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1The Perfect Adult [Mission] Empty The Perfect Adult [Mission] Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:11 pm

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

For years now, there had been a negative stigma about priests and children, there was no denying it. So, when Gen came to the front door of the house that he was working at tonight, he made sure to slip his religious symbol under his shirt. He was intelligent enough to know when to be silent about his faith, although with the rarity of the religion nowadays he couldn't help but wonder if people would even know what it meant. Still, no point in taking that risk, he was wanting to get his money tonight, and he was being asked to babysit some kids whilst the parents were out, it was a good job that he could do.... well, he could do assuming that Set didn't get out. Come to think of it, this was probably a bad idea with Set's history of screwing up people. After all, childhood trauma was no laughing matter, he should know. Still, not like he was too sure about what he was doing in this village anyway, he was just trying to earn some money before he continued on his journey and he was sure that Set wouldn't do anything too dangerous. Well, he hoped he wouldn't do anything too dangerous.. oh, who was he kidding, things were going to go badly from the start. He was so sure of it that he was about to turn around when the door opened. Behind the door, there was a young blonde man and a girl with hair so black it actually reflected light. That... was interesting. Anyway, he smiled at them, the sort of smile that only people who felt truly awkward could give, before opening his mouth to speak.
"I'm your babysitter! You said you needed some help tonight, right?"

Barely half an hour, he was left alone with the kids. There were three of them, each with a filthy blonde colored hair, like blonde mixed with black, and unfortunately for him they were absolute brats. the moment that their parents walked out, they started running around like little hellions. Gen sighed, knowing that this was going to get bad quickly. Walking into the living room of their house, he tried to get the youngest one to stop his antics. He was being a lot quieter than the other two who were currently chasing up and down the hall, but he was still misbehaving. His parents apparently kept books that no little kid should be allowed to read, and he was reading it. Now, he was not one for stifling knowledge, but he knew that the parents would get seriously angry at him if they knew that their little "darlings" had been exposed to such filth. So, he took it out of his hands and slipped it on top of the bookshelf where he couldn't reach it. Now, to deal with the other two.

Walking out into the hall, he was bumped into by the oldest one, a girl with a face that just spoke volumes about her personality. When she walked into him, she looked at him like he was in the way rather than acknowledging how it was her fault, and then continued moving about anyway.
"Kids.." he began, but they clearly ignored him. He decided he would try again. "Kids!" Once more, it came to nothing... now frustration was rising in him like a torrent, and in this torrent came Set. As he took over, Gen didn't even bother to resist, knowing that it was going to happen anyway.

"You little brats!!" he yelled, with enough malice and venom to get their attention. It almost looked like they were quaking for a moment there, bringing a little smile onto Set's face as he continued.
"If you don't get your pathetic rumps into bed this very instant, I swear to god you will see things that will not scrub out of your memory until you die your pathetic, sad and miserable deaths! NOW GET TO YOUR ROOM!!"
".... but it's seven thirty..."
"DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A CRAP WHAT TIME IT IS!?!?" with a little eep like frightened field mice, they ran to their rooms, their tails between their legs.


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