu Specialty training

Last edited by Jojo Kaguya on Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:41 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : cut and paste somewhere else)

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

He saw the Suna nin arrive, choosing to ignore them for a bit longer. Better to wait for Yuki to arrive, and therefore be able to calm her out of her likely growing rage before it escalated. Very few thinks set her into an instant rage; but the female Inuzuka's lack of proper respect, in any fashion; was doing it. Kenta merely reached out towards her as she trotted up; offering the spot beside him to her; waiting until she had sat down to hook the arm over her and whisper soothing words and growls to her. “This will be over soon, then we can go home for those steaks I promised you...” He scratched her ears until she smiled, a calm air replacing the tense one she had been projecting until that point. “That's a girl...”

His attention never fully left his ninken, but did eventually split his attention back to Naota. “The day I ask and no one answers will be the day I die...” He didn't know why he said that exactly. Maybe because it was true? He had a mental bond with his mate, both from his Inuzuka blood and from his mate's... special abilities. Even if no one was to answer verbally... all he had to do was reach out with his mind, and there was always an answer. “And anyway... I can smell you from a mile away; even when you try to hide your scent.” He chuckled softly, sounding very much like a dog when he did; before pushing himself to his feet and leaving the glorious shade. Damnable sun, this was the most uncomfortable time of year for him; the summer rains where weeks away and the sun bothered him greatly. Even for an outdoors loving Inuzuka, he had issues with the sun. His skin was forever paler then altogether normal due to his extended stays in the hospital as a child; and no amount of training had managed to darken his skin more then it currently was. He didn't so much burn easily as just irritate faster. All it took was a quick dip in water and he would be fine.

Finally choosing to acknowledge the Kazekage, “That was a given, really. Simple tactics for a simple mind, it would seem. However, given you where not raised by the Konoha packs, you likely do not know of our traditions and rules. Remember, our clan is spread throughout the continent in small numbers as it is; each area's packs have slightly different rules. The Konoha packs are the oldest, and most extensive; as we are the origin of the clan itself. Whatever your pack raised you with is based off these, but not likely the same.” A soft whistle pulled Yuki from the cool shade and to his side again, hand placed upon her head to keep her calm. “I announce these rules as much for your sake, as for that of our attendants, as you would put it.”

His voice was raised now, more for show then anything else. Habit, you see, drilled in by the previous clan head before she passed. Kenta was the first male clan leader in decades, after all. “This will be a fight for the position of clan leader, and therefore the top alpha in the land. The challenger is of an outside pack, and therefore the rules must be announced; so that none are violated due to ignorance on the challenger's part. First, the naming of the Seconds. The challenger has named her assistant, Jojo Kaguya. The standing leader has designated his bodyguard, Naota Uchiha as his own. The roles of the Seconds are as stands. First, they are to act as referees of sorts, circling the fight along the marked borders to make sure neither combatant leaves the space, nor that either commits a rule violation. Secondly, if a violation is spotted, they are to do one of two things: Step in and stop the fight, at which point evidence of the violation is provided and a ruling made at that moment, or step in themselves. If one steps into the fight, the other is automatically allowed to do so, at which point the battle becomes two versus two, instead of a one versus one fight. The Seconds must also keep an eye on each other, if one feels as though the other is violating the rules; an example of this would be that the other is setting up traps or using jutsu to affect the outcome of the fight; then they may step in and either stop the Second, or enter the arena and the fight.”

He paused a moment to catch his breath; Kenta was the type to talk until he was done, without really stopping to breath. “The fighting area has been clearly marked; anyone that exits the area voluntarily automatically loses the fight. Now, that being said; if you are thrown over the line, you are given a total of 1 minutes (1 post) in which you must return to the fight area, or you are disqualified and lose the fight.” It was really that simple, and he'd made sure to make the mark as clear as he could, while leaving it a proper boundary. Thin, to leave no room for confusion, but bold enough to easily see. “Lastly, the banned listing and tools declaration. With each fight, there are certain abilities and items that are banned. This list itself is fairly innocuous, things that normally wouldn't be brought into the fight to begin with. As such, the list is as follows. Jutsu types: Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, Medical, Sealing, Nintai. Clones beyond the Man Beast Clone jutsu are also banned. Seals placed on chakra paper such as explosive tags are allowed, but must be announced; seals containing weaponry are not. All ninja tools and weapons must be announced prior to the start of the fight, or else they will be counted as a violation of the rules, and subject to immediate disqualification. This rule effects the Seconds as well.”

