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1Amurr (Seijutsu Combat Pet) Empty Amurr (Seijutsu Combat Pet) Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:32 am



As a note this is my starting Seijutsu pet.

Name: Amurr
Rank: D
Species: Bengal Tiger

Amurr is ten feet long, nearly four feet tall, and nearly five-hundred pounds of pure beauty. His orange coat is adorned with an intricate maze of stripes that help him to blend into his surroundings when he is hunting, creating an optical illusion in the tall grass and making him nearly impossible to detect. He has emerald green eyes and the stripes on his face are more of a diamond pattern. He has soft white fur on his belly that goes from the base of his tail to his chin and around his muzzle.
Personality: Amurr is laid back and typically rather content. He likes to see new places and meet new people. He often greets them with a chuff and a nuzzle, showing them that he means them no harm. When it comes to Taishi he is somewhat of a parental figure. He is extremely protective of the young boy and wouldn't let anyone harm him. He has developed such a close bond with Taishi that he can "speak" with the young boy, or more the young boy has come to know him so well he can basically read his thoughts.
Techniques: Combat Pet (+1 to Strength), techniques to come as I rank him up.

2Amurr (Seijutsu Combat Pet) Empty Re: Amurr (Seijutsu Combat Pet) Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:50 pm




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