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Tsuyo had heard some rumors about a rising star in Iwa taking over a bandit group and even fighting the guards. The reasons and motives where unknown to him and he rarely liked not knowing these things. But what really interested him was the nick name the man had chosen. Bastet, An Egyptian goddess. Did the man fancy himself a god amongst men or did he intend to go with the other side of her legend and protect the homes of the innocent? Either way it warranted a meeting. So he had sent one of the Chunnin's to go an deliver an invitation. Wrapped carefully in silk border and a soft type of Egyptian paper. Tied closed in a blue ribbon imprinted with a rose pattern. The invitation was to a lunch with a Mr. Kajiya. The time and place had been clearly defined. It was up to this Bastet if he was willing to walk into a room on Tsuyo's terms. Still Tsuyo had given the man 12 hours to plan or plot. But mostly to prepare. If this Bastet was not willing to answer to such an invitation. Well either way he would cross that road when he came to it. Some one who named themselves after a god had to be interesting. That and Mugen had mentioned meeting him. And anyone that Mugen openly wanted to kill had to be interesting enough to at least spare a meal for. If not he would dead with it as necessary.

Now it was back to his present thoughts. The carriage stopped in front of a steak house and men in black suits took up posts around the building. Ten of them and all armed with swords. Clearly trained just by the way they stood and surveyed the area. Tsuyo walked into the front door as money was handed to the owner as per a rental arrangement. He was renting the entire building for a couple of hours just to meet this Bastet. Even the cook was excused and replaced by his own personal chef. tsuyo was wearing his usual dark Italian suit with the extra movement room stitched in. the over coat left open to reveal the buttoned up vest and tie. The silver silk shirt underneath all of that. His black slacks marked to the proper length and his boots shined. His hair was even styled. All just for the occasion.

Still as he took his seat at the only table left in the building in the center of the room he watched with silver eyes as candles where lit and wine was poured. A soft orchestra was played ever so quietly so as to comfort but not to interrupt over the sound system. With all that Tsuyo sat back in his seat and reached into his inner coat pocket. Pulling out a smoke and lighting it. His eyes watching the door as he slowly smoked and waited. Let the god come to him at his bidding. After all he ruled the outlaws of this land. No simple bandit group could challenge him. But always better to recruit then destroy.

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

Bastet, that was the name that he had chosen to give to that guy back in the mountains. Now he was being sent somewhere under the alias "Bastet", so he had to assume it was from the same group. He was still not entirely sure what he was missing, but for now he guessed he didn't have very much of a choice. Considering the audience that he'd been having recently, he wasn't sure he wanted to risk not giving these people what they wanted. He wasn't going to sit there and take it if things went to hell, but he guessed he owed them an audience if they were this interested in him that they would actively call him out. Besides, it had a silk border and it was decent quality paper, that kind of thing was rich and expensive, nobody was going to waste that amount of expense on just luring someone out to kill them - Besides, it wasn't like he'd gone through any pains to get the place that he was currently sleeping hidden from the public, when he'd come here he'd not expected that he would have to. He hoped that today wouldn't be a day that would change his opinion about that.

Within the 12 hours that he'd been given to plot, plan and devise ideas, he had...well, he'd gotten slap bang nowhere. How was he supposed to come up with ideas without knowing what was going on? For all that he was able to deduct from the actions of the man who'd given him this invitation, he had no idea of testing if those ideas were right or not. He'd been invited to lunch with someone called Mr Kajiya, and all that his twelve hours had given him was that that was not his real name. It hadn't taken very long, just looking over the clan lists of the villages. Either it was a wanderer, which he doubted considering how much money it would take to have messenger boys and to have paper like that to send on wild lunch invitations that people might spurn simply because they were busy, or he was using an alias. Everyone seemed to be using one nowadays, although that might only be the case in Iwa due to the large population of the criminal classes.

He had, honestly, considered sending one of Set's boys down to meet this man. He doubted that anyone other than that weird mountain guy would know about what he actually looked like and if he didn't get involved the man wouldn't be able to tell that was what was going on. Set had seriously tried to get him to do that, but there was something inherently rude and impersonal about that. This guy was confident, and that was worrisome. It wasn't like they were trying to rule Iwa (although, Set was getting more and more power for a reason that he hadn't given to Gen yet, so for all he knew that could be a later aspiration), they were simply a new power in the map. Besides, mercenaries always needed their own little group if they were going to be truly effective, that was just the way the world worked. Everyone needed assistants, and since he couldn't use the tribe any more he was going to need to use Set's men. After all, he was an Ustath, not a soldier.

