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1Genji Clan Empty Genji Clan Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:11 pm



Genji Clan 150px-GenjiShield

Clan: Genji

Kekkei Genkai: Multiarm

Elements: ----

Specialization: Taijutsu or Bukijutsu

Location: Scattered

Clan History: The Genji clan was originally a clan of highly skilled honor bound warrior monks and weapon masters working as mercenaries. They traveled as nomads going village to village offering their services for a price. As the clan grew and new generations began to split off from the main clan they began to lose the original honor of the clan. Eventually resorting to extortion to get by, and quickly causing those same villages to seek help from the five great nations. The resulting fallout all but destroyed any infrastructure the clan had left, leaving only a few survivors to keep their bloodline intact and even fewer to inherit the gene necessary to access and control the clans kkg. Today, the decendants have no knowledge of each other and are frequently amount to nothing more then petty thieves and thugs. The once proud clan now all but forgotten to the pages of history.

Kekkei Genkai Description:

Clan negitive characteristics:

Members: Genji, Gilgamesh;

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Name: Elemental Armsmash
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Elemental
Element: none
Range: 40 degree cone in front of the user. 20 yards max, 10 yards tall
Specialty: Taijutsu/Bukijutsu
Duration: 1 post, after effects can remain.
Cooldown: 2 posts between uses
Description: [tiger->crane->rat->dragon handseals] By charging his arms with raw elemental chakra and smashing them upon the ground.  the user can generate a elemental shockwave of energy that creates a moving wall of force from his chosen element. should the user have Bukijutsu they can channel the energy into their weapons and create the shockwave by smashing their weapons into the ground instead. If this ability is used on a person instead of on the ground, the shockwave will be created from the location that person is standing, instantly catching them in the effect of the shockwave.  

Water: Creates a torrential wave of water that smashes and pushes those caught in the path.

Wind: Creates a Gale force wind that cuts and flings away those in it's wake

Fire: Creates a wave of fire that burns and incinerates those in it's path.

Lightning: Creates a explosion of electrical energy to explode up from the ground as it travels. Electrocuting and stunning those in it's path

Earth: Creates an localized earthquake that pushes up the ground with a great wave of force and travels out from the user crushing and grinding those caught in the wave.

Name: Multiarmed Handsigns
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: E
Type: Supplementary
Element: none
Range: Self
Specialty: n/a
Duration: Undefined.
Cooldown: ----
Description: this allows the user to preform multiple hand-signs simultaneously by using a separate set of arms for each sign. this makes hand-signs for jutsu to be completed at a much faster rate. up to 2x as fast as a Genin by utilizing 4 arms, 3x as Chuunin by utilizing 6 arms, and 4x as Jonin by utilizing 8 arms. If the user so chooses, he can also preform hand signs even while attacking or defending with his other limbs, as long as he has a free set of arms of which to preform the hand signs with.

Name: Arm Regeneration
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Supplemental
Element: none
Range: self
Specialty: ----
Duration: two weeks
Cooldown: --------
Description: Genji members unique DNA allows them to grow multiple arms, however the same genetic sequence that allows the extra arms to exist through excess chakra stimulation allows them to heal and regenerate their arms should they be damaged in combat. This process takes two weeks to complete and will restore the arms back to their previous state. should an arm be cut off, the cut off limb will rapidly decompose to dust within two weeks. While the user regenerates their arm they suffer -25 to their chakra until their arm returns, this stacks with the number of arms being regenerated. Due to being able to regenerate in this way, any wounds inflicted to the user's arms or arm joints will stop bleeding after a post.

Name: Multiarm
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: E
Type: supplemental
Element: none
Range: Self
Specialty: ----
Duration: N/A
Cooldown: none
Description: this is the jutsu that allows a Genji to summon and supress their arms. this jutsu requires no chakra to sustain or use and is just a prerequesite to having the extra arms. The arms can do anything normal arms can do and are physically identical to the user's standard arms. they are not copies however and have their own individual scars and marks. see KKG info for more information on how the arms work. when arms are extended or retracted, it takes 1 full post to occur. when using more then 2 arms for any given task the user gains +1 to strength as the extra muscles in the additional arms reinforce and support the others, this +1 applies to both taijutsu and Bukijutsu as well.

Last edited by Gilgamesh on Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:36 pm; edited 14 times in total

2Genji Clan Empty Re: Genji Clan Thu Sep 19, 2013 2:18 am



The first KKG Jutsu: i know it sounds obvious, but detail what the arms can do. You could just say that they do what the user's original arms could.

Also, the second KKG Jutsu i'm iffy about. It allows you to use multiple fighting styles and Bukijutsu styles at D rank? meh, i'll let someone else tackle it -

3Genji Clan Empty Re: Genji Clan Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:07 am



do i need those as a jutsu? I are n00b, so im going purely off speculation. Is the discription and SC in the kkg enough? if it is i'll just remove the jutsu and perhaps put something else in it's place.

edit: i removed those jutsu

4Genji Clan Empty Re: Genji Clan Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:44 pm




5Genji Clan Empty Re: Genji Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:31 am



gives the user 1 fighting style/subspec per rank if they have taijutsu[each fighting style can focus on str or speed individually
NOPE, not gonna happen, you are not stacking a total of 6 buffs per arm at Jounin, not going to happen. Rework this clan in a manner that doesn't give you free buffs/subspecs, until this is done Denied

6Genji Clan Empty Re: Genji Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:23 am

Crono Guardia

oh no no, i didn't mean it like that at all. any and all buffs from that would be individualistic in nature and non stacking.  for example, i could have 2 arms that are using wrestling moves with a +strength while 2 other arms are doing karate cross chops at +speed, and a third set doing an overhead armsmash of a different +strength based style.   the total effect would be 4 arms are acting like they are 1 rank higher then normal in strength due to the fighting style, while 2 arms are moving 1 rank higher in speed from it's fighting style attacks.  as for the rest of my body[legs, torso, etc] I would have to pick which fighting style my body was moving along with.

it would only let me potentially swap the basic taijutsu str/spd bonus on a per arm basis from fast hitting strikes to heavy hitting blows based on the styles that i know.

7Genji Clan Empty Re: Genji Clan Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:26 am



That is why I am denying it, hotswapping buffs/gaining free buffs that can add up to a +6 is a no go. Again rework this clan in a manner that is not op or it will be locked.

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