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1Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Empty Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:22 pm



Akuma graduated from the Academy recently now, and with Honors at that. Getting recognition even from the new appointed Kazekage herself. Kami has been appointed a squad that has yet been completed, but he knows one thing for sure out of a couple, and that is that his sensei is no'one other than the Kazekage herself. Or at least, that is what the Sunagakure Headquarters has listed now, but then again in the shinobi world not everything is set in stone until it happens. It was early in the morning, and that was because Kami was ordered to come at this time in order to have time in our side. By searching for a lost child, it was certainly better to star early in order to have more time to dispose of. Akuma is always early to everything, so it wasn't that his partner was late, but instead he was just really early. The mission was described as a kidnapping and in the slums hidden in the Sand Dunes, there is a high percentage of kidnappers, so there is no harm in beginning the search here. In waiting for his partner Kami began to think about who this shinobi may be. After all, this is his first mission coming out of the Academy so he is going to have to prove himself one way or another to be of value to the shinobi world. Akuma sat down looking at the orange sun rise over the city of Sunagakure, when he heard and thus sensed a presence nearing, he quickly turned to look at who was coming.

WC: 266 needed 1000

2Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Empty Re: Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:19 pm



Was this really going to happen? She was about to go on a mission... like a kunoichi? It seemed almost too good to be true.
Misoka drew her hood closer, tucking any loose strands of hair out of sight. Even if her bodyguard Taku had strangely enough allowed her to do missions despite the leader's disapproval, she still had to avoid any prying eyes lingering on her. If Akihiko was to be informed of her disobedience, she would receive one of the hardest punishments he could think of and on a side-note, Taku's head would probably be chopped off. 

Not the most convenient possibilities there were.
She kept a steady pace, eyes downcast, knowing they would be the first thing she could be recognized by, just in case any villager had heard about the rumor of the "ghost princess" for the lack of anything better to do.

When she reached Suna's sand dune slums, which served as meeting point for that mission, she tried her hardest not to be reminded of her former teammate. Jezzi who had died during a supposed C-rank mission that had turned out to be an S-rank in the end.
Shaking her head slightly, Misoka pushed these thoughts aside, and refocused on the path ahead of her.

Upon turning around the corner, she caught sight of a boy sitting on the ground, obviously waiting for someone. Was this her partner for the mission?
She'd been a bit nervous from the moment she'd found out another shinobi would be accompanying her. Not because she was anti-social, but out of fear that the boy might give her away and tell someone about her who would go tell another person and so on. And then the rumor of a kunoichi with glowing eyes would spread in town, making it only a matter of time until Akihiko knew.

The boy's head whipped around when she approached him. At a closer look, she was surprised by how young he looked, certainly not older than twelve. Could it be that he had just recently graduated from academy? As she felt his eyes on her, she realized that she hadn't taken off her hood yet. The young boy must probably feel uncomfortable without seeing his partner's face. This might very well be his first mission ever. She didn't want to scare him somehow.

"Good morning," Misoka greeted him friendly, sliding the hood off her head and letting her light blonde hair fall over her shoulders. Other than the two of them, no-one was up so early, it seemed, or perhaps the slums weren't the most popular place to be at.
"I take it we get to do this mission together?"
She took the scroll out of one of her flak jacket's many pockets and showed it to him with a smile.
Then a soft noise, almost inaudible to someone who didn't pay attention, reached her ears, apparently coming from one of the rooftops. Misoka cast a short glance upwards, but couldn't make out any person. She didn't need to, though. It had to be Taku, following her around as "promised". How much she hated to be supervised.

Mission 543/1000

3Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Empty Re: Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:23 pm



Akuma seen as a covered kunoichi came before him. It wasn't until she removed her hood that she truly made her presence felt. Kami Akuma is a smart kid so he quickly realized that this girl possessed unnatural beauty. This young kunoichi had long blonde silky hair, soft skin with a near flawless body, gorgeous blue-green eyes and a more than beautiful face all together. One thing is for certain in Akuma’s mechanical mind, he surely knows that this women is a perfect women to procreate with when he is of age. But right now, he is too young and logically speaking, he can’t reproduce so why waste time flirting. Although something caught his attention, and that is her eyes. They are out of the ordinary, since he can see that they both have the same color eyes but there is something about hers that stood out more. He wanted to know her name. But first, he needed to respond to her generously greeting him and also her question. “It is a great morning today, and yes I am your partner for this mission.” Kami noticed as the girl went into her jacket and pulled out a scroll, it was definitely the mission details. Akuma opened the scroll and quickly scanned through the mission descriptions, thanks to Kami’s eidetic memory though, he needed to see it just once before forever having it stored in his memory bank. Kami noticed when he received the scroll that this kunoichi was smiling when she gave him the paper and even smiling before that. He wondered why she was so happy, or at least always smiling. But I guess that came hand in hand with her unnatural beauty. Finally, Kami decided to ask while giving her the scroll back. “What is your name? If you don’t mind me asking. I feel that we should know each other if we are going to do a mission together. My name is Kami Akuma.” Kami asked her for her name in order to see if she came from a special family that gave her the looks. The thought was bothering him, and that is the problem with having an eidetic memory, you have a one track mind. And thus sometimes get caught up in the smallest of details.

