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1Motivation (open) Empty Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:34 pm



The wind flew through Akir thin white hair, as he glared into the sky above. The sun began to rest under a blanket of dark cloud. The enchanting light flares of lightning could be seen coming from the heart of the storm. Akir had a love for rain storms, and even more love for training in them. He walked into his apartment, and began to change into his work out attire. Being that he didn't want to get all of his clothes soaked, he only put on his baggy sweats, and worn out shoes. no reason to dirty up good clothes. As he finished, he walked outside to see that the rain had begun, at a light drizzle.
"Time to get started", sighed Akir as he began jogging.
His training location was in the outskirts of Konohagakure no Sato, still within the gates but far enough away from people that he could train in peace. It was about 2 kilometers from his apartment, the perfect distance for a warm up run. Not only did this physically prepare him, but it prepares him mentally as well. He could clear his mind, and it worked even better with the refreshing rain, soaking him as it began to turn from sprinkle to a pour. Within 12 minutes he arrived at his spot. A small little grass field in the middle of a group of trees, with a small pond off to the left. The same pond he learned to walk on water with chakra.
He stood in the center of his training field, and looked into the sky. Took a deep inhale, than exhaled in a sigh. He loved it.
He was soaked to the core, with no shirt or his regular half face mask, he felt extra naked.
He began his workout

500 pushups
1000 crunches
5 minutes of planking
2000 punches into the tree
and another 500 pushups.

During his work out, his mind began to wonder. What was his motivation? Did he want to be just another soldier? Mindlessly following the orders of a council and hokage that he may or may not agree with..
"Its not always a mindless soldier, you can hold you duties as a shinobi and not be classified as long as you have your own motive. Weather it be to protect the people, become hokage, or become the greatest ninja ever..."
This was the rant that Akir so aggressively pounded as he trained.
"My motive...Is to become stronger than I was yesterday..but is that big enough for life? or am I selling myself short..Of course my career goal of a shinobi is to become an ANBU captain..but that's not motive.."
Akir began to lose his motive of training, and found himself sitting in the middle of the field, so deep in thought, he couldn't find the way out.. Even the rain seemed oblivious to him..

2Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:51 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Caro had been walking about and saw some White haired kid with no shirt on and a pair of sweats and old looking shoes, he intrigued her, since she was out anyway and had a bottle of booze so she decided to follow him, he started jogging and she quikly followed him silently, and so that she wasnt noticed, he did this a few kilometers and eveutally stopped where he then stood for a moment then started doing other workouts, crunches and push ups and whatnot. Wow this kids intense ...maybe he would fight me she approched him after he talked to himself, she called out to him Hey buddy so you want to be the Anbu captian huh, ill be that first so wait in line squirt she said as she pulled he flask out and took a sip and laughed. Maybe youd like to prove your worth though huh, this working out is good and all ut nothing compares to a fight she said in a light tone, she looked him up and down judging that if he took her offer she could win he had jenna with her , so there was no worries. How old are you anyway...Anbu captian some kids were raising this year eh?

3Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:00 pm



Akir was pulled out of his thought with an aggressive, dumbfounded tone. He raised his head to Caro, a genin who had graduated the class before Akir, he remembered her..but after he noticed the flask he figured she was too drunk to realize who he was.
"They teach Alcoholics pretty young now a days huh?" He shot back at her as he hopped up, wiping his hair from his wet face. He had no care to fight a drunk teenager, why would he?
"Proving to you I can fight, is like proving a baby cant swim..itd be pointless, and only result in someone getting hurt" He continued, implying she was the baby, but she was probably to drunk to get it. It did intrigue him to maybe spar, but not with this chick.
"Now..if you don't mind...I need to get back to my training." He scuffed as he turned his back, of course keeping his guard up, and walked away from the drunk girl

4Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:12 pm



Nazuki was relaxing in a tree when she saw a white hair kid and green hair girl beginning to argue. Sighing she hopped out of the tree and walked over to them.
"What are you two doing?" Nazuki looked at both of them, confused on what was going on. She was way to tired for all of this noise

5Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:18 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

This kid had the nerve to call her drunk and to call her A drunk, She put the stopper on her bottle and put it too her hip and retorted Im no drunk, i like to drink and this is the first sip of booze i had today, little buddy, now do you want to spar or shall it be just me attacking you, that wouldnt be fun, no it wouldnt i want a fight haha she said as she took Jenna off her back and held it firmly in her left hand waiting to see if the brat would do anything, And you should speak to your elders with more respect, and this is your training she said, because the fact that she was ordered to train and fight with a fellow genin again, she like these missions, she would drive him to fighting some how. A person from a tree yelled down at them and she answered, Getting in a fight, you?

6Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:22 pm



Nauzki. This is your second warning. You cannot post in other areas until your character is approved.

7Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:29 pm



Akir wasnt the cockiest of kids, but she didnt pose a threat to him. He chuckled and stopped, `he figured he wasnt getting out of the area without a fight, and if worse came to worse,, atleast he could say he tried to stop it. He began to observe her. Looking for weaknesses...but more importantly her strengths..
You really want to fight? You feel cool picking on kids younger than you huh?
He ranted in a chuckle. He readied into his fight stance. He wasnt going to let this degenerate excuse of a shinobi defeat him.. He didnt need or care to PROVE anything..she was of course only a genin, as was he. It wouldnt be a fight worth bragging about. But what the couldnt hurt..
Well...what are you waiting for ... or would you like for me to wait while you fnish your drink?
Akir cocked off as he set himself ready

8Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:39 pm


"What a rainy day." Hayasa said. "Nothing like a walk on the town to get my mind at ease!"
Hayasa was full full of energy today. Maybe it was the way the rain was pouring that gave off a serene feeling. Maybe it was the frequent bolts of lightning that crashed all around her that got her blood pumping. Either way, she was ready to be out and about during the storm. She quickly jumped out the window of her room and ran to the outskirts of the city. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop she quickly began to near the edge of the city.
White hair hmmm? Hayasa thought to herself. He must be part of my clan." Considering most ninja in the leaf village with white hair were considered to be of the Hatake clan, this was a good assumption on her part. She took a closer look at the ninja. She had never seen this boy before, even though they may somehow be related.
"Well, time to go meet my new brother." Hayasa referred to everyone in her clan as her brother and sister, even though they were not blood related. Since she was an only child she also liked the thought of having someone she could call brother. As Hayasa got closer, she saw another person by the unknown Hatake member. It was a girl with bright green hair, holding a flask in her hand. Hayasa jumped in between the two.
"What seems to be going on here guys?Oh, by the way, I'm Hatake Hayasa, nice to meet you two."
She gave a bright smile while scratching the back of her head.

9Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:42 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

The kid was going to fight her after all then, she started spinning her Fuma Shuriken at a high speed, then attached chakra strings to it, getting ready to cut this brat up, she threw the Shuriken at the White haired kid and spun it to the left making it look as if her drunk self was going to miss the throw, and used her charka strings to make it fly into the kids shoulder, hoping to cut him and hit the first blow of the match. She also did this so the kid who just jumped into the middle wouldnt get hit yet, she knew not if he was joining the fight, so the attack was a Feint and a act of mercy for the younger one.

10Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:57 pm



Akir was fully ready to battle, all up untill Hayasa got in the middle. His pupils widened, and hoped to god the Shuriken missed her, but by the time he realized Caro had been smart enough to avoid the girl, it was too late for Akir. All he could do was make the blow less brutal but pivoting his position .
Yelled Muttered Akir loudly, as he took the blow to his right shoulder. It wasnt as bad as it could have been, but now we was pissed. More at Hayasa than Caro.
Get the fuck out of the way!
He barked as he jumped back, than a large leap to the left to get a clear view on Caro. He needed to stay as close as possible with enough range to still battle. REmove her weapon usage as much as possible. He began his attack. He was faster than her, he had to be with his amount of training, and her being intoxicated. But he new he couldnt hold that against her..He had to fight as if she had no handicap, or he would underestimate her.
He began charging, but as he got about 5 meters from her, he took a large leap, flipping over cara, performing hand seals. As he landed, he exhaled harshly. He had performed Misty FLame dance jutsu. Phase 1 was complete. Now he had to complete phase 2 before the gas expired.

(Chakra at 140)

11Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:14 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Caro had hit him, but now he was on the attack so she had to get him, he had performed some sort of jutsu and exhaled something that smelled horrid she quickly jumped backwards out of the smelly stuff and pulled her shuriken back at him with her chakra strings, aiming for his back,  she also took her flask quickly out of her side with her free hand and took a sip and popped it back in, hoping that he would underestimate her.

