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1Taste of Blood [Mission] Empty Taste of Blood [Mission] Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:37 am

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

No matter what time period, no matter when or why, there would always be those who stuck inside the law and those who refused to. Now, don't get it wrong, some people who stay outside of the law can be good people, after all laws aren't always just. Laws are made by the people who control an area to allow them to control the area better, and when those people are unjust many times the laws will be too. However, in this time and age the majority of laws in the great ninja villages were fair. There were a few exceptions (e.g. The Mizukage slaughtering all of her prisoners simply because she disliked law breakers), but the majority of things were fine. Thus, the people who went against them, more often than not, either had some great motivation to lure them into doing such or they were terrible people who wanted nothing more than money and power. It seemed, unfortunately, that the second one was very much in style right now.

Iwa was swarmed with criminals and there was so much illegal practice within the city that it was quite impossible to tell what parts of the economy were tainted with dirty money and what parts weren't. There were all sorts of criminals within Iwa; Pickpockets, muggers, rapists, and even worse. However, the type of criminal that Gen was being sent against on his mission today were bandits. Bandits were the vile bastards who held people up on their journey and demanded their money in return for sparing the life of those they were threatening.

The way that they were running their operation today, it appeared, was that they were making a stand at one of the major points of commerce for the town, the stone bridge that conveys from the other villages used to cross the river. Without that road, they were cut off from the rest of the world, which meant that this was the most basic way of creating a siege. Due to the lack of a lush ecology, the city might be able to sustain itself with self grown food for maybe a week but then they would have to give up to the bandits, and they were demanding a rather exorbitant amount of money. However, what the bandits did not factor into their little scheme was the fact that people didn't like giving away money that they had earned themselves. So, instead of giving in to the bandits demands, they were sending a mercenary to go and take out the bandits. The mercenary, it turned out, was Gen.

Moving down along the river, Horus and Gen flew through the area shooting the currents as they continued to move. Not being familiar with the area, they had to use their logic to find the bridge. Nobody had given them a map, but they had been told that the stone bridge was over the river. That meant, if they followed the river, they would find the bridge. That was, mercifully, true as they found it in the distance, moving down over the bridge and scouting out their opponents. They all seemed to be close combat ninjas, judging by the fact that they were all either holding kunai, a sword or a dao. So, he had to stay out of range of them, okay. That he could do, he thought as he turned around and took a second loop around the bridge. As he moved over the bridge again, he pointed his finger at the ground underneath the group that were armed with kunai. they would be a lesser threat and, most likely, they would be unable to break their way out of the stones. That meant all he had to deal with were their higher ups. Thankfully for him, he could also do that with ease.

Slipping into the bird sign, he condensed his futon chakra into orbs that rested around his body. He was only going to give them the benefit of using three of the orbs against them. Unfortunately for them, they were transparent so they wouldn't be able to see it coming. Clicking his fingers, they broke off and fired at one opponent each. Moving at 50 mph , even if the men had been able to see them coming they wouldn't have been able to dodge. Each one hit their mark, one slamming the leader in the middle of his forehead, the other two knocking the poor chuunins in the head, slamming them down into the bridge so their faces were on the floor of the bridge. The sheer concussion of the chunins having their head slammed hard against bricks was enough to knock them unconscious, whereas the leader had instead been thrown back, falling off the bridge into the water. Unfortunately, at the speed and strength that he had been hit, his back slammed against the surface of the river and a sickening thud could be heard. Well... that was the first person that Gen had killed without having Set take over. For a moment, he was a little concerned about whether or not that would give him bad karma, before realizing that it was a kill to protect innocents and that that was, in fact, good karma. No longer feeling concerned about that, he instead turned his attention to the prison.

The ninjas were, apparently, truly inept. they had not managed to break out yet, which was honestly rather ludicrous. Should he wait up here for them to get out or should he just go? there was the chance that they wouldn't get out by the time that he got to the village and back, but he didn't want to risk the fact that they could get away if they broke out in time. So, to be on the safe side, he waited around until they broke out of his prison. He wasn't just going to disband it, he knew that if he did then they would be able to get out without using as much chakra. This way, they were being forced to burn through their chakra like there was no tomorrow. Finally, when they did break through it, they looked exhausted. The dirt from the stones that they'd been hitting against had fallen onto their faces, covering them with grime and filth as they stood there looking confused at what was going on.

The thing about stone is that it reflects sound pretty well. It was said by ancient ronin that if you put your ear to the ground that you could hear the vibration of people coming miles away. It was because of how good the ground was at maintaining vibrations, which was what sound was. However, the genin either had been too busy trying to break out of the prison or they hadn't known about that as they had not been paying attention to what was going on outside of their prison. They looked over at the position that they had been occupying before they'd been trapped. their eyes seemed to widen in shock as they looked over at their leaders only to see them either face-down on the floor or... well, not there. the body of the jounin had already sunk under the tides, so they had no idea what was going on with him. Maybe they thought that he had run away, although considering that they were willing to follow him they would have been hesitant to believe that.

Since he had already gone through his air bullets, he was going to leave the rest of this fight to Horus so that they didn't run out of chakra. Not that that was a problem with the little that they had expended so far, but it was better to be safe than sorry. With that thought in mind, Horus flapped his wings rapidly, forming a pair of wind tunnels that propelled the unfortunate genin back into the prison. Now, the thing about structures is that when structural integrity is compromised, they become very unstable. The genin had already made it unstable by breaking out, and now that there was a sudden impact of wind against it, it was unable to hold up against the amount of pressure on it. The wind bore through the stone holding it up rapidly before it collapsed with a rather pleasant sound. What was admittedly a lot less pleasant was the sound of  bones breaking under the sudden weight of stones falling down on their heads. they hadn't even had time to scream before it had fallen on their heads.

The sight was a little bit too much for someone who didn't normally go in for killing people. It felt vile and his stomach was weak... Gen turned his head away as Horus turned and flew back to the village, clearly sensing his brother's discomfort. It was good having someone who could read your emotions, Gen thought as he tried to hold down his lunch. It was a battle hard won.


Gen's Chakra 165/200:
Horus' Chakra 165/175:

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