Akuma asked for her name while walking towards the downtown area of the slums. Knowing that is where all of the “Bosses” are. If anybody knew where a kidnapped girl was, a person needed only to ask the crime lord that runs that type of crime, or at least get near him because that kid can’t be too far from around him. Downtown was quiet and the slums, still deserted. It was early after all, but it wouldn’t take long before someone came out and after that one person comes out, all the others will surely follow suit. Kami decided to ask the young girl when they got to the heart of the downtown area, “What do you think will happen if we find the kid, do you think he will already be with a larger group of captors?”

WC: 786 and 1000 needed

4Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Empty Re: Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:21 pm



The smile she had put on her face diminished ever so slightly as the boy introduced himself and asked about her own name. So... what was she going to say? Everyone at the Karisuma estate knew her by "Kiyomi" so this was certainly not an option. And Akihiko was perfectly aware of her real name, thus not safe, either.
"My name?" she repeated softly, stalling for a little time to think. "You can just call me Hana."
They started making their way through the slums' downtown area, and Misoka could clearly feel Kami's gaze on her. A surge of anxiety coursed through her. She hoped he didn't know about her clan just by looking at her. What proved itself to be advantagious in that matter was the fact that Akihiko usually kept all the soon-to-be-wed girls indoors since they would be picked up by their unwanted husbands in no time anyway. Plus, the Karisuma clan was still fairly unknown and so the large estate at the outskirts of town went unnoticed by most people.
Misoka was the only kunoichi of her clan, a fact Akihiko tried to erase with all his might. No training. No missions. No wandering off alone.
And now she was breaking one of his most fundamental rules. She couldn't afford to waste too much time.
Yes, she was allowed to go outside at some days, but the longer she stayed away, the more impatient Akihiko would become.

“What do you think will happen if we find the kid, do you think he will already be with a larger group of captors?”
Misoka threw a glance at the boy beside her and nodded. "I don't believe the child got lost. He was surely kidnapped and we are-"
A loud cry interrupted her, making her tense up in alarm. And then she saw a child, just within eyeshot, being dragged away by two grown men. "That damn kid wanted to run off again," one of them cackled while the young boy's sobs filled the air.
"This is the answer to our questions," Misoka noted curtly, her hands clenched into fists. "Let's get them."

Without hesitation, she rushed forward and the moment they sensed her arrival and turned around in surprise, she slammed her fist against one of the men's faces, sending him flying backwards for several meters.
"Kami! Get the child!" she called out to her mission partner, but the other kidnapper had already taken the crying boy hostage. He quickly held a knife to his throat.
"If you come near me, the kid will die!"


5Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Empty Re: Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:19 pm



As soon as the cry was heard, my question was definitely answered as Hana said. The young boy fit the description in the profile given and the men that were with him did not seem like their guardian because of what they said and because of how the kid acted. So that was enough evidence needed for Kami to strike. Hana obviously began to rush forward first because she didnt hesitate, while Kami, being a man of reason, and wanting to be an ANBU stopped and analyzed the situation first, in order to see if it would be legal to intervene but of course this didnt take but a secant more. Akuma was right behind Misoka as she blindfully charged head on towards one of the criminals. It was a powerful hit indeed since it tossed the man back several meters before he even knew what hit him. Akuma wasn't a kid to smile a lot but that surely gave him a small grin knowing that the man isn't going to get up from that hit any time soon, seeing as they are average civilians and we are trained shinobis. Although this was good, it made the situation all the more dire since the man who held the boy got a better grip on him and he threatened the little kid with a lethal weapon saying he is going to take his life if we move. Kami stopped like the man wanted. And he finally showed his true potential in terms of his speed. Akuma quickly lashed out and appeared behind the man in mere secants with the speed of an Elite Ninja. The civilian didn’t have a chance. Akuma grabbed the knife while the man was still turning to see if it really was me who appeared behind him in mere secants, and by the time he got to see Kamis face, Kami would head butt the man right on the forehead, leaving him unconscious. Kami then said, “Go follow Hana Kid.”

WC - +1000

6Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Empty Re: Taken III [Mission w/ Misoka] Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:54 am



"Good job, Kami!" Misoka exclaimed and bent down to take the crying kid into her arms. "Now, now, it's okay. I'm right here. We'll bring you back to your family," she spoke soothingly, glad that it started working as the boy's sobs gradually died down. "Th-thank you," he sniffed and she only gave him a warm smile in return and proceeded to ruffle his hair slightly.
A small laugh escaped the boy's mouth at her affectionate gesture.
"That's better," Misoka giggled, pinching his nose. "Tears don't suit you."

About ten minutes later, the parents could embrace their little boy again. They thanked Misoka and Kami a thousand times; the mother even had tears of joy in her eyes.
'It feels so good to help,'
Misoka thought to herself, touched by the family reunion before her. 'No, it feels so good to be of use.'

Training 133

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