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1Mahō-senshi Clan - WIP Empty Mahō-senshi Clan - WIP Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:36 am



Mahō-senshi Clan - WIP Darkness-hides-symbol_zpse00923d8

Clan: 魔法戦士 {Mahō-senshi}

Kekkei Genkai: レキップシール {Rekippushīru - Requip Seal}

Elements: Any

Specialization: Kuchiyose, Fuuinjutsu

Location: Scattered

Clan History: Those of the Mahō-senshi name believe in a folklore tale that has been passed down through generations dating back to the time of its founders, a story that requires a person to believe in that which they cannot see.

In the time before man when supernatural beings known as Kami {Gods} ruled all that was, there lived a being known as Amatsumara. This Kami was known as the Blacksmith of the Plains of High Heaven and was the Japanese god of the forge, metalcraft, and blacksmithing. Although he was a minor God Amatsumara played a big part in the time of the Gods. Recorded in history books tells of how Amatsumara created a mirror that would help lure Amaterasu {The Sun Goddess} out of a cave that she selfishly hid herself, due to this an everlasting darkness shrouded the land and only returned when she was tricked out of the cave using Amatsumara's Mirror. The second historical event recorded stated how Amatsumara created Weapons and Armor for the gods, these items held incredible power and abilities. Even after helping the gods Amatsumara was considered unuseful and remained only as a minor god, the higher kami comparing him to Cyclops or the one eyeds. To get his revenge Amatsumara broke one of the most sacred rules that all Kami were to abide by, breaking this rule would result in the stripping of their power and facing death. This rule forbid Kami from laying with a Mortal as it would pass on the Kami's ability if a child were born. Amatsumara broke this rule by reproducing with a mortal woman, and when a child was born, Amatsumara died.

Twenty years later a man known as Taiyuki became known as the blacksmith who created weapons and armour that held incredible abilities which he sold to those trying to get ahead in the mortal wars. Years later Taiyuki settled down and had two children named Amatsu and Mara though these two heald no legend of tale like their Fathers, at least not yet. It wasn't till the Shinobi Era that Amatsu and Mara became renowned by many, striking fear into the hearts of all who they met in battle. They were incredible Shinobi who carried incredible Weapons and Armours and their Ninja techniques were a rarity. The two created items with incredible abilities much like their Father if not better but they had an ability that he did not. The Brother and Sister were able to transport and summon different weapons and armours into their hands and upon their bodies instantly. Atop of this the siblings were masters in Bukijutsu and Taijutsu. When the Hidden Villages were forming the siblings took to Kirigakure, it was here they settled down and founded a clan that would later be known as Mahō-senshi and would later gain a seat at the top of the ranks due to their exceptional blacksmithing skills and Shinobi prowess. A few years later the siblings attempted to overthrow the Mizukage due to their thirst for power, in doing so they lost their lives and the clan was cast out of Kirigakure forever.

Now years later The Mahō-senshi Clan is scattered and few rarely believe they even still exist due to their low numbers, though if one were to look hard enough they would be found.

Kekkei Genkai Description:

Drawbacks: (What is your clan bad at?)

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: ( What jutsu is unique to your clan? There can be a max of four.)

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