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Tracking the small group of bandits was simple as long as she kept herself hidden in the shadows that the thick forest provided. Of course, Shinobu had to put in a bit of extra effort in order to keep her footsteps and general movements silent. So far, she went by unnoticed. She let herself linger behind them, far enough that she could move comfortably without alerting them of her presence. She lost track of time as she followed them, but she soon found herself in front of a large mansion. She watched the four shinobi walk inside with her possessions. Part of her debated whether or not she should imply barge in through the front door or keep the stealth.

Remaining hidden was complicated and bothersome, but it had its rewards. Not to mention the fact that she knew nothing of who or what lay behind those gates… She was outnumbered, but she didn’t know by how many. Then again, Shinobu had always been one for flashy entrances. Not only that, but she was cocky enough to think she could fare well against the criminal group. After all, she did want to collect a bounty. And if worse came to worse, she could always flee. She had never had any qualms with that as long as it ensured her survival. Decisions, decisions…

Shinobu flipped the one coin that remained in her pocket. If it landed on heads, she would barge in, if it landed on tails, she would take a stealthier approach. She watched the coin do several flips in the air before she caught it in her fist. She lifted her hand from the small piece of copper and smiled underneath her mask. Great. Barging in it was.

Without further ado, Shinobu simply stepped out of the shade. She pulled Sabaku no Bara – a simple katana – from its sheath. She pointed the tip of the sword to the center of the gate. “Yami no Katana: Goin’a,” she whispered simply. She felt the all familiar burst of chakra through her arms. It tensed her muscles slightly, stiffening them until she got used to the sensation. Shinobu walked up to the gate, sword in hand, and simply swung her blade without much effort. The gates collapsed. It sounded as if they had imploded. As they fell, a large cloud of dust rose from the area, hiding the young woman’s form.

At this point, of course, all of the bandits in the near vicinity had been alerted of her presence. Hm… it was best not to kill them. She didn’t know if the bounty mentioned that they be turned in alive or not. Best to keep it safe and knock them out for safe transport later. Taking advantage of the dust cloud, Shinobu activated the sharingan that lay dormant behind her see through eye patch. It allowed her to see the silhouettes of the shinobi around her. It was simple to sneak up on them and knock them out with a well-placed hit from the hilt of her sword. The dust cloud soon, dissipated however, revealing a great number of the shinobi. The former Kazekage held her stance. “Now let’s see how many of you prove to be a challenge. It’s been a while since I had anything to sharpen my sword with,” she said, sounding entertained. A smile crossed her lips as she saw the shinobi charge towards her. She wondered if their leader would show up soon, and if so, what would he do?

Chakra Left: 380/405:



There was a certain amount of static energy in the air as of late. His men could now feel some sense of purpose though they knew not what they trained for. The brutish nature in many of them becoming more reformed. Each becoming more like a trained soldier every day. With a few exceptions of course. However his grip was less based on fear all of the sudden and more based on he himself being the one to give them purpose. On He being the one to take them from the grimy life they knew and give them beliefs. Already he felt the power of the army outside loyal to his group. Though he had no illusions that they would hold their own against some of the higher ranks. He felt that pride in their training and the sword they each wielded to drive them to try. A smile slid over his face as he emerged from the bath. His body glistening from the water. His hands reached down to caress the many scars of near survival. The times when his squad was just sent into bad scenarios and he watched friends die. The ones running from his home and family as they tried to kill him for refusing to kill his new friends. His eyes stung at the memory. For five years he had run. Now he had built a home. And a family. So damn if he would let it go with anything less then a blood stained grip.

Wiping the salty tears from his eyes he walked over to a dresser and lit a candle for each of the fallen. For those to be remembered. Before whispering his good wishes to them in the after life. Then he began to get dressed for dinner. His Black socks with shined black boots. Black slacks custom made to be flexible for him and then a grey silk shirt. Then the black tie and black fast. finished with the wait length suit coat. All Italian made to breath and be as flexible as himself. He then tucked his smokes into his inner right pocket and his lighter into his left hip pocket. Before brushing his hair back. He always preferred to look his best. It was then time to head down to dinner. His boots clicked in the near silent house hold with only the two chunnin brothers practicing in the ball room. He had become rather friendly with them as of late and hoped they could achieve greater heights then the rest of the men could dream. Of course he intended to send them to Kazu to train. Some where safe where they would not die to save him. He didn't like watching people he liked die. Of course these thoughts haunted him as he sat down to dinner. The others where late of course. Probably sleeping or training. It was then that he sat there in utter boredom waiting that a loud noise happened outside. His eyes narrowed as he rose from his seat. The noise was to loud and violent for it to simply be some intense training. Indeed he knew the sound of battle.

