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1Flame Clan   Empty Flame Clan Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:51 pm

Kai Flame

Kai Flame

Symbol: Flame Clan   350px-Ishigaki_Clan_Symbolsvg_zps3f68b969

Clan: 炎 {Flame}

Kekkei Genkai: 素子本体 Soshi hontai {Element Body}

Elements: Katon [Must be taken as primary]

Specialization: Ninjutsu [Must be taken as primary]

Location: Kirigakure no Sato

Clan History: The Flame Clan came into existence ten (10) years after the end of the fourth shinobi world war. A child was born to what appeared to be normal people in the village hidden in the leaf. The child however was anything but normal, while growing up the child would normally have high temperatures and would normally appear to have high fevers, it was during this time that his powers started manifesting.

The child was eventually taken to the medical corps where he was tested for days by lower ranked medical ninjas, thinking that this case was important, it was here that the child lost control of his powers and ended up killing everyone in the hospital at the time, incinerating the building in the process. The child was found unconscious during the chaos without any injuries. It was at this point that the higher authorities decided to take matters into their own hands.

The Fifth Hokage, Tsunade Senju decided to deal with the child and figured out that the child was in possession of something special, a kekkei genkai. The kekkei genkei allowed the child wrap his body with a easy flowing layer of fire chakra, but astonishingly he wouldn't receive burns though he would incinerate anything that was flammable that came into contact with his chakra, because of this he also never felt cold and could withstand freezing temperatures with ease. The incident however left a scar in the village and news of the child and his "curse" was spread around the village, he was hated by everyone, even his own parents. He was also ordered to never leave the village, in the case that he were to go to another country and potentially single highhandedly start a war.

As the child grew he began to control his powers better tho he still not perfect, but he was still confined inside the walls of Konoha and scornfully despised. It was at this point at the age of twenty (20) that he decided run and leave behind the village that he considered home for greener pastures. He became a missing nin and a bounty was placed on his head. His feet took him to the land of rivers where he lived as a normal villager.
Eventually the ancestor decided to settle down and make a family of his own, meeting a beautiful woman in the village they married and she bore him five sons, each two (2) years apart. Everything was going great, until the first son turned ten and his powers manifested to the horror of ancestor and his wife. The ancestor explained what had happened and told her of his past, she however accepted this and who he was and her children and continued to live with them. The ancestor then decided to train his sons and help them develop their "gifts".

However, as fate would have it the fifth son was not able to control his power and after an unfortunate incident in which he killed 10 villagers he had blown the family's secret. The family fled the village, but it was too late, ninja from kumokagure became aware of the incident and immediately thought of the ancestor, his bounty was raised also by Konohakagure also and they cornered the family on the border of the land of lightning and the land of water, killing the wife before they reached that location, it was at this point that the ancestor decided to become a decoy to let his sons get away to a land that was now more open to kekkei genkai's, The land of water. The Flame ancestor died a honorable death, and his life of hiding was finally taken away at the age of fourty-five (45).

The ancestors sons eventually settled in Kirikagure, where they were not hunted and their kekkei genkai was accepted a little better than other in other nations. They made their families and became a ninja clan, adept in ninjutusu utilizing their "gift", each son also learned how to utilize other natures and it was discovered that the clan was able to utilize any chakra nature that they are compatible with and use it for their kekkei genkai, making the clan one of the most verstaile clans in existence. Two hundred and fifty years later and the clan has remained in Kirikagure, there were no more recorded ninja from the Flame clan losing control of their power, years later it was studied and the reason for the lost of control was because of poor chakra control at young ages and extremely hot climate mixed at the same time.With this knowledge it is thought that Kirikagure is the ideal place for children born in the clan, they are forbidden to leave until they have started training their chakra control. Over this period of time the clan has also produced great shinobi that have been feared in the ninja world.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The name of the kekkei genkai is reference to to body in which the clan utilizes it's body for the kekkei genkei and element referencing to the element that is used for the chakra . Members of this clan can wrap their bodies with chakra of different natures, allowing for deadly nintaijutsu attacks and other ninjutsu attacks over several ranges.

The elements appear different and serve different purposes, Katon appears a fire flowing around the user, it is used to burn opponents, this can be achieved when an opponent comes in contact with the chakra itself. The potency and degree of the burns depends on the rank of the users katon; D-C Rank- 1st degree burns, B-A Rank- 2nd degree burns and S Rank- 3rd degree burns.
Raiton appears as lightning around the user and their hair would stiffen, it is used to stimulate the user's nervous system, therefore their raw speed increases but their power decreases.
Futon would just appear as invisible chakra that gives off rapid gusts of wind, when used the chakra has the ability to cut when it comes in contact with an opponent.
Suiton would make the user appear wet, the user would gain the ability to breath underwater.
Doton would make the user's skin look rigid and cracked, their raw power is increased and gets a +1, however their speed receives a -1.
They have strong resistance to other techniques of the same nature as the one currently employed, therefore they take one rank less of damage from other jutsu of the same nature, so if they were to be hit by a B rank jutsu of the same nature they'd take the damage of a C rank jutsu.
The clan member also cannot switch elements while another is employed, they would have to deactivate, then reactivate, they are however, able to use other ninjutsu of different natures while this is in effect.