Finally, when he arrived, he was dressed in his best. Having been a servant of the gods for years, he didn't have anything that most people would call "Smart clothing", but he did have a few things. One of them  was a robe that he was able to procure that he normally only wore when giving sermons back in the tribe. It was hardly luxurious, but it looked smart enough and it was the closest that he was going to be able to do to dress to impress. That really wasn't his area, and he doubted whether Set would have had any more ideas about it then he did since they grew up in the same way. They were sharing the same body after all, they did everything the same way. Horus, on the other hand, was circling around the restaurant to make sure that they weren't given the jump. A man was a threat, a group of men was an issue.

Walking into the room, adjusting the gourd on his back, he walked into the room and just... stopped. Looking around, his face kept in an impartial poe-face, he stepped inside the room, his hands to the side of his body as he walked inside. An orchestra, red wine, chandaliers... because this wasn't creepy. Continuing to walk to the table, he pulled out his own seat before introducing himself and sat in it, one leg crossing over the other before he looked at his dinner "companion". The man was black haired and wearing a suit. They couldn't only be more different if he was a woman. Hair color, style, and apparently money situation, everything between them was different. Slipping the gourd off his back and next to the chair, he decided to let Set handle this one. Mentally stepping back and letting Set into the driving seat, he continued smiling.

"I should let you know that while you impress, Mr Kajiya, I don't put out on a first date." His tone was dark humored, his tongue almost darting over the bottom of his teeth as he said so. This was a fun situation to be in, even if it was dangerous, Set thought. So, he was playing a game of cops and robbers with this guy, what was he going to do? Ask him to stop the people that he had working in the village? try to recruit him inot some big criminal organization? Let's see exactly what it is that makes this guy so open to invitation.



Tsuyo watched as a single robed man entered into the room. A gourd marking something in Tsuyo's memory. How a specific clan would carry around gourds to carry their weapon of choice. The sand mixed with their own blood. Or so the rumor went anyway. He could not help but smirk at the irony of it all. The sands and the clear Egyptian feel of it all. As was clear to the name. He toyed with the idea of how such a blood line could benefit him. But he rarely saw anyone from such a prominent blood line. So far he was feeling like a bit of a collector. With the Aburame and the storm girl and the dark man Daraku. Now he would be trying to add the sand into his bloody pile of death. The term you and Me and the devil makes three entered through his thoughts briefly as silver eyes watched the man approaching. How he sat down with out a word. His eyes visibly twitched as suddenly the other seemed to shift his demeanor from cautious to openly confident. it was rare for people to be able to shift like that so easily. Still he let the thought drift away as he would assume the person had just feigned one or the other. Clever either way. If the person was truly cautious and unsure then hiding that behind such bravado then the other in the room might choose to show some caution. However if it was the other way around and the man had pretended to be unsure of himself only to switch to bravado then one could assume the person some how thought they had the upper hand. But this was only a lunch meeting. And as such wine was poured. Medium rare steak was brought out to them with a baked potato with garlic seasonings for a side.

Tsuyo put out his smoke in the ash tray as the gourd was set to the side. Before picking up one of the two glasses of wine. A mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he listened to the others words. Some one who did not put out? How cute. Tsuyo sipped his wine quietly. Before setting it down and looking over the ritualistic looking individual. A god. He felt no threat from this god. Still he nodded and excused the staff he had brought with him so just the two of them where left sitting there. Plucking up the steak knife and fork he began to slowly and casually cut into his meal. And while he did so he spoke in a calm and casual voice as if he had not a care in the world.

"Mr. Bastet if I had any interest in such perverse ideals then by the time you made it back to your men tonight you would find that they had all been tied down and raped by horses till they died. However that is no where near my goal today. I do not seek to threaten you but merely invite you into my business. You have already accomplished so much for yourself. But comfort at an even higher level of power is what I offer. Merely join your forces with my own and join my table, My family and let the name of a god actually be known and feared."

With that he took a bite of steak and chewed a moment as he sat back and seemed to groan. It seemed like something wonderful was happening to him as he set down his knife and fork and swallowed before speaking. "My goodness. This steak is truly delicious. You absolutely must try it."