As he approached the door he could hear the screams of confusion and determination. The sounds of a man calling out cut off suddenly. Some one was attacking his compound. He frowned before nodding to the men at the door to open the door into the open night sky. As the doors creaked open all noise outside the mansion seemed to halt immediately. Not a one of his men made a noise beyond the loud shuffling of armor as they moved away from the masked woman. Forming ranks in a half moon in front of her so no one was aiming through her at another as they knocked arrows. The middle of the half moon was of course split to allow him passage inwards. Already the training was obvious to him as he reached into his coat and pulled out a single smoke. Before lighting it and sliding the lighter back in his pocket. As silence fell his foot steps seemed to echo as he descended towards the scene. The red light from his smoke highlighting silver eyes as if the world burned behind them. He allowed some of his anger to flow out of him like pure pressure. Just to test to see if she was some low rank showing off. Enough so that a Genin or Chunnin would find it hard to breath under his gaze. Still he took note of the utter lack of effect. So those steps stopped in front of her as every arrow was audibly tightened. Aimed right at her. He doubted the arrows would hit anything in the amount of time it would take her to cross the distance to him. But it was one hell of a show. Those silver eyes look to the men on the ground with his medical knowledge letting him know that they would likely wake up irritated with a head ache. Before he looked to her and spoke with a silver tongue.

"My my you have a way with knocking. Not very feminine but who is attracted to such fragile beings? Come come then. You are late for dinner."

He spoke as if she was expected. Of course a plot was already forming in his mind. She was not wearing an Anbu mask meaning she was unlikely after him directly. Nor was she wearing the mark of a village. Though she did hide her identity. The 50 or so men she had put on the ground with out killing them or breaking a sweat might incline him to see if she. Like so many others had a price that could be bought out. Still he would wait for her to sheath her weapon before indicating the arrows to be put away. And never would he turn his back on her.



So the leader finally decided to show up. Gin smirked beneath the bandages that covered her face. She looked at her surroundings from the corner of her eyes. There were several dozen arrows pointed directly at her. She would be able to deflect them with the aid of her new doujutsu and her naturally honed reflexes. But of course, just using her sword wouldn’t do it. She sank into a stance, readying herself in case she had to use the technique she had in mind. A quick burst of wind would deflect the arrows if they decided to shoot at her. In the meantime, her eyes were locked on their supposed leader. She looked at him closely. It was easy to tell from his eyes that he was a Hyuuga. There weren’t many of them living in Suna and the ones who did had once defected from the Hidden Leaf. But the clan was infamous enough that she could easily recognize someone who bore that doujutsu. If she was forced to fight, maybe she could take his eyes…

For a moment, the mercenary wondered how much a pair of those would sell on the black market. Of course, that was assuming that she could take him on. Not to mention the fact that he probably had people under him that were far stronger than the weaklings that she had just taken out. Decisions, decisions… She weighed her options. She knew that she would be satisfied as long as she got out of there with a substantial amount of money. How she got it didn’t really matter now, did it? She still stared at the young Hyuuga. He seemed to be about her age, maybe a little younger and less worn from countless battles. She had a great deal of experience which would without a doubt aid her if they were to clash. However, she knew very little about this man beyond the obvious.

She didn’t move a muscle when he offered to have her join them for dinner. The young woman’s stance was still tense and poised to attack. Their eyes were locked on each other. Neither refused to lower their guard for an instant. “Quite confident, aren’t you?” She asked. Her hand gripped her sword tightly. A quick summon of Yajirushi might also disable the archers around her if she could draw the blade quickly enough. But that would make striking a deal with the group of bandits impossible. It was best to make it seem like they had arrived at a stalemate. “What makes you think I’ll drop my guard? I’ve been around long enough to know that doing so would get me killed. Now, unless you’ve got a nice enough offer for me, I’ll keep going about my business. You people must have a pretty decent bounty on your heads. Hell, I could probably live comfortably for the rest of my life if I turned you all in. And don’t doubt the fact that I easily could, boy.”



Tsuyo shook his head softly. She was certainly stubborn. And he doubted that dinner would be hot still when he got back in if this continued. Man he hated cold food. It lacked the life and spice it once held. Dried up and shriveled. He preferred his steak still juicy. His silver eyes looked back to her letting her see into them. The eyes where not that of a pacifist. He had killed a great deal of people. Blood flooded his history. All in the name of some one or the belief of something that was never his. What drove him was to kill or be killed. While he was dressed nice this close to her they would be able to almost feel the aura of two slayers standing on opposite sides of the field. Of course he could feel a little more blood dripped from hers. But something held her back. Something kept her from the madness he found solitude in. Something made a small part of her human. As if she still had a reason to live beyond surviving. It was due to this that he was able to control his temper. It was because of something he didn't understand. That he lost the desire to rip the woman apart.

Instead he lifted a hand and snapped a finger. The arrows lowered and as ranks the men departed. Leaving only the two of them alone in front of the house. A breeze blew away the dust between them. He lacked the fear of her sword that most Taijutsu specialist's had for some reason. As if the blade to him was no different then a punch. And with his fighting style that was fairly true. Though if they fought Neither would get away unscathed. He would have to put his neck on the line. Something he was uncomfortable in doing. Still he let out a breath. The cold air letting it look like steam escaping his jaws. Before he stepped forward and casually walked past her to the gate. His fingers on his right hand reaching out and touching the damaged parts. As if highly interested in it. Before he spoke quietly.

