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1Library Assistance [Mission D] Empty Library Assistance [Mission D] Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:35 pm



Akuma is not fond of D-rank missions and anything else that relates to easy work, so when he heard that he was assigned a simple mission of that level, he nearly lost his cool. Although, he learned and let live. The woman who operates the Sunagakure National Library is bed ridden with a bad case of the flu. She needs a young shinobi to take care of the library while she is in her leave of absence. This job was described as including but not being limited to putting books back up on shelves, finding certain books for people, keeping the library clean, keeping the library quiet, and checking out books. Kami specifically was assigned the front desk, so he was in charge of checking books in and out of the library, awaiting the rentals to come back and the rentees to come with. Akuma got to the library and he already seen a few shinobis who were assigned to this mission before him walking out, while some that are assigned with him began to walk in with him. The library in sungakure is one of a kind, it is a grand library and all of the great works that has ever been written in Suna, rested in this library. Akuma, as a big fan of knowledge and blessed with an eidetic memory sees it to be ideal for him to go through this whole library at least once. That would surely guarantee a wealth of knowledge. Akuma asked if he can switch his job, seeing it to be worth wild to be in the back setting up the books, in order to simply be around the books. The temporary head librarian at the moment accepted his request and gave him a pile of books in order to begin putting them away.

To Kami’s luck, he was given a batch of Philosophical Novels in order to put away. So while he walked to the back, where their sections were, he scanned through just a few of the books. He seen a few interesting things and one book certainly caught his attention, “Imaginarium.” Kami had this book in his right hand while he was putting books away with his left. Akuma was even reading after dropping books and going to pick it up, and in short, the book “Imaginarium” is a book that Kami doesn’t seem to want to let go. The book in tells about the imagination, and the universe it creates, while simultaneously comparing it to our universe a.k.a reality. The two are not so different, and where they are different, one could find an ocean of similarities, so then it ultimately asks, “What is Imaginarium?” In which Akuma guesses a person is supposed to answer if the universe within the mind is even “real” at all, and if it is or isn’t, is our world “real or not” in vise versa. This is surely in interesting book, and Akuma is even thinking about buying it. But first, I guess he should rent it and keep reading a few more pages in order to really get hooked on it. While putting all of the books away, Akuma kept “Imaginarium” in his back pocket. He waited till he was out of work in order to go to the front desk and request to rent the book. When they agreed, Akuma was on his way in order to complete another mission that he was given surely not even twenty – five minutes after completing the library one. It was all good now though since Akuma put his set of books away so his job in the library was completely done and he was able to have an early release.

WC: +600

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