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

An eyebrow raised, an expression of pleased surprise came across set's face as he listened to what the man had to say. What the hell does being raped by horses have to do with him trying to seduce him? That was a very confusing thing to say, but there was something more important about the thing that he had said. He was aware of his little operation within Iwa, that was something that he tried to keep close to his chest. He wasn't sure which one of his little birds had gone out and told this man about their presence, but whichever one it was was not getting his share of their next dive. In a way, he was thankful that they had since he was able to meet this strange man and find out more about the world's options for him, but if this had turned out differently then they might have found themselves in a lot more trouble than they had bargained for. Still, none of those concerns played across his face as he watched his dinner partner go on about his little things. Then, a mild look of interest crossed his face as the man offered him a chance to join his group.

He did not know what group this was, although judging by the cloak of the strange man that he had seen for a few days ago, it was the Blue Rose. He didn't know all too well what their motivations were or what their motivations were, but sometimes curiosity was not enough of a force to corrupt one's actions. He was going to have to continue down this path until he had more information, until he plumbed this guy for every little morsel that he could give, food-wise and in other means to. More than anything right now, he wanted information. His savage sadism had been more than fulfilled recently with the fights against the tunnel snakes and the bandits that had tried to threaten the village. Now, he was caring more about his intellect, his mind demanding a new puzzle for him to solve. Though, the fact that he mentioned family was an unfortunate one, one that caused Set to reveal something.

"Mister Kajiya, I am a member of the Sabaku clan. We do not know families like you do, although since I have found no reference of your clan in any official records I don't actually know what clan you're from. For all I know, yours might be just like mine, but I doubt it. Two islands in the sea of happiness do not grow that close together." he said, sharing a little bit too much information. He had mentioned that he knew that this guy was using an alias (or, alternatively, that his clan was small and thus rather diminutive. If this guy really was from a clan so small that it wasn't even worth keeping track of, he might have just caused offense), and that could have spun into action things that shouldn't be occurring. Still, he was confident so he cleared his throat before adjusting himself slightly and adding.

"Where I come from, family is just who you are born with. My father was the priest of our little tribe, and he believed in the scriptures so much that he used to beat me if I ever broke the tenants of our religion. I was given no freedom, no chance of self expression, no chance of being my own person. My mother, on the other hand, was obsessed with her duties as a guard. I never got to see her unless we were eating together or training in ninjutsu. She was more like a teacher than anything else. So, tell me exactly, why should I want to have a second family when my first one was so disappointing?"

Of course, this was not entirely true. This was what had happened to Gen, and what had caused his existence in the first place. But, what was noticeable about the way that he said that was that it wasn't rebuking, it wasn't dismissive or annoyed. It was... interested. It had the same tone as if he had simply asked for more information, because that was really what he had done. By using this little segment of back story (something that was utterly harmless unless he had a spy within the tribe, which Set severely doubted), he could try to emotionally manipulate this guy, although that did not seem like it would be as easy as it was with most.

Picking up the meat that was laid before him with his thumb and forefinger before tossing it up into the air and catching it more like an animal than a civilized human, he licked his lips to get rid of some of the juice before giving a smile that seemed almost... bestial. There was a cruelty behind it, an unspeakable self confidence that could be drowned in, should one try to get under his skin without first finding a flotation device. If the man thought that he could get him to jump to attention simply because he invited him to dinner and offered him food, then he had another thing coming.. not that he would be unwilling to join this little enterprise, given the right carrot. But simply implying a carrot was never going to work.  Though, and he noticed this as an afterthought, it was perhaps wrong of him not to correct the man's conceptions about gods and their openness to mankind.

"Oh, and about your little god reference. You do not understand the power of gods, do not pretend to, do not imply you do and do not ever hope to. Even I don't understand the power of gods and to a lot of people, I am one. Everyone has their own little faith system, to some gods are the reason behind the universe whereas to others they are simply lies told to get small kids to stop them misbehaving for fear of hell-fire. I don't know where you stand on things, but I will say this much;

There is an ancient belief kept by many people that god exists by a supply of belief, and that if you know something, you do not believe. What is an all powerful god when unknown and hidden becomes a tyrant or a despot when they are shown in the light of day, no matter how good said being's intention is. To show the truth of a god is to show the set designers painting the background of a play, to see the author writing in his book, it breaks the illusion, it seals the supernatural into the natural. It might still be beautiful but it will always lose something.  What good is a god when he's merely another being?"



