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1Naruto: Legacies Reborn Empty Naruto: Legacies Reborn Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:05 am



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Naruto Legacies Reborn is a Naruto Text based Role Playing site with a plot that occurs in the distant future of the manga. It is a custom site with custom characters, we do not allow people to re-create canon characters. Although, there might be plots that involve battles with them for fame and glory.

Anyways, it was started by a man named Oda or Odazzle, former Admin on a certain Naruto site and with the help of his other fellows, the site was made. Our graphics have been done by the amazing Kon, who also did the graphics for many other sites.


Once upon a time, there was a young boy. He would grow to change the world of the shinobi as we knew it. He would be the first man since the Sage of Six Paths to learn the names of each and every Bijuu and fully master the power of the Nine Tailed Fox. He'd End the Fourth Shinobi War by means that seemed impossible. The name of this boy was Naruto Uzumaki, son of the Fourth Hokage. This story woul d be told down through the ages in shinobi academies and read to children by their parents like fairy tales. Surprisingly, this war led to a time of peace, that lasted for one hundred years. It was a time of union between nations, civility in the world. But, like all good things, it came to an end when a Tsuchikage rose to power. The seventh Tsuchikage was a power hungry madman and like all ambiti ambitious men, attempted to claim power that he had no right to. In secret, he grew his militia and forces, sent spies to other nations, and infiltrated the five great nations. When ready, he struck. First, he attacked the Village hidden in the Sand and because of their unpreparedness, the Eighth Kazekage fell. But, with her last breath, she ordered a call for the Fifth Shinobi War. Within a period of nearly an entire week, the Village hidden in the Sand was taken and seized by Iwagakure's forces. They assimilated the village and violently coerced any remaining shinobi into their army.

With Iwagakure now planning to take steps to control the rest of the shinobi world, the three remaining Kage met within the walls of the Hidden Leaf and formed their own pact and plan of attack. But, somehow this information was leaked due to Iwagakure's breach in the intel of their opposers. And so, the night before the attack, the Tsuchikage struck again. This time, they went for the Hidden Cloud Village. That night will always be remembered as the Dust Cloud Assault. It was a night of so much bloodshed and when the Raikage was cornered, he was forced to submit. Unlike the Kazekage who fought to the death, the Raikage let himself be plan of taken as a prisoner of war, thus shattering the hope of the Cloud Village. As Iwagakure's forces moved in, word arrived back in Konoha and Kirigakure. So, these two, the Hokage and Mizukage, had enough. Preparing their most secret powerhouses, Kirigakure's legendary Seven Swordsman, and Konoha's elite ROOT ANBU, in conjunction with their strongest shinobi, the remaining Great nations took charge.

Kirigakure went for the Cloud Village, waging war on Iwa's forces stationed there. At the same time Konoha took back the village of the Sand. These wars weren't easy battles and took these shinobi hours upon hours of fighting before relinquishing these villages. It was amazing how strong Iwagakure had gotten in secrecy...ama amazing, yet fearsome.

The battling had been so intense, that once the villages were free, Konoha and Kiri both rested in the freed nations, only sending a few of their shinobi back home in order to recooperate and With the troops renewed, all four villages came together and took on Iwagakure. The Hokage and Mizukage both took on the Tsuchikage in a battle that became almost as legendary as the fight between Madara and Hashirama. In the end, the Hokage delivered the killing blow and with the ending of the Tsuchikage's life ended the war. But, this war was not without cost. By the end, all of Iwagakure was in shambles. Flames ravaged all of the buildings that lay in ruins. Dead bodies plagued the ground and Iwa remained lifeless. The win was empty because such a tragedy could not be prevented. So, the Hokage and Mizukage gathered their forces and freed the Raikage from imprisonment and the kage returned to their respective lands.

Now, twenty more years ahead, much had changed. New shinobi were rising up again and a new generation was ready to take over while Iwagakure still lay in ruin.


  • Naruto Legacies is a fun Naruto Role Playing site where people can have fun and relax, not having to write thousands and thousands of words to get what they want. We have a experience system so whenever someone posts, they gain some experience which can later be used to buy stuff.

  • Our ranking system is simple and we have Chuunin Exams every 3 months. So in a short amount of time you can easily reach a high rank. Or you could just enjoy a low rank.

  • Here is the link just in case if the other ones do not work:

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