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1Fill-In Waiter [D-Rank || Ovan Myugan] Empty Fill-In Waiter [D-Rank || Ovan Myugan] Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:25 pm

Ovan Myugan

Ovan Myugan

Working in a restaurant was surely different than when he worked in the boundaries of the familiar bar that the Myugan clan owned. While the tasks surely were the same, the difference was in the atmosphere as it seemed just as lax, though he couldn't place his word on the actual difference. It was the lack of alcohol on the premise that surely differed the restaurant that he was currently working at, a simple mission that was assigned to him in order for him to gain a form on income and get him in the pace a shinobi needs to be able to work at. The manager of the store, while wary of a Myugan being assigned the task of filling in for a waiter, was glad that Ovan had experience as a waiter in a similar setting. Tasks assigned to the teal haired man were simple tasks of just taking orders from customers and to help clean up when the restaurant would close. As the prime hours of business for the bistro were approaching, Ovan Myugan's last few minutes of his break were up.

While the mission was tasked as a simple D-ranking mission, one with experience in dealing with busy restaurants knew that would be far from as simple as the mission outline detailed. Taking orders was a simple task, but when multiple tables were assigned to a single person, the task would easily stress out an individual. Ovan, knowing the ways about it, would have to control his anger more so than he had to at his family's bar he worked at. That, and the restaurant he was assigned to work at for the mission was one of the more popular ones in Sunagakure. At least there uniform he was required to wear was something he didn't' mind; a plain white dress shirt tucked into civilian formal pants and plain black shoes. While he would prefer to wear his regular clothing, like he did when he worked at the bar, it wasn't something he found too irritating for his compulsive temper.

As customers began to ushered in to the restaurant and seated, Ovan's first task was to deliver a glass of water to each individual at each table and then to ask for orders. It was more for procedure, as people tended to take quiet a while to decide on what they wanted to order for appetizers, or if they just wanted to move straight to the main course. Ovan was glad he wasn't tasked for working in the kitchen. Though he considered himself an exceptional cook, he hated doing so when there were massive orders that he had to push out, all the while making sure that everything was cooked to perfection.

Out of the twenty five tables available in the restaurant, with the shortage of staff, Ovan was tasked with dealing with 7 tables, while the other three waiters managed the remainder. Taking as many orders as he had to, all the while catering to each table in between helping out a bit in the kitchen, Ovan was relatively successful in satisfying most customers needs. Very few incidents occurred, except for a specific woman who constantly complained about the food, along with another, younger female trying to complement him constantly. With the restaurant eventually coming to the closing hours, with just a few hours left, Ovan relocated himself to the kitchen in order to help with washing the dishes. Really, he preferred hours like these; where there were very few patrons attending and business was lax, so he could easily take his time for the tasks he had to complete. However, he had to finish by the closing hours, as the manager wanted to close up early and head home to his family. Thus, Ovan took over cleaning the dishes with another waiter while the other two waiters were left to clean up the tables and deal with the lingering patrