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1Restaurant Business [Mission] Empty Restaurant Business [Mission] Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:39 pm

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

When anyone got sand in their food, they complained but when there was a sand user serving food, did anyone have a problem with that? yes apparently, because restaurant customers are absolute jackasses around 80% of the time! but, more on that later.

As gen walked out of the back room of the restaurant, he could feel Set smiling cruelly. It was strange how he could feel the emotions of a voice in his head, he should not be able to feel a smile but it was there, like an eel inside his mind just wriggling around and being... well, for lack of a better word, slimy.
"Oh... Gen" Set asked, his voice smooth and almost seductive, which was almost definitely a bad sign. He was not liking where this was going, but he knew that if he didn't answer he'd just keep talking until he did, so it was better to cut it off at the pass by dealing with it early.
"Yes, Set? What is it?"
"Well, I'm sure you'd like a day where you're sitting down. Why not just let me take care of this mission?" that.... was a strangely generous offer from someone who loved to see other people suffer and work their asses off for no apparent reason... yeah, there was something wrong with this thing. But, since he felt like something was going to go wrong today anyway, he knew that it was probably best if he let Set take care of it anyway. So, mentally putting down the shield and just letting Set take control, he fell back into being the backseat driver once more.

It was a nice position, it was like seeing all of the action without doing anything. This was probably the ultimate position for a lazy person, if he was lazy he might appreciate it but there was also something inherently unnerving about the fact that he was not in control of his own body. The fact that the person in control was a stark raving lunatic... well, that really didn't help matters at all. Still, things went well for an hour or two. The fact that I'm even saying it like that should be an indication that it did not go well forever. During his final hour in the job, there was a very specific customer, anyone who has worked in a food place knows that customer. He's the one that laughs at the waiter spilling food, the one who treats him like shit when he's at the table? Yeah, everyone knows and hates that guy. He's a prick.
"So Whitey, get me some soup and do it quick." ... Whitey? That was about as stupid a nickname as he could get, was it the hair? Well, they were both technically white so of course it was the hair. Stupid questions get obvious answers.

Despite the rude interruption, Set nodded and got the order done. However, when he got back, the man looked at the bowl and scowled up at his waiter after taking a mouthful.
"This takes like piss!!" the people at his table, another guy and two girls, seemed to be smiling at that little comment, a sadistic little grin that he was too familiar with. Okay, that he couldn't escape making a comment about.
"My my, sir, you know what piss tastes like? I'd rather not know about your personal life." There was a clear moment when the man was about to retort, but then the other members on the table burst into raucous laughter. In a moment of embarrassment, the asshole ran out of the bar, leaving behind the tab.
"... So, you're going to pay for his stuff, right?"


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