"While it is true that some of our employee's have a record I highly doubt the battle would be worth the couple hundred you might accumulate. You see we are a simple import export business. If you took my head to Iwa likely as not yours would just become another face on a wanted poster. If you made it out of the city."

With a slight jerk he ripped what was left of the huge gate off the hinges with one hand holding up the bent metal to examine it. A show of pure strength but still he felt she needed more to prove she wouldn't come out on top in a fight. So he dropped the gate with a crash Kicking up dirt as the heavy gate slammed into the ground noisily. before he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped off his hand as if something dirty where stuck on it. before he turned back looking to her as if a little disappointed she would damage his house. Before he smiled again and tilted his head admiring her stance. Before he spoke.

"However you did bring something new to my attention. I happen to be in need of a new head of security. This would be a live in position of course. Food, Drink and comforts provided with a weekly pay. But what would a bounty hunter want with comfort and drink? Do I offer something you care nothing for?"



Shinobu lowered her sword as soon as the shinobi around her dispersed and lowered their arrows. She returned her blade to its sheath. However, her stance was still tense. She had other things she could rely on, other techniques that she could use other than her blade in order to fend off a potential attack. She could summon one of her blades on a moment’s notice. She could rely on taijutsu, fuuinjutsu and even ninjutu if need be. Of course, she would always feel empty and almost naked without a sword in her hand during a fight. She felt conflicted. On one hand, she wanted to fight. She wanted to test this man’s skill in a one on one battle. It wasn’t exactly bloodlust that drove her forward, but the thrill of battle. She could care less about killing and spilling blood. As long as the fight was entertaining, it was well worth it. But then again, she doubted that she could be able to avoid fighting to the death in such a situation.

Not only that, but if what he was saying was true, then she would just be wasting her time. Of course, he could just be bluffing to make her lower her guard. But then again, he seemed to be rather relaxed in her presence. He didn’t seem hostile. Instead, he seemed keen on diffusing the underlying tension. Shinobu crossed her arms over her chest and kept her eyes on the man as he walked across the front lawn and picked up the remainder of the gate. So this was an “import and export” business. In other words, they were smugglers. She had never really had a problem with contraband, even during her time as Kazekage. If she could get powerful, but illegal weapons, into the city, then by all means. She would turn a blind eye and let them go on about their business. It helped the economy and it made the village grew in strength. I was understandable that Iwa would do the same.

The former Kazekage watched as the man grabbed the gate and smashed it against the ground. She smirked at the obvious show of power. And then… he offered her a job? That was… strange. She had just assaulted his compound, blown up his gates and knocked out half of his guards and now he was offering her a job? Well, she wasn’t one to complain, to be honest. She would get free room and board and a nice paycheck. And some stability wouldn’t hurt. Besides, it’s not like they could really stop her from travelling. But did he really just trust her? No questions asked? She was skeptical. “So you’ll offer me a job just like that? You’re quick to trust, aren’t you?” She said. “But sure, I’ll humor you. Give me a decent paycheck, strong people to fight and some booze and you’ll have me here for as long as you like.”



Tsuyo noticed she sheathed the sword finally and prevented himself from sighing in relief. In a world where people loved to steal and kill and the peace of the moment when the sword was finally put away was sweeter then strawberry fields. Instead a soft smile played on his face. He turned and locked eyes with her with silver eyes sadder then a wolf who knows not of the moons embrace. Such sadness embraced within his very being. For he knew that within himself his sword was dripping with blood and still it had to much left to do. No, indeed he was far from done spilling blood and those who would die for his ideals and what he created. He mourned for them. Already he mourned for the world as it once was. A time long ago before his time when the world was unified. A belief held it all together. For years murder was appalling. People from other villages would join each other over a dinner table. He shook his head and continued to walk past her again back towards his dinner. Looking over his shoulder to her with soft words spoken. No trickery within the tone.

"In this world where murder is the currency. And money the tool. Trust isn't what I offer. I offer the sadness a slayer will one day face in return for enough of this tool to try and comfort the soul. Your strength is obvious. As for strong opponents. If you stand beside me. The world may one day raise it's blade to you. I can only hope enough of us join together. A family for troubles to come and pass. We can no longer be simple kinds of men and women that others love and understand. Think about this tonight. I won't blame you if you run in the morning. For when the sun rises on the battle field I can promise your lust for battle will be satisfied. But I can not promise our souls or lives."

His words rang with sadness as he turned and walked back inside. His appetite was gone with that group of words. He was truly a sad but vengeful man. And one day the world would hate him. With a sigh and an intake of breath he stood tall. Walking back to the planning room. His solitude where he planned every step into the night. He would stand against the coming storm. And he would bare the burden. The world trembled in his hands. But was it his hands struggling with the responsibility or was it the world trembling with what he must do?

~Exit thread~

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