Tsuyo leaned back to observe. A sly smile playing on his lips. An abused child that grew up angry. He could almost close his eyes and pretend this conversation was a dance in the dark. After all the tune was slow and one could not tell where their next step would land they where eager to step down and keep dancing. He liked the gutsy rebellions nature of this boy. Rising in power so quickly had sure given the boy an air of confidence. But this show just managed to be a distraction from his other thoughts. As he sat at lunch a squad of his people had penetrated Konoha. One could only wonder what was going to happen and if they intended to return soon. Or if their intentions meant nothing. For that would be the case if all of Konoha descended upon them. With out Mugen or himself there he doubted it would be an even fight. Still his silver gaze returns to the young man as he continues to speak. His finger tapping on the table as he watched. What a shame that the man was bright enough to ask so many questions. He himself enjoyed the simple minded being a part of his pack. But this would not exclude the boy. Not only was his clan one of the talents he intended to collect. But if he did not convince the boy that it was profitable for him to join the blue rose then eventually he would be forced to kill him. And he was certainly not a fan of putting off such dirty tasks.

Still as he listened his fingers stopped tapping at the mention of gods and false gods. A spark seemed to float behind his eyes. His temper flaring as this person tried telling him how little he knew based on his beliefs. He hated that. He hated other flaunting their beliefs around and calling his idealism stupid to his face. As he sat there the chandelier above them began to shake and the room darkened and began to shudder as suddenly chakra burst forth and the table between them was suddenly dust. But this did not reach the boy as Tsuyo was still sitting there. His smile one of a slight insanity. The men standing guard outside fell over unconscious from the pure chakra pulsing out as the walls began to crumble away.

"The point of a god on these plains is to be more then a Tyrant! We can be kings! You who must have desired family more then others could understand and would know the beauty of a brother to stand next to you. A sister to watch over you. Step forth and be the tool of the future and become a part of my family. If not of gods then of those fallen. Let the world tell stories of us to keep each other in line. I am the voice of vengeance. The voice of the justice against the corrupt. Let your hand move with mine. With ours and stain this world with the blood of the twisted. We stand where others would turn a blind eye. We stand where the world would back away. We do not go quietly into the night but instead fight for a new dawn. Can you stand and fight too?"

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

The man was smiling... Gen thought that was unsettling but Set couldn't care less, there was nothing that this man would be willing to do to him, at least not as long as he still had reason to believe that they would still be willing to give themselves over to him. Their services weren't going to be cheap, he could say that much, but their services were more than available to this cause, although not for anything that this man had said so far. Honestly, this man was probably one of the worst salesmen in the whole of the shinobi world. It was like he was offering a carrot to a vegetarian, so far he had done nothing but spew hot air across the table.

That being said, the table was a pretty nice one, and since they were the only ones in here it was clear that the man was rich. If not rich, then at least very influential. That meant he was going to be able to give Set things that he would like. He was a man who loved his personal belongings, he wanted to be able to have everything in the world that gave him pleasure, and that meant that with the money that this guy had at his disposal they could do something like that. Besides, working with this group would stir serious chaos up over the world eventually, and that was something that made Set happy, very happy indeed. However, what made him less happy was what happened next in their little conversation. There was a spark that was all too familiar behind his eyes and then.. then Set found it hard to breathe.

Now, he knew for a fact that he was not being choked since he would see who was doing it, and it was not that he had eaten something too fast because he had done that before and he knew exactly how that felt. No, this was instead something chakra related. Normally he'd think it was some form of technique that was supposed to be targeted on him, but the man hadn't woven any hand signs, so.... It was simply a release of chakra? The walls were melting, this guy had even more chakra than Set did!

However, though this man wouldn't like to admit this, when Set and Horus were together, they were more than a match for this guy, though with this much chakra coming from a single person he could only imagine the techniques that he'd be able to do.He was impressive, but he refused to show that on his face. Set instead focused on letting himself breathe once again, releasing just enough of his chakra to allow  him to act normally within this field of effect whilst not giving enough to show off. He was not in the mood to play a fireworks show for this guy right now.

