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1Running w/the Wolves [Suna - C] Empty Running w/the Wolves [Suna - C] Thu Oct 10, 2013 12:10 pm




Kami Akuma has completed a number of missions in quick succession which is exactly what he wanted to do in order to rank up quickly, properly, and efficiently. Kami is a smart kid and really athletic prone, although his jutsu arsenal can use some work, he is still a useful and strong shinobi. Interest in his athletic abilities and potential as a shinobi began to rise and he was requested to do a mission alone for the first time. One of the citizens in Sunagakure is a collector of very rare and exotic animals. He is a humanitarian and wishes for these rare and exotic animals to stay on this earth and avoid extinction since they are already endangered species. This humanitarian is an old scientist and he has gotten reports of a pair of rare animals in the deserts of the Wind Country outside of Sunagakure. These animals are described as being a strange subspecies of wolves, they are very beautiful but also equally as dangerous. These wolves look like regular wolves but their fur is colored bright sun yellow and their bite contains a powerful venom that has the potential to put its victims to sleep. The man has asked the Kazekage for a team of ninja to help him capture both sex, a male and female yellow wolf, and bring them back to the Village to be protected in his park zoo. The Kazekage can spare a team of three ninja for this Mission. But instead she went with Kami Akuma who she believed was the perfect fit to do it alone. Since he is fast, he can surely catch these predators.

Akuma was walking in the outskirts of Sunagakure in the exact area where the wolves were rumored to appear. Akuma seen no sign of them at all and he didn’t seem surprise for the simple reason that these wolves have legs and are extremely mobile creatures. Even though they weren’t in the same area, foot prints were still seen. Akuma seen large wolf-like footprints walking a certain distance towards the east. Kami followed the tracks but this time, instead of walking around, he began to run in order to catch up to the wolves quickly. Kami began to run with his arms and legs left behind as his chest and head were leading the way. Akuma was running his fastest but he did over exceed in order to not strain himself. Running faster than mostly all of the genin in the known world is a gift that only he shares with a few gifted ones as well but Akuma enjoys every minute of it. Seeing the desert flash before his eyes do to the speed of his run was amazing and hearing the wind blow through his ears as he cut through it in his run was incredible. All of this was good until Akuma finally heard a loud howl. It sounded louder than most wolves so it certainly wasn’t an average one. “Must be the yellow wolves somewhere here.”

WC: +500

Last edited by Akuma on Thu Oct 10, 2013 12:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Running w/the Wolves [Suna - C] Empty Re: Running w/the Wolves [Suna - C] Thu Oct 10, 2013 12:36 pm



Akuma was curious to see what these wolves looked like, plus he needed to capture them in order to complete the mission, so he went towards where he heard the loud howls. It was as he neared that he heard the wolves bark at each other, almost like if they were fighting. Kami got over a hill where he heard growling and then seen that two wolves were playing with each other. These wolves were exactly as they were described, beautiful in how they looked and unique to their kind as it is. Kami wanted to stay quiet and stealthy in order to not be noticed by these unsuspecting wolves and he thought about the best way of going forward with this attack. This was of course his thought until he finally came to his senses and realized that he couldn’t hurt the animals so attacking them in certainly out of the question. Akuma needs to think of a way to make these wolves go the village without him hurting them, and the simplest way he could think of is by making them chase him all the way back. This is of course a good plan but who is to say that the wolves will continue chancing a pray if they know the attempt is futile. Kami didn’t know how to get them back and he only hoped that he had some sort of genjutsu type of technique that can temporarily paralyze the wolves until they are safely brought back. But sadly, he doesn’t so he has to go with his first plan, and have the wolves chase him all the way home.

Wolf Appearance

Akuma then made himself heard as the wolves were still playing with each other. The wolves quickly stopped and looked at Kamis direction. Kami then said, “Predator” while pointing at them, and then he said “Prey” and pointed at himself. The wolves, almost as if they knew what he said first looked at each other and quickly looked back at Akuma before they began to run and chase him down. Kami ran while saying, “Good wolves!” Kami ran but not as fast as he could knowing that he would have left them behind if he did, and he does not want that to happen. Kami ran and ran while looking back every X – amount of meters in order to check up on the wolves and see if they were still chasing him. Kami seen the entrance of Sunagakure and he knew that the wolves were surely not going to go into the village with their own freewill, so Kami was surely in trouble in terms of what to do next. Luckily enough, the old scientist was outside of Sunagakure since he couldn’t wait to see these wolves he wanted to be there when they came. The scientist was there with a group of highly trained animal specialist that were able to tame the wild animals with nonlethal weapons. “Fantastic! These wolves would certainly be safe with us.”

WC: +1000

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