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1Training the Academy (D-Rank) Empty Training the Academy (D-Rank) Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:03 pm



Iyata stood watching the young students gathered around here and slowly began to decide what exactly she was going to teach them. She smiled softly to each of them and got an idea, “So is there any particular Jutsu any of you wish to learn?”She asked with a warm smile. The class frantically started to call out different names of techniques some that she did not even know. She held up her hands gently and smiled to them, “I know exactly which one I will teach you.”She commented and smiled as the children leaned forward with wide eyes. Iya looked around slowly and offer one of them to become a participant, “Okay which one of you know’s how to throw a Kunai?” She asked softly. There were fewer hands, one raised up slowly as if they could not be bothered but knew they would be called out if they hadn’t raised their hand. Iyata smiled and nodded, “Okay come here..” She beckoned.

The blonde haired child stood up and shoved his hands into his pocket and slowly proceeded to walk through the group of children and stand in front. He looked up at Iyata with a almost defiant look, but one that knew better than to disrespect his elders especially his senior ninja. Iyata smiled softly and tossed him a real Kunai, which he attempted to catch and fumbled a few moments before solidifying his hold on the weapon. She took a few steps back and held out her arms wide and looked at the young Ninja. “Alright….now throw it!” She encouraged. The child did not think twice nor hesitate, the child with a flick of his wrist sent the pointed object sailing towards Iyata. She slapped her hands together making the appropriate signs “Kawarimi no Jutsu!” The Kunai nailed Iyata square in the chest.

Her body suddenly suddenly disappeared with a puff of smoke only to have the Kunai sticking inside a school book. The book fell with a clatter onto the ground, Iyata stood above the group upon a pole and whistled to the group. The kids turned their attention to Iyata and began to frantically clap their hands with approval. Iyata smiled and jumped from her roost and landed nimbly onto the ground. “Alright, we will begin to learn the substitution Jutsu which I just performed. I want everyone to pair off.” She stated softly and the kids began to divide into teams of two. “Good! Now I want you all to begin to practice these hand seals.” She says softly and shows them step by step the proper seals. She slowly began to walk down the middle viewing each childs seal to check for any flaws and correcting them as she went.

“Alright! Now I would like you to recite after me..” she cleared her throat as she continued to walk among the group, “Kawarimi no Jutsu!” she exclaimed. She heard the children speaking it clearly and she spared the time to correct a child that was incorrect in pronouncing it. “Alright, now I would like the opposite child to throw a punch and the other try to use the Jutsu appropriately.” She stated softly and cleared herself from the middle and watched the children. As they began to clobber one another, some of the children were taking hit after hit, others where able to successfully execute the Jutsu after a few thumps. Iyata smiled and nodded her head, “Continue on!” She exclaimed and continued to watch over the children. The teacher walked out and smiled to Iyata “Thank you Iyata.” Iyata smiled and nodded her head. “Of course.”She said softly and turned her attention to the chaos.


[wc: 618/600]

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