The cost to activate and to maintain the kekkei genkai depends on the rank of the element that is in use. D Rank: -10 (activate) and -5 (maintain per post), C Rank: -15 (activate) and -5 (maintain per post), B Rank: -20 (activate) and -5 (maintain per post), A Rank: -25 (activate) and -10 (maintain per post), S Rank: -30 (activate) and -10 (maintain per post).

Drawbacks:~ Due to having the ability to learn the maximum amount of basic elemental ninjutsu members cannot start with the Special Characteristic: Elementalist

~ The main disadvantage is that if the clan member were to employ a certain element they'd be at a disadvantage against an element that is superior to the one currently in use, this means that if a clan member were to get hit by a jutsu that is of a superior element (Water>Fire, Fire>Wind, Wind>Lightning, Lightning>Earth, Earth>Water)to the element that is currently employed as their element the clan member would be left in  a position where s/he appears fatigue, his/her reaction speed and strength would get a -1 for two (2) posts.

~ Training elements require more effort, requiring more words for each rank:

Primary Element/Specialization:
S rank – SS rank: 0 more because Katon is a natural affinity

Secondary Element/Specialization:
C rank – B rank: 400 more words
B rank – A rank: 600 more words
A rank – S rank: 800 more words
S rank – SS rank: 1500 more words

Tertiary Element/Specialization:
Nothing – D rank: 300 more words
D rank – C rank: 600 more words
C rank – B rank: 800 more words
B rank – A rank: 1000 more words
A rank – S rank: 1500 more words

Quartary Element/Specialization:
Nothing – D rank: 300 more words
D rank – C rank: 800 more words
C rank – B rank: 1000 more words

Members: None as yet

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:


Last edited by Kai Flame on Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:42 pm; edited 19 times in total

2Flame Clan   Empty Re: Flame Clan Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:26 pm

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

Please put how resistant they are to other fire techniques, IE they take one rank less of damage from Katon jutsu. or something more definitive.

The "Soshi hontai" is weak to suiton jutsu? as in the clan is, or the jutsu of the clan? Please clarify.

"Fire Release: Fire Cloak"- Please detail the damage the fire causes at each rank. Normally the maintenance cost for jutsu of from D-B rank is only 5 chakra per post, while A and S are 10. You can have the cost per post vary as the rank increases to match this if you want so you don't have to pay extra at low ranks. The cooldown should be a bit higher for the higher ranks. And finally, I might be wrong on this part, taking 50% damage from something means that you take half a rank less, not half of total.

"Fire Release: Flame Sphere"- Because this is also a defense jutsu, please note how effective of a defense it is. IE what rank of jutsu/jutsus can break it. Normally a pure defense jutsu can block a single jutsu of 1 rank higher than it's own rank, or two of it's own rank. But sense this is an offensive/defensive jutsu that isn't the case. Also please lower the potency of the flames a bit; it isn't a pure offensive jutsu, and even if it was "incinerating anything" is to much for just an A rank jutsu. Please have a amount, preferable in meters, of the ranges the jutsu can reach" Finally the base cost for an A rank is 25 chakra, you aren't going to be able to drop 15 off that just like that.

3Flame Clan   Empty Re: Flame Clan Thu Oct 17, 2013 7:48 pm

Kai Flame

Kai Flame

Kage No Akira wrote:Please put how resistant they are to other fire techniques, IE they take one rank less of damage from Katon jutsu. or something more definitive.

The "Soshi hontai" is weak to suiton jutsu? as in the clan is, or the jutsu of the clan? Please clarify.

"Fire Release: Fire Cloak"- Please detail the damage the fire causes at each rank. Normally the maintenance cost for jutsu of from D-B rank is only 5 chakra per post, while A and S are 10. You can have the cost per post vary as the rank increases to match this if you want so you don't have to pay extra at low ranks. The cooldown should be a bit higher for the higher ranks. And finally, I might be wrong on this part, taking 50% damage from something means that you take half a rank less, not half of total.

