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1A New Wind Empty A New Wind Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:24 am


The sun was just setting on the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The sky was briliantly painted with red, orange and blue that mixed together, giving a serene look to the village. Hayasa sat with her legs crossed at the base of the mountain.The air was cool and a light breeze started to pick up and shuffeled leaves about in front of her. Hayasa watched the leaves twirling about in the air and started to gaze onto the gigantic mountainous structure above.
"This mountain is glorious." she thought to herself as she scanned the faces etched into the mountain.
"These are the people I want to be like. Ninja who gave their all for the sake of their village, but do I have the will of fire like those before me?"
Hayasa began to question her motives on becoming a ninja. Was this what she really wanted? This is what all her training in the ninja academy was for, but was she ready? She started to dig deep in her memories. One in particular stood out. The day her mother had left her and her father. Overwhelming feelings of emptiness and loneliness began to resignate deep within her soul. This was something she hadn't felt in quite some time although the feeling was all too familiar to her. Hayasa was only 5 when her mother left the village. She left nothing behind, no sort of clue to prove that she ever existed. The only thing Hayasa had to remember her by was a family picture. Hayasa pulled the picture out the pocket of her vest and held it out in front of her. The picture was slightly worn at the edges but still discernible. There on the picture was her mother, dressed in a brilliant blue kimono with long flowing hair the color of honey, her eye's where bright blue and her skin a pale white. Standing next to her was her father dressed in his Jounin gear, his spiky white hair popped out the top of his hitai ate, his eyes were deep black. Then in between them was 4 year old Hayasa, with her arms wrapped around her mothers leg.
After looking at it for a few minutes, a tear ran down Hayasa's cheek and onto the worn picture. She wiped the side of her face, kissed her mother's image and put the photo back into her pocket. She had finally realized the reason she wanted to be a ninja in the first place.
"I want to be a ninja because I want to be strong enough to make sure that no one will ever leave me. I'll make such strong bonds that they will be the fuel to my will of fire."
Hayasa stood up and wiped her face off. She looked at Hokage mountain once more and smiled.

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