"... I was eating that." He said, as the table and the meat that had been resting on it melted in the strong chakra. Great, so they had destroyed a restaurant. He could only imagine how long they would have until they pulled out the attention of the kage. the kage was with the Blue Rose from the rumors that he'd heard, but he likely wouldn't have told his ANBU or his jounin to not hunt them down to avoid them getting suspicious of his true intentions, and that meant they were in as much of a risk as they had been beforehand. So, they had to make this quick. As the man continued to droll on and on about how they were going to be able to do something amazing, powerful, incredible, Set just waited for him to finish patiently, like a father who's waiting for their son to stop talking about their day so they can tell them off for wasting money on sweets or something like that. Now, when he was finished, he began to speak.

"Do you know, Mr Kajiya, what I was worshiped as the god of? I was worshiped as the god of conquest, of darkness and most importantly, of chaos! I was seen as more of a demon than a god - My own mother thought of me as a monster.... she was right of course, but it still hurt." he said, cracking a cruel smile and giving back an expression in his eyes that matched Tsuyo's for their lack of sanity. they were both on rocky ground where sanity was considered.

"But, what matters out of that was the chaos god part. I have to take my duties as a deity seriously, and do you know what you call edicts that are ruled out by kings? Law and order. Order is the very opposite of chaos, what would I want in being a king? Besides, from what I hear, you've already got your own little king sitting in your lap like a good little boy." He said, uncrossing his legs and leaning forwards, his elbows moving to his knees.

"So, in your mind, my claim of not wanting a family means that I want a family more than others? I don't understand your logic, nor do I like your assumptions, but there is one thing in your little rant there that I do like. I like your power, the power to destroy this entire restaurant within seconds. I like your desire to spill blood of those who do not deserve to keep it within their veins, I like your desire for killing the corrupt. Don't get me wrong, Kajiya, I'm not a corrupt man, nor a monster. I am merely another being just like you, except with a bit more.... otherworldliness attached. So, what I'm going to say here is this. You already have my support, but what you have to do now is buy it. I will willingly work with you.... if you give me enough of a reimbursement for my time and efforts on your behalf."

That being said, he picked up his gourd with a single hand, clearly not caring about it's weight. He was more than used to it.
"Look at this, it's old and it's worn down. Look at my clothes, I am in a robe. Look at me, I am willing to eat from another man's plate simply because he offered. So, now that we've played the "selling game", we now play the auction game. Let's see how much you're willing to give me, not just pretty speeches and implications of a family that I neither need nor particularly want. I will give you my loyalty in this life and the next, if you give me the right price. " Then, deciding it was important to mention, he added.

"Oh, and don't bother getting all threatening like that again, please. You and I both know that you wouldn't have actively searched me out if you weren't interested in what I have to give to your cause. You're not going to cast away your chance to get one of my kind so easily simply because you don't like their earthly desires. With that in mind, I know you're not going to kill me now that you know that I will work for you, that would be like buying a house, then burning it down because you didn't want to pay the mortgage. I'm smarter than you give me credit for, my dear sir."



Tsuyo watched for a moment his teeth gritting at the nerve of this kid. The boy was a fool to test the limits of his temper. Nor did he apparently understand the meaning behind any of his words. But that hardly mattered. The boy seemed to be a lot simpler then he had predicted. His motives where concentrated on money. The riches of the material world where all the boy wanted. And so he would have it. Tsuyo's lips split into a smile as he chuckled a little to himself. Truly this was far easier then he had intended the conversation to go. His silver eyes look to the boy as if a hunter had just taken a hawk as it's companion. Of course he doubted money could buy such strict loyalty but he would cough up some cash for a chance at unity. If nothing else he would be furthering his collection with one of the key parts. The sands soaked in blood. The storms that darken the skies. The bugs that consume all. The sword of wrath. The ever piercing arrow. The shadow blade. The burning hand And the crushing palm. He felt that any battle that might come was bound to end bloody.

Still he nodded and reached into his right sleeve to pull out a slip of paper. Before he crossed the room and quietly handed it to the boy. Speaking ever so quietly as all the chakra died down.The remains of the building creaked but the guards all around began to gasp for breath. Slowly rising and shakily. But this was not the first time they had experienced this feeling. They shook themselves and moved a little further away.

"You will be paid handsomely for your work. And you and your men will be given housing and food with travel accommodations. All your needs will be seen to. On this paper is the place to be. Don't be alarmed if you see nothing. I will greet you there. I am sure your unique perspective will be welcomed. Dear brother."

And with that he walked past Bastet and reached into his coat to pull out a smoke. Lighting it with his lighter from his left pocket. He stood there waiting for law enforcement to arrive. He was very casual about it all. As if he had no worries of what might happen.

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