Chaka 140

Last edited by Caro Fumiska on Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

12Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:16 pm


"Ahhh! What the heck!" Hayasa jumped out of the way and onto the side away from the battle.
"What are you two trying to do? Kill me! Sheesh." Hayasa was pretty ticked off at the way these two furiously battled in front of her.
"Guess that's what I get for jumping in the middle of things" She thought. "But why were these two fighting. They were some the same village?" Hayasa didn't understand why two comrades would get into what looked like an all out battle rather then friendly sparing between equals. She also didn't appreciate that she was targeted as an opponent as all she did was introduce herself.
"Whats wrong with you two!" She looked over at the Hatake clan member,he was hit by one of the Kunai that the green haired girl had thrown. He started to bleed a heavily. This wasn't good and somehow she put the blame of his injury on herself. Hayasa didn't want to see these two fight, but this was a battle she couldn't intervene in because she had only just graduated the academy and wasn't trained in any of her specialty's. All she could do was watch hopelessly as the battle continued.

13Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:27 pm



Akir had almost forgot about the blade  currently flying around, till he noticed her pulling motion as she jumped back. He crouched down, avoiding the blade, and also preparing him to leap forward into another charge. Running as fast as he could without losing traction, he performed another leap over her, similar as the last one, and performing the tiger hand seal. as he landed behind her at about 3 meters away , he inhaled as deep as he could, than exhaled once again, but this time it wasnt gas, it was actual fire
Great Fireball jutsu!
Using it in the flame-thrower form, (Goes out to about 15 meters), directly at Cara. At this point he was about 15 meters from initial performance of his misty flame jutsu. it wold have gradually moved forward to be about 10 meters away from Akir now. Once the Fire hit the gas, BOOM. Cara couldnt move back, or to the sides fast enough to avoid the blast.

Chakra: 125

14Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:38 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

This Hatake was good with fire style, that was a fact, he had just shot a flame thrower out of his muth and inginted the smelly gas, caro quickly made a handsign and put a log in her place that took the extensive burns of the fire, as she jumped behind the kid, she had her shuriken in her hand , and infused it with chakra letting it spin wildly in her hand, it started to make a soft humming noise it could now cut 7 inches into someone and that would be devasting on this kid if it hit. he still kept her stings attached when she threw it at the still fire blowing kid, aiming for the space in between his ribs, to get the most damage as possible.

Chakra 120:

15Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:46 pm


Flames engulfed the girl with the green hair.
"Oh no, that looked like a battle ending attack." It seemed as is Hayasa spoke too soon. In a puff of smoke, the body turned into nothing but a log and the girl with the green hair was behind the other Hatake member. She had a shuriken in her hand that let off a high whizzing sound. You could hear it cutting through the air.

16Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:56 pm



Akir should have expected the win to be too easy if he had hit her now. And he was smart enough to predict something was about to be thrown at him. His arm was already pretty tore up. He may not be able to feel it, but that doesnt mean its okay. He finished his Fire combo right after she appeared behind him, and he heard the shuriken coming.
Fuck me
He muttered as he held up a single hand seal, performing the same jutsu she had just performed to dodge his blast. Substitution technique. Appearing behind her, but not in fighting stance. The rain began clearing up, he looked into the sky. than back down.
Im done...
He barked out, looking over at his arm. Oooh what a fun clean up hes going to have.
This battle is going no where.. would be fighting untill the first person loses all chakra..and to be honest..i dont feel like doing that,

He continued as he sighed. There was literally no point in fighting till he couldnt move. Weather he would have won or lost, He needed to prepare mentally, put himself through more situation training. He failed to ever prepare for an opponent who favored weapons. A sore mistake on his part.

17Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:02 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Caro wasnt finished yet she hadnt used some more of her jutsu she wanted to fight, she spun her shuriken back into her hand and spun around to the kid and activated shuriken spinner jutsu spinining the shuriken in her hand and using it as a mellee weapon, and aimed for the kids sternum, this one would hurt for sure, the other kid didnt seem to be doing anything at the moment, A ninja doesnt give up, this one will not either she thought to herself as he attacked.

