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I'll be typing 1000 words for this!


Sebasu walked over one hill, and then down it, and then over the next. It was a never ending series of arches that seemed to go on forever, each hill no different than the one he had crossed before it. You could get so easily lost in these hills, that he was happy it wasn't a more common fate. He, after crossing one hundred hills in what he was sure was the same direction, stopped abruptly and took in his surroundings. Lush, tall grass. Well-watered from the rain and the perfect climate of Konoha. This was truly a beautiful site to behold, and one of the many things he loved about the village. It was only a couple inches high, as if it had been cut by the maintenance of the area not too long ago. It was fortunate that he could live in such a village that people could find spare time even to just cut grass. This was where he would work on that new jutsu of his. His first elemental technique, even. That was unusual for a person of his status. But his mastery of the Hyuuga arts are what have taken him to the top. He simply thought of what he was doing here as broadening his horizons a little. Besides, more jutsu meant more variety, and more variety could be used to take on more opponents. He knew what happened to Kirigakure, word had spread fast. And to be honest, he'd rather not have it happen to the village he lived in. Despite the fact that he harbored a rather vicious hatred for every villager there, he had lived there his whole life. It was an emotional bond that he really couldn't ever come to break.

Sebasu brought up his hand to his mouth, facing the ground in a rather calm-- yet determined-- fashion and thinking over the idea for the jutsu. He ran over its basis, basically the blueprints that he had stored mentally in preparation for the day that he would get around to learning this. Not thinking he would ever get a break from doing nothing to learn this, he hadn't really thought of it much. This was a short refresher course. It had been popular amongst the Uchiha clan in the past, yes, but how hard would it be to replicate? Surely not too bad. He inhaled deeply, kneading the chakra inside of his gut, focussing and willing the chakra around. He felt his insides slowly begin to warm as the fire element had prepared itself inside of him. With a sudden stream of air fed between the loop formed by his fingers, flame escaped. It formed a small fireball in front of him, no more than a few feet in diameter. He lowered his hand. He stared down at himself in disbelief. He had mastered precise chakra control, everything down to a tee. His Jyuuken had required such hard work, to the point he could basically feel every particle of his chakra orbiting around within him. He shook his head in anger. This was a huge dissapointment. Why couldn't he pull this off?!

Thoughts circled around inside of his head, replaying the amount of times he had seen a similar ability used by the Uchiha before Naota began wiping them out. It was a numerous amount. He'd even always made fun of them for using such a pathetically easy technique, thinking that with his amount of chakra control, it would simply be a one try effort for him. The condescension inside of him that had always called his head home began to falter. Grabbing ahold of himself, he shook his head sharply. What a silly thought, that he was lower than any Uchiha. He even decided he'd laugh it out, reinforcing the thought in his head that he was just being silly.

Sebasu brought his fingers up again, ready to try it again, and reassuring himself there was no way that he could fail this time. If he simply put his all into it, there was no way he could fail at what even children of his rival clan could accomplish. He focussed in his head, running over the though one more time. He put his full concentration inward. He took a sharp inhale once more, his back arching as he filled himself to the brim with a thick cloud of the pure air of the hills. His chakra moved to his will, cutting about inside of him in exact and precise manners. It was his to command with no question at all. His Jyuuken training of precise movements coming into effect as he exhaled once more, a steady stream of air escaping him...

The result was devastating. Heat escaped from his lungs and from his very being to catch a flame to the air itself, destroying the oxygen particles around him and causing even the grass to blaze, and the ground to shatter. It was, from his point of view, as if the world had turned to nothing but hellfire. Flames exploded forth and rippled from inside of his chest, exploding into such an orb in front of him, a crater formed, throwing heated rocks in every direction. The flame was nearly out of control, he seemed to strain to hold it consistently before letting it go. It shot across the ground at a high speed, throwing dirt and rocks and making a rut in the ground as it rolled along, dissipating in the distance. The steaming ground lay before him, the results of his training session more than apparent on the area. He looked around quickly, not seeing any witnesses to his vandalism, he took a quick step. He began to sprint away before he was forced to do garden work for whoever owned this small patch of land. He passed a few stray villagers who simply looked at him strangely, but he simply smiled and waved. Hopefully they wouldn't all go and report him for this. After all, he had more important things(Nothing.) to be doing!

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