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1Ravenous Bloodlust [B-Rank Crime] Empty Ravenous Bloodlust [B-Rank Crime] Sun Sep 29, 2013 4:29 pm



Doing this mission:

Daraku approached the gate of the business. It was a shabby building shoved between two skyscrapers in the middle of Iwagakure no Sato, with a large sign that said, "Matamoto Weapons, Inc.". His mission was to kill its owner, Itsuki. It wasn't a hard task at all, and he looked forward to the opportunity to spill blood. Hikō was strapped to his back, shining brilliantly in the moonlight as if it was just as excited as he. He stood at the gate, and pulled at the handles. No movement, it was locked tight. No problem, though, his kekkei genkai would work around that. He looked to his left, and then to his right, to make sure the coast was clear and no one would see him, before making a Dragon hand seal. "Isō Zure." he whispered, and his body faded until it was nothing more than a pitch-black silhouette, a shadow along the wall, invisible to the naked eye. Under the shade of the building's awning, he was undetectable, and he phased through the gate without a second thought.

It was dead-silent inside. No one talking, no movement, not even breathing. This was either a sign that the guards were super advanced stealth ninja, or they were in another sector of the building. Daraku didn't care which it was, he was in the clear at the moment and he took the opportunity to sprint down the hall and phase through the next wall directly in front of him. Now he heard footsteps, which were presently walking towards him at a steady pace. No problem, he was about to get his first kill of the day. He gripped the hilt of Hikō tightly as the footsteps grew closer. guard still didn't see him. Daraku was a shadow, a fly on the wall. He walked past, and it was his last mistake; Daraku unsheathed the sword and pressed it hard into the guard's back. He clawed at the wound violently, as if that would make it go away. So futile, Daraku couldn't help but let out a bit of a giggle. He pulled the blade out, but held onto the man and slit his throat so that he wouldn't have to suffer through the blood loss. A painful blow followed by a quick death, the almost-merciful approach.

Blood now tainted the floor, and one word came to Daraku's mind: Evidence. He tried to think of how he could clean up all the blood, when he heard another set of feet walking his way. "Son of a bitch..." Now wasn't the time to attack, that would just make the mess bigger and thus harder to clean up in the end. He had three options: kill the approaching guard, hide and let this guard find his co-worker's corpse, or hide the body and risk getting caught. After a split second, he realized that he could just burn down the building when he was done. That would eliminate all evidence and he could be free of blame; it could all be labeled as an accidental fire that killed everyone within. He smiled and resolved to hide away, and let the guard find his comrade's corpse.

The shadow phased through the next wall on his left, then continuing up a flight of stairs that read "2nd Floor". There was a convenient map in this stairwell, pointing Daraku directly to Itsuki's office. He went down a large corridor, looking forward to another nice kill, when an alarm sounded. A voice spoke in a monotone over a speaker system. "Warning Code 373C - Intruder Alert. Man down, man down. Warning Code 373C - Intruder Alert. Man down, man down..." The voice repeated this over and over, and it was annoying as hell. Daraku grunted angrily before proceeding to the door that was labeled "Office". No guards had apprehended him since the alarm started, meaning that they couldn't find him yet. He was ready to go, this mission was almost finished. Without bothering to open the door, Daraku phased through it, and now stood face-to-face with his target, Itsuki Matamoto. A man of average height, with a light-brown beard and short hair. He was actually really attractive, but Daraku still took joy in the fact that he would be the one to kill him.

"Any last words, Itsuki?" Itsuki just stared back, not looking scared or angry or any emotion, for that matter. It was more of a look of indifference or denial. "What do you expect me to do? Get on my knees and beg for my life? I'm not that kind of a man, I'm not a weakling or a coward. I can face my death with dignity." Daraku gave him a surprised look. "Wow, that's deep. Good thing for me, though, if you're so willing to accept death, I won't have to worry about resistance." Itsuki's mouth cracked into a crooked grin. "Now, I never said there wouldn't be resistance...there will be. It's just not from me, directly." 4 guards suddenly appeared, out of the blue. Of course...they were probably in waiting and ready to strike the second the alarm had sounded. "Whatever, I was bound to kill them anyway, may as well do it in front of you." The guards now looked pissed and they charged at Daraku with their weapons.

Something that Daraku had learned early on in his training as a ninja; the person who moves first is always at a disadvantage. He let the fastest guard take a swing at him with a kusarigama. Naturally, he dodged, and then unsheathed Hikō once again. This time, he made use of the chain attached to the hilt, wrapping it around the guard's neck and then slashing at the following target. The other guard took the slash across his torso, and fell back in pain; Daraku switched his stance with the sword to a defensive one to block an incoming ax from the next guard. As the tension between the sharp edge of the ax and Daraku's blade grew stronger, the chain grew taut, crushing the restricted guard's windpipe until he suffocated. He fell to the ground, dead, and Daraku pulled the chain from his neck. "One down, three to go. C'mon, don't be shy, come at me." No one moved. Daraku took this moment of stagnant combat to light his blade on fire, using his Katon: Kajiarashi Ken no Jutsu. He pressed the tip of to the floor, and its soft carpet caught aflame, burning beneath the six of them. Itsuki stared at the flame, still completely calm. "Now, let's assess your options, shall we? Either you guys just sit here and all burn to death, or you hurry up and fight me. I want to kill you, damn it, but I'm sure not going to be the one making all the moves."

The one guard who hadn't made a move throughout this fight yet turned out to be preparing some sort of Ninjutsu. He pressed his hands to the ground. "Raiton: Kaminari Shibari!" Three pillars formed around Daraku before he could react, and walls of lightning kept him in place. He had no choice but to stand still, else he be electrocuted. "Clever move, but you forget. I'm a shadow, it's why I'm pitch-black right now, you imbeciles. I'm beyond this plane, I transcend physical touch." This wasn't entirely true, he could still take damage from Ninjutsu in this form, but it was of no consequence to him, and it was better if they didn't know that. He phased through the wall, feeling the pain all over his body as he did so, but still had escaped effortlessly. He threw his blade at Itsuki, piercing the man's heart in one swift stab. "Easy as pie." He yanked the chain and the blade returned to his hand, and he turned to stab the guard behind him. Two more down, two left; the guard with the axe and the guard who had used the Ninjutsu.

Daraku spoke to them in a low voice. "Kill each other." They didn't respond, not even a movement. At this point, the fire was blazing around the room, still spreading. They didn't have much time before the crappy building caved in after the foundation burned. "What are you, deaf? I told you to kill each other. If you don't, I'll torture you two myself." Once he said that, without hesitation, they attacked one another; the Ninjutsu user's neck was snapped within seconds, but in the process, the axeman had been caught by the fire and was now burning, his cries of pain echoing throughout the room. Daraku laughed at him before turning to the window and looking out at the night sky. "My work here is done." he whispered as he jumped out of the window, landing safely on the ground below. The burning building illuminated the dark of night, and all was quiet save the crackling of its flames. The village would awake to ruins in its place, and all that would be left of Matamoto Weapons, Inc. would be the unidentifiable corpses and the ashes.

Daraku deactivated his kekkei genkai and walked off into the night, off to claim his bounty.



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