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1We don't need no Education [Mission] Empty We don't need no Education [Mission] Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:14 pm

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

In all of the scriptures, they spoke about how the new generation was lost and that the last generation would have to give them the education that they didn't have yet, it was why there was so many religious issues with patricide. However, it was a flawed system, as if one generation refused to carry it's weight then all resulting generations would fall into the black pit that was lack of knowledge, and once you were there there was always a rope you could climb, but said rope gave you rope burns and those rope burns turned into blisters, and the blisters turned into arthritis and then you were falling back into the pit with all the other unintelligible fools that littered your society, and in the darkness there wasn't enough room to breath any more and thus everyone died and slow and painful death of constriction and arthritis and the new generations were born into a place that was even more cramped than before, and before long the entire species was extinct. Long story short, things are fucked up because people are idiots.

Of course, that wasn't how Gen would have phrased it, but either way he was still taking the academy up on it's offer. It was a strange situation that he was in, being invited to teach in an academy without formally being able to claim that he had graduated an academy. He claimed that he was homeschooled and that was technically true, at least true enough to get him the requirements that he needed to go to this academy as a teacher, but that being said he was only actually trained in the art of being a priest. His mother had taught him about the control and manipulation of his chakra through ninjutsu, but it was definitely not what you'd call a very normal education. Hell, he didn't even know how a teacher should behave in a situation like this, but one thing was for sure. He was definitely not going to let Set take control today, he was going to need to be on his absolute best to be able to overcome the deadly challenges of mastering the arts of the classroom. Now, to class!

As he stood in front of the maybe twenty children, he run a hand through his hair nervously, before smiling and writing on the board. This was not his first language, but he was at least proficient enough in it to be able to write it enough for this lesson. He was fluent, but he was not as good at writing as he was at speaking. after all, in social situations he had to speak, and he had rarely bothered training his writing capabilities since he wouldn't be writing in a situation like that. Or at least, that was what he was thinking

"My name is Ustath Sabaku, you can call me Gen. Today, I will be teaching everyone about the arts of ninjutsu. But, rather than the way your teachers will likely have taught you, I'm going to show you the arts of it as practiced by my people. Remember this, things are handled differently across the world. What is acceptable in one place might mean something disgusting in another. Never forget that, or else you'll wind up getting in trouble." he said, before realizing just how close he sounded to his father. Well, his father in a good mood. Set sounded a lot more like his father in a bad mood.

"The most basic thing that you have to realize is that no attack is ever guaranteed to hit. You could be the very pinnacle of strength and go against someone, and yet they could come out against your strongest attack unscathed. that's why you have to choose your moment wisely. Never attack when they can see it coming, or else falls the curtain." He said, tossing his shoes off and out of the room before beckoning the teacher.

"Now, fire a concentrated blast of chakra at me." She looked surprised at the request, but he nodded to show that he was serious. She willingly gave one, and it appeared to slam Gen against the wall, piercing him through the chest. For a moment, the entire class looked horrified, until it disappeared with a puff of smoke, leaving in it's place... a pair of shoes. which had managed to avoid the chakra blast due to how small they were, going literally in between them.

Walking back into the classroom and dusting himself down, he smiled at the kids who still looked mildly horrified.
"Also, remember that if you come up with an escape plan beforehand, you're a lot more likely to survive your missions than those who are stupid and leave everything to chance."

Chakra 145/150:

2We don't need no Education [Mission] Empty Re: We don't need no Education [Mission] Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:03 pm

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

the class were still in awestruck silence when the bell finally went, marking the end of the period. Thankfully for Gen, he was being paid for a double period, twice the work but twice the money, and besides this meant that he was going to be able to do his job for longer. So, as the bell rang, he let it finish before starting again. Thankfully, it also meant that they had stopped looking at him in horror-stricken surprise during the time that he'd been waiting. Really, had nobody taught them that jutsu before? it was referred to as an "academy" jutsu, so he would have assumed that was one that they would have covered already. Maybe they hadn't used it in such graphic circumstances? that would make sense, he though t as he stepped back into his shoes. Now, as the class settled down once more, he prepared to lead them onto the next bit. This bit was going to be about using their already learnt abilities properly. It was good that he had managed to talk to an actual graduate from this academy, as that had given him insight on their level of development by this point.

"So, how many of you kids know how to shape change?" Every hand in the class shot up instantly. He smiled at that little bit of enthusiasm, probably still responding from his violent little display last period. Now he was going to show just how right they were about this being interesting.
"Now, who here can list a reason why you would want to shape change?" A little boy on the front row put his hand up, and when he gestured for him to go on, he spoke up in a voice that was so quiet and timid it was almost impossible to hear.

"W-well... you might want to avoid your enemies..." The answer was so obvious it was barely even worth noting, but he was not going to be mean to this kid. He was clearly trying his best, and he was shy so he had to make certain allowances.
"Good, that's one reason, who else can name another." This time a little girl put her hand up, before going on to say
"Well... you could use it to gather information on your enemies by tricking them into thinking you're an ally."
"Yes, but these are all obvious. I shall show you the reason why you should want to do this."

With that, he walked out of the classroom before hiding behind the wall. Summoning a clone, he used it to walk back into the classroom, where everyone just stood there dumbfounded. They were clearly expecting something, and he would give them something. Changing his form into that of the headmaster of the academy, he walked into the room and looked irritated at the teacher, seeming to ignore his own clone.

"Miss, why are you still teaching these kids? didn't I tell you you were fired yesterday! Genzai, you can go home, you're no longer required." The class seemed struck down in surprise by this revelation, some looking disbelievingly at the teacher whilst the teacher stared disbelievingly at him. Within ten seconds, he dropped his guise, the clone disappearing in a puff of smoke. Even with this little revelation the entire class still seemed surprised at what was going on.

"Remember, just because you're not you doesn't mean you should give them a reason to think that you just vanished. If you want to make a truly convincing cover, send a clone still looking like you through the enemy's line of sight, and then pose as a member of their side. they will have already seen you and thus assume that your cover is an actual cover. After all, with Henge No Jutsu being used more and more in covert operations, people are getting more and more suspicious of their team-mates recently. Give them a reason not to be suspicious and this works a charm. However, only do this if they already expect you to be around the area, of you're just giving yourself up for nothing. Even if it's a clone, they will be on the lookout for someone who looks like your clone. Your clone will look like you, and thus give an accurate description."


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