He began to remove the various pouches and holsters he carried with him; dropping each to the ground well outside the marked arena boundary. “I will bring no weapons beyond my own claws and fangs, as well as my wits.” This was a common practice for most challenges, all an Inuzuka really needed was his own natural weapons. Given the vast majority of Inuzuka relied on nothing but clan Taijutsu, there was little use for any other specialties; in fact most Inuzuka refused to even touch them. “I could force us to announce which jutsu we plan to use; but I don't see the point. If you have half a brain you can turn that into an advantage; so it's a pointless restriction.” Arms raised to cross his chest, seeming to lean back a bit as he waited, “Go ahead and announce your weapons and such, and we can begin.” The last bit was announced at everyone else, given he'd done his as he was announcing the rules.

Last edited by Kenta Inuzuka on Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:03 pm; edited 1 time in total



Naota smiled a bit to himself when Kenta spoke his name out loud. Finally, that bitch wont call me an Inuzuka anymore. While Naota was quite aware that at times he smelled like an Inuzuka, he always chucked it up the fact that he spent so much time training with Kenta. But to be outright called an Inuzuka by this woman... it caused a massive flare of clan pride. Surely, she would know that all Inuzuka were born with the red markings on their cheeks? Hell, Naota wasn’t one of them, and he knew this.

The male stepped forward, hands lifted and moving as though he were weaving a jutsu. As he did so, a thought occurred to him; the Suna nin could perceive this as him attacking them. Oh well. Believe what you want. As he finished, his hands were open, palms facing the Suna nin with his fingers splayed. In the space between his hands, something happened. A circle was formed, and within this circle, lines appeared, connecting together until they formed out a five pointed star. Again, the male smiled. “I, Naota Uchiha, bring wire. My mind and body is ready.” As he stopped the flow to the wires between his fingers, they would seem to vanish. Heh. First and last time you'll see em till they're cutting into you.

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

She clearly understood the rules nodding she only planned to use her claws and fangs as weapons anyways and using her medical in combat was not that simple so she was fine with that. However she was not fine with the Uchiha that seemed to make his wires vanish from her sight, so if she attacked the Kage he planned to attack her by surprise, that was quite a cheap tactic and not one she would deal with. She only wanted a fair fight and this Uchiha was ruining that as she sighed, so this was the resolve of the Konoha Kage one that could not even control his pets.

" Well that answered my question I cannot expect an honorable fight with your Uchiha clearly planning to ambush me during the heat of combat, I am sorry but this is weak. I expected you to have more resolve and control over your shinobi but clearly you don't have control over him, I mean really its obvious why hes hiding the wires from my sight I am no fool and I have dealt with my share of assassination attempts so this is just sad. Jojo I am not fighting today we are leaving, if I cannot expect a fair challenge why fight, I did not come to throw my life away I have far to much to do back home. Well I will meet you again and the next time once Jojo has gained enough training to make sure a certain Uchiha doesn't go for a cheap shot I will fight you then. "

With that said she walked outside of the line and prepared to head off in the distance no she would not deal with this as she was the challenger she was allowed to change her mind with the conditions being very much against her favor she chose the cowards way but the smart way. Her claws digging in her hand she really wanted to fight him but she could not trust that Uchiha to stay put, no he would definitely strike unfairly at some point, and likely use something dangerous she had a country to lead so she could not die here now.

" I will take my leave I got the peace and pardon I wanted, I take you will let me leave in peace as we both know this is not to start a war. I only hope you can control that Uchiha more or he will be your downfall, someday hes aggressive nature will go to far and his actions wont be able to be reversed. I admit I was rude and I am sorry for that but that was also a test, I was testing what kind of person you were call it a strategic move. I think you are really a good leader but the one fault you have is the Uchiha, he is someone that you might consider keeping a close eye on because who knows when he will cause you ruin or aim for your seat of power. "

With that Said Yui made her way out of the village, they could still try to stop her but at this point that would be considered making a motion of war. She was on guard however in case that Uchiha did something very foolish indeed, an attack on her and her country would begin to move for war her orders were clear if she were attacked or killed Konoha was to be invaded with the military forces. She was clearly not interested in the fight anymore and she was going home with her mission accomplished she had done what she needed to do. Her father was pardoned and the peace talks had gone well despite this incident she was still angry she could not get the fair fight she wanted oh well she had plenty of time for that in the future.