"Fire Release: Flame Sphere"- Because this is also a defense jutsu, please note how effective of a defense it is. IE what rank of jutsu/jutsus can break it. Normally a pure defense jutsu can block a single jutsu of 1 rank higher than it's own rank, or two of it's own rank. But sense this is an offensive/defensive jutsu that isn't the case. Also please lower the potency of the flames a bit; it isn't a pure offensive jutsu, and even if it was "incinerating anything" is to much for just an A rank jutsu. Please have a amount, preferable in meters, of the ranges the jutsu can reach" Finally the base cost for an A rank is 25 chakra, you aren't going to be able to drop 15 off that just like that.
I had that already and just took it out lol, silly me

I clarified, how does it look now?

mmmmm I think I got most of the 3rd part down except the 1st, what do you mean exactly by detailing the damage the fire causes? The nature of the burns and how excessive they are?

Lastly, this 1 I think is a great 1, personally I am impressed, don't know if you will be 2.

4Flame Clan   Empty Re: Flame Clan Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:14 pm



There's actually another clan which literally use another "fire cloak" so this can't be a 'signature ability' as such, cos, its already being used~

5Flame Clan   Empty Re: Flame Clan Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:23 pm

Kai Flame

Kai Flame

Ayakashi wrote:There's actually another clan which literally use another "fire cloak" so this can't be a 'signature ability' as such, cos, its already being used~
Lord Mizukage tell me there are loopholes lol,  btw can you show me which clan please?

I'll see what I can do by looking at the other tech, i have another idea in my head lol

6Flame Clan   Empty Re: Flame Clan Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:40 am

Kai Flame

Kai Flame

I edited once more and added (WIP).... never saw that before lol


The kazekage set up 1 with the same thing -_- lol.. kishimoto clan XD

7Flame Clan   Empty Re: Flame Clan Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:24 pm

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

If all the elemental warping stuff is just for a jutus, then detail it in said jutsu, and not in the KKG area. If it's for even ever they use a certain element then it should be in the KKG area.
Please sort the KKG section a little bit so that it is easier to read. IE have the mechanical bonuses in a new paragraph.

For the first jutsu I'd suggest just having the base cost be the normal for the rank (if nothing is stated, it is asumed to be the default cost) and have the chakra cost per post included in the duration area. (D-B is -5, A-S is -10). Then Breaking up what each element does in it's own line, so it isn't a huge block of text. IE. Fire: adds this when active. At this rank does this burns. At this rank does this burns. At this rank does this.

For the second jutsu, it doesn't get to be as strong as a full blown defensive jutsu, sinse it is also a offensive jutsu. So please lower what it can block to one of it's own rank, or two of a rank lower than it. As it stands right now, using the sphere at long range is worse in about every way than the close range, sense it not only costs more, but doesn't block as well. You can just have it all cost the base cost.

8Flame Clan   Empty Re: Flame Clan Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:57 am

Kai Flame

Kai Flame

Kage No Akira wrote:If all the elemental warping stuff is just for a jutus, then detail it in said jutsu, and not in the KKG area. If it's for even ever they use a certain element then it should be in the KKG area.
Please sort the KKG section a little bit so that it is easier to read. IE have the mechanical bonuses in a new paragraph.

For the first jutsu I'd suggest just having the base cost be the normal for the rank (if nothing is stated, it is asumed to be the default cost) and have the chakra cost per post included in the duration area. (D-B is -5, A-S is -10). Then Breaking up what each element does in it's own line, so it isn't a huge block of text. IE. Fire: adds this  when active. At this rank does this burns. At this rank does this burns. At this rank does this.

For the second jutsu, it doesn't get to be as strong as a full blown defensive jutsu, sinse it is also a offensive jutsu. So please lower what it can block to one of it's own rank, or two of a rank lower than it. As it stands right now, using the sphere at long range is worse in about every way than the close range, sense it not only costs more, but doesn't block as well. You can just have it all cost the base cost.
I'm starting to think it'd be best if I had just put the 1st jutsu in the KKG (or visa versa) since it's basically the same thing (or so close), anyways I'll get on it by tomorrow or the day after and notify you when I'm done.... as usuual. So I'll put back up WIP I guess


Apparently I have time, I'll get on it today

9Flame Clan   Empty Re: Flame Clan Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:07 pm

Kai Flame

Kai Flame

I think that should do it, the KKG I think it looks mightily legit now, fixed the 2nd jutsu (now the only jutsu)

10Flame Clan   Empty Re: Flame Clan Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:55 pm



The KKG chakra cloak needs to be a jutsu. It's too many things at once not to be, not to mention it doesn't have a cooldown. Without a cooldown, the 'cannot switch without deactivating' is kind of moot. Sure it's more chakra consumptive, but it doesn't inconvenience as much as it should.

Flame Sphere, define in meters/whatever what 'short' and 'mid-long' ranges entail, and it's all good.

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