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1Horus [Seijutsu Support Pet] Empty Horus [Seijutsu Support Pet] Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:14 pm

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

Name: Horus
Specialization: Support Pet
Element: Fuuton (Wind)
Rank: D
Species: Giant Hawk
Horus is a giant hawk, large enough that he can be rode on like a horse. He's currently ten years old, so age has made it's mark on Horus' face, but he's still as quick and agile as he was all those years ago.
Personality: Horus is somewhat arrogant, annoying and self-centered but also brave and honorable. He may quickly forgive or can at least move past his grudges as he advised and will do so if it benefits either his brother or his master. However, Horus is shown to have a limited understanding of chakra, something he freely admits himself, showing that he's able to come to terms with his weaknesses. Finally, he reacts differently to Gen than to Set. He acts like a brother to Gen, even going so far as to call him things like "brother" and "Gen-nii". Alternately, he acts like a servant towards Set, acting with a clear underlying paranoia to the man but with a loyalty that goes beyond mere master and servant, like they're bound together for life.
Techniques: TBA

2Horus [Seijutsu Support Pet] Empty Re: Horus [Seijutsu Support Pet] Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:04 pm




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