-Attempted Exit-

Jojo Kaguya

Jojo Kaguya

Therefore, a fight between two Inuzuka is a very proper showdown. While the seconds are the referees, that seemed oddly like a normal boxing match. She was probably fully prepared to start watching this spectacle; she personally viewed it as a thing she would love to watch. An Uchiha, that clan and its history was very familiar indeed. She personally did not enjoy the prospect that a fight like this was going to be going out of hand already. It was personally the worst tactic possible, and it just had to be simply used now to make sure that they would not attend this fight. That was bold, took a certain joy to do, but she did not enjoy it. She would have loved to personally use the time for something but why did it have to be now of all times to use and figure out that she was in such a moment of pure bothersome momentum.

This only caused more trouble it would seem as Jojo filed flank to Yui as she would sigh. She would look over at the Uchiha and then the Inuzuka and sigh. “I hope to see you two again someday; I personally look forward to watching a duel some time and maybe even dueling you, Naota, some time.” She would say it and know what she said appeared very hot headed but she did not care very much for the attitude she was giving, it was just the bothersome side of her that happens every now and then when she would pop her neck and appear elsewhere. This act just so happened to be her views and only her viewpoints that were the issue of the demands presented. So with such things said and done she would pop her neck and head away with her friend and kage with hopes for a proper day to come.

-attempted exit2-

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

“...Joy” Well then... that was less unexpected then it should have been. Of course, instant perception of attack purely based on Naota showing the wires that he was announcing for usage? He would have thought the other Kage had enough of a mind to realize that Naota was only following the rules of combat. More proof the other had no clue of what she was doing when it came to the laws of the Inuzuka. She believed she could just walk away from another alpha like that? She challenged, no less. By their laws, that as good as an admittance of defeat; and meant her life itself was forfeit. However... Kenta had no interest in her life; he had only agreed due to protocol of the clan and his title. Nothing more.

“Yui, you do realize what it is that you are doing by walking away, correct? You claim to know our laws; but yet again, you spit upon them like a pompous ass.” His tone was more amused then slighted; he had no real love for them either, but he did respect them. He wasn't about to start an international incident either; although given they where still operating under Inuzuka clan laws, he was well within his rights to do; and freely. “Look, I have absolutely no reason to have even honored your challenge; beyond the fact that you. Not me. You. Where adamant about it. You are nothing to me, personally; nor on a clan level. You and I? We aren't even blood relations; merely clan cousins. You want to know why I hadn't heard of your father? He wasn't even important enough to make it into our records as anything more then a nameless footnote. Village or otherwise. I went back and checked after you left; you had actually caught my attention enough. I was actually pretty disappointed; we keep exacting records; so to warrant so little a mention? It's no wonder you don't know shit about your clan's laws; he probably never even taught you to speak canine. You may understand your partner, sure. That's a given. But can you talk to wholly different species like I can? Hand me a fox, I can teach it how to run a country without even a hiccup in language. Shit, I was taught so well I can talk to cats. CATS! You? What can you do? Who taught you anything? There isn't a clan secret or technique that can't be learned from a scroll that exists in every village library. I could take a civilian child and make them an Inuzuka in skill in less then 3 years. You? You're nothing but talk and attitude. You deserve nothing more from me then the bare bones, basic respect I would offer anyone of equal ranking in the ninja world. But you... you are no alpha, Yui. You aren't even deserving of the clan name. You want to leave? Feel free. Know this however; by leaving this way, you have forfeit the match, and by ALL Inuzuka pack laws; you have just forfeit your life to me. I have no use for a head mounted on my wall; nor do I wish to start some bullshit war with a country that has spent a hundred and some odd years growing prosperous, and in return helping us to prosper. You may leave; I will not stop you here and now. But if you do... Pray until the day you draw your last breath that you do not anger me again; because I will have your head on a pike, and mounted at the gate of this village.”



Naota burst out laughing, doubling over as his chest heaved. Oh, the audacity of this one. She claimed to understand the rules, yet it seemed that she heard nothing of what Kenta had just said. Wiping a tear from his eye, he giggled in their direction, before turning his back to them; a universal insult as much as flipping someone the bird. “It was all fine and dandy when she thought I was an Inuzuka; now she realized her mistake and that I'm an Uchiha, me having a weapon is a problem?” A black eye was turned, an smug expression cast over his shoulder. “Hear me, Kazekage. Me holding this wire is giving you an advantage.” Turning back around, the smile was still upon his face as he stared at them. “I might not be an Inuzuka, but I respect my Kage's wishes.”

The male plopped down on the ground, moving his fingers once more, unwrapping the wires from around them. “Given the fact that you're intent on running away, being that Kenta is allowing you to leave, I have no choice but to allow it as well. But know this, personally, I have no ill will toward you. But insulting us based on your inane presumption is hardly called for. I declared my weapons, as asked. Why are you mad? Something you didnt count for happen?”

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