Chakra 110:

18Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:09 pm



Akir wasnt surprised at her action. But he wasnt about to give into her being foolish.  But he had to defend himself. He held up a single hand seal, creating a clone directly in front of him. Than jumped 2 meters back and created another so that once she cleared the first clone, she would think the second was real. In a hasty charge, it should be too hard to use reasoning so quick. but it wasnt fool proof. At this point he was directly behind his second clone as she attacked the first. He moved to the side, and prepared to strike her at the side of her neck as she attacked the second clone with His Lightning Rod jutsu. A   jolt of electricity right into her neck would surely cause pain.

Chakra 115:

19Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:26 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

As the Kid attacked her, her Spinner was still active, he made a few clones that exploded in smoke, but her ace eye let her follow his real movements, he charged his hand in some sort of lightning and went to strike her neck, she brought her buzzing shuriekn up to slice at the elbow of that arm just as it hit her in the neck, causing minor burns to her neck and searing pain momentarily pain, but not before the shuriken met his elbow of course, which could cause 3 inch cuts and lacerations.
(Spinner lasts two posts)

20Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:34 pm



As he struck her in the neck, saw the blade slice through his elbow. His normal strike motion is to strick and pull back with speed, luckily for him so the blade didnt come in full contact once again, giving him another 1.5 inch gash.  His arm wasnt so easy to move at this point. And it just about turned from a home recovery to a trip to the hospital. He regretted his choice in close combat.  He span around, and set himself back up. Why was she so obsessed with finishing this had no had no point. Which was why he stood by his decision. He wouldnt be sucked into this fight any longer. Atleast on an attack point. He was now on defensive and counter. Untill she realized she was stupid.

Whats the motive behind your persistent need to finish this?

Asked Akir as he redied for her next attack

21Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:39 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

I am being paid to test you, so far you are doing very good, im not surprised that you are doing bad against me ive been genin longer, and also Jenna here hurts alot, so im marking you at the moment...for booze money hahaha, unless you are done, either way you dont fail, you couldnt really fail, its just to see what you do she told the boy, she didnt plan on telling him but she might as well, she was winning after all shestood ready for an attack andcringed slighly at the first degree burn on her neck it stung slightly.

22Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:46 pm



I gave up long before now. All you did was waste energy.
He looked at his arm and sighed. His battle plan was ready to start, and had about a 90% chance of finishing her off, or atleast prove to her he COULD finish her if the cards were right. But he thought back to his earlier thought. He had nothing to prove to some genin, weather mission or not. He would waste chakra, and the slight chance he failed and took another gash would really suck. And if he he said before..he got the glory of defeating a drunk.
Continue if you must. I wont be sucked into being the aggressor. You started the finish it.
he let out a slight chuckle. He wiped his blood offhis arm with his hand, and marked his neck in the blood
Here let me give you a nice target
He shouted lastelyy as he chuckled. Lets see how much of a shinobi she really is..would she attack in anger..or realize at this point he would toy with her.

23Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:52 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Some ninja you are, giving up like a kid, no wonder you are a genin, you are one of the wimpiest genin ive ever seen, you think you can be the anbu leader some day, ha i say you need to have some balls for that. You are scum, a weak, small, piece of scum, a WOMAN attacks you give up and sook, its kind of funny, Wheres you ninja pride she said putting jenna back onto her back slowly still on guard and ready in case it was a ruse she also added You did good skill wise, but not attitude wise

24Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:59 pm



Akir was relieved. He personally thought he could have finished her. Her tendencies were easy to predict. A She was a dodger, not a blocker. With a mix of clones and transformation technique he would have been able to incinerate her, similar to his strike with his lightning rod on her. Only, she would have predicted it, he would have used his transformation technique to change into a thrown weapon, which tendencies show she would have dodged. Of course this would have happened after he repeated his clone technique , lining them up so he could perform the tranformation jutsu without being seen. Once she attacked the third, and final clone...he would be behind her already  in mid launch of his great fireball jutsu. Of course....this was all a theory. Nothing is certain in battle. The only thing certain today, he was stronger than he was yesterday.

Call me what you will. I find not point in fighting with a fellow comrade like this. Nor does it even have honor, or pride. If one of us would be hell on earth for the other. Forced to go rogue. And if neither of us died, a hospital trip would be in order and why the fuck would i wanna go to the hospital for some drunk retard...Not my type of fight. Sorry

25Motivation (open) Empty Re: Motivation (open) Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:04 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

So you arent goin to fight me then, remeber my name, Caro Fumiska, ill be back to fight you one day and dont forget my name got it? she started to leave
*leave thread

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