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Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko

Moriko arrived at the mission office after eating a simple lettuce wrap filled with vegetables for her lunch. She felt that she had accomplished quite a bit this morning, and was hoping that her first mission would be something that she could be proud of. She had heard some horror stories though, so she did find herself rather down trodden at the idea of weeding or catching lost pets, or even doing construction work for people. She did not mind the idea of assisting out the villagers, because Kirigakure was her home and her father had taught her to be proud of her home. To devote all that she was to it, and the best way for her home to be good was for her to help it in any way that she could.

At the same time, unfortunately, she did not want to do missions where she would be expected to just help random people. They might help make her stronger or maybe improve in some small way, but what she truly wanted to do was serve her village to her fullest. She hoped that she could overcome her fear of killing but even if she could not, she could at least capture people and defend her village to the best of her ability. She knew from the few strategy and tactics books that she had read that wounded foes could cause more havoc on an opposing force than dead ones. Due to the fact that when someone was wounded they now had to be evacuated and cared for, which cost money and other resources like people.

Shaking these thoughts from her head Moriko entered the mission office and walked up to the man, manning the mission desk. She had always found it hard to converse with people and taking a deep breath she steeled herself before speaking up. It took everything she had not to wince at the emotionless, almost robotic tone she spoke in. “Uhm are there any D rank missions I can do, sir?” The man looked up from his bored rolling of the mission scroll along the desk before eyeing the red haired young woman before him. If she didn’t look like she had just graduated from the academy, and had spoken in a voice other than a robot tone he might have been tempted to hit on her.

But all that coupled together sang warning bells in his mind of something that he definitely did not want to get involved with. With that in mind he snatched up the scroll he was holding and tossed it at the new Genin, about to embark on her first mission. “You’re in luck the academy needs a Genin to help out right now. Head over there and the Chuunin in charge of the class will brief you further. Be sure to come back and turn in a mission report so you can get paid.” Moriko nodded excitedly as she took off at a run towards the door, almost forgetting to stop and open it. It was a good thing she did, since it would have been rather embarrassing to run into the door.

She wanted to make a good impression on her comrades, not make them think she was some kind of fumbling buffoon. Once she had excited the mission office she took off towards the academy, arriving there shortly due to the speed of her tree hopping she unrolled the scroll as she walked towards the entrance doors. Apparently, she needed to report to her old Chuunin instructor, who was teaching a new class of Academy Students already. Too bad those academy students were mainly eight year olds and still had at minimum two years of training left to go. Moriko remembered just how annoying most of those kids were, but then when she had been here she had been nine years their senior.

It was no wonder she couldn’t handle them too well. She finally reached the classroom, unsurprised to hear the Chuunin dressing down the students for being too loud. She knocked politely and stood waiting calmly for permission to enter. Once it was give, she cracked the door open and slipped inside walking up to her old instructor as the children began to mumble. She handed over her mission scroll without a word, standing with her hands clasped respectfully behind her back as she awaited his instructions. He skimmed the scroll quickly before offering it back to her and starting to speak, addressing both her and the class at the same time.

“Good news you brats, Genin Moriko here will be taking over your Taijutsu based class for the next two hours. Be sure to respect her just as you would respect me when I am up here teaching, she obviously outranks you all as well.” He turned facing Mori and addressing her privately, “I need to go set up for their obstacle course, bring them there at the end of the two hours.” Moriko nodded politely as the man quickly left heading to complete his other duties. She turned towards the glass, glaring at them all just the way the old Chuunin had always done to them. “All right class, move to the training ground at your top speed. We do not have time to dilly dally if you want to become Genin one day.”

The children seemed excited to Moriko, though she was not entirely sure why as she recalled that the old Chuunin while being a strict teacher, was also fair and good at his job. The Children were simply excited to have someone teaching them from the rank that they hoped to gain in two years. Plus they liked the idea of having a new instructor that just might not be as strict as their normal one. Once they had arrived at the academy, Moriko set the group to stretching speaking to them while she did so, following in the stretching routines herself. “Now remember, it is always important to stretch appropriately before anytime of physical activity. If you fail to do so you could risk injuring yourself by tearing or pulling a muscle. This could end up setting you back months in your training schedule, resulting in missing your Genin exams and the promotion that comes with passing it.”

She could see the looks of horror on the children’s faces as they began to focus more on their stretches and take not only that more seriously, but also her. After fifteen minutes had passed she began to lead the students through several basic katas and strike poses from her own Boxing style. Once she had gotten them to begin practicing the basics she went through the lines of students fixing their stances and better explaining how to strike appropriately. She had them practice for forty five minutes before splitting them up into teams of two. Once they were all teamed up she showed them several grappling moves and simply repeated the process.

She would have preferred to have them spar, but this was her first time ever conducting a class like this or really ever even taking a leadership position. As such she felt that she should stick to the basics and ensure that the children knew what they were doing. She did not want to be responsible for if they injured themselves after all. Once the hour had ended with some of the students complaining about how boring the lesson had been she led them towards the obstacle course, trying to push them to run faster than they were comfortable with. She figured if they worked their bodies harder now than they would be even more prepared for the Genin exams, and then Kirigakure would find itself with even better Genin than it had expected.

Once she dropped the students off at the obstacle course, she took several minutes to go over the mission scroll before filling in the small form at the bottom with all the relevant details. It was rather simple and something that they had covered at the academy many times, since the clerks who worked at the mission office got annoyed when people filled these things out wrong. Once completed she headed to the mission office at a rather sedate pace simply pleased that she felt that she had completed her mission quite well. Once she arrived he handed the scroll over, surprised when the Chuunin motioned her to wait. He scanned the scroll quickly before tossing her another one. “The academy forgot to ask for help with this mission, figure you will not mind making a bit of extra money and getting a step up on completing more missions. Have fun, little Genin.” She just stared at the Chuunin quietly as he taunted her before turning and leaving.

She was vaguely annoyed with the Chuunin for not telling her earlier about this mission because it could have saved her a tremendous amount of time from travelling back and forth. As it was now she would need to rush back to the academy in order to make it in time. On top of that she would be unable to fully read through the mission details like she wanted to. So yes, her irritation at that Chuunin was very real. If she were some type of prankster she would probably have planned some retribution for him for this. But alas she was not, so really all she would do was just seethe in anger and focus on training later to work it out of her system. That was probably the healthier method in the long run considering it meant that she would not be getting in to trouble with a superior officer.

WC: 1,622
WC Needed: 1,200

-----Still In progress----

Mori Moriko

Mori Moriko


These thoughts occupied her mind as she headed back towards the academy, she was pushing herself ot move at her best speed so that she could spend some time going over the scroll before she was stuck handling whatever this mission was. As such she arrived rather out of breath at the entrance to the academy. She could see the chuunin instructor filling the children up for whatever they were doing. She focused on hiding her presence as she silently unrolled the scroll skimming over it. So it looked like the students would be headed to the swimming pool for some extracurricular training. Swimming was a rather important art in the land of water, after all there was literally water everywhere since the Land of Water was really just an archipegelio of islands.

She noted that it would be her job to enforce discipline on the little brats, but that there was no detailed information about the kids in the class. Clearly the instructor was worried that some of the students were going to conduct some kind of prank or other such bad behavior or else he would not have requested this mission. Kirigakure Academy Instructors were not in the habit of wasting the mission offices time or sending Genin out for a mission like this without some reason behind it. With that in mind she rerolled the scroll and pocketed it before heading over to the Chuunin, ensuring to clear her throat slightly as she approached. One of the more important things she has learned was to not sneak up on Chuunin, because they often reacted rather violently if you managed to succeed.

The Chuunin turned at her clearing throat sound and eyed her dispassionately for several moments before giving her a half nod of greeting. She could see a small sliver of recognition in his eyes, which made sense since she had just graduated and been one of the older members of the graduating class she had undoubtedly stood out. This was one of the Chuunin instructors who was actually older than she was, which is why she remembered him rather well. The Chuunin motioned discreetly for her to follow him off to the side, to which she followed. He gave a world weary sigh as he began speaking. “All right so you know I’m mainly concerned about one student in particular, though he may have been able to enlist an accomplice if he does have anything planned.”

The man paused for a moment looking over at the class, she followed his line of sight looking at what she assumed was the boy he was worried about. He had a general appearance, that didn’t really make him stick out. The only real thing about him that she could pick up on was that he seemed to have a mischievous glint in his eyes and his clothing seemed oddly bulky compared to the size of his arms and legs. He simply looked like a prankster the obvious glee in his eyes and the way he seemed to even just move sneakily. With a nod of understanding to the Chuunin, she stepped back allowing him to take control of the situation yet again.

He barked orders out to the children, finally getting them assembled into a line and they finally got started off towards the local swimming pools. Due to the fact that they were walking, and rather sedately at that, it took well over twenty minutes to arrive at the pools. The Chuunin took all of the boys towards their dressing room while Moriko found her self supervising the females changing. She had far less students to watch over and made sure that none of the females were attempting to sneak anything into the pool area. Once she felt like they were good to go, she led the way through the double doors, directing the six female students to get into the pool.

She was rather surprised that the Chuunin and the group of males were already out here, but choose not to say anything, instead focusing on the two potential trouble makers. Kota, was the one she was really worried about and as she made a slow lap around the pool trying to split her attention between watching those two and also everyone else, she caught something out of the corner of her eye. Twirling around quickly she focused a hard glare on the boy known as Koga, for in his hand was a clear mud ball. He was aiming for the life guard first and Moriko grit her teeth as he voice snapped out. “Don’t you dare hit him with that mud ball, Student?” The surprise of hearing her voice and being caught so quickly were probably all that saved the poor life guard from getting all dirty.

It wasn’t like she was saving lives here by not allowing the Student to hit the life guard with the mud ball. However, her mission objective had been to ensure the students remained well behaved and did not trash the pool area. Walking around the edge of the pool she leant over, using her long reach to grip Kota by the back of his shirt and pulling him out of the water. She dangled the object of her annoyance in front of her face for several moments, before a vicious smile came across her face. “Your pool privileges have been suspended, instead you will cleaning the entire building while your classmates have fun.”

She could see the effect her words had on the boy immediately, as his shoulders slumped and he looked down at the ground. Setting him down her motioned him to the cleaning supplies. Now as the rest of the day carried on she made sure to check on her brand new Pool Janitor boy and make the occasional odd comment to him about how he was doing with his cleaning. It was clear that he hated the punishment, but in Moriko’s eyes that meant that he had to have learned his lesson, right? Who would rather be cleaning then playing in the pool with their friends after all? At the end of the two hours, the Chuunin approached her signing off on her mission scroll and telling her she was free to leave.

Giving a brisk salute she turned and headed off towards the mission office to turn her mission report in and hopefully be released for the day. She had other things on her mind now after all. Like how could she meet some more shinobi to be training partners with.

WC: 1101
TWC: 2723
WC Needed: 1200

-------EXIT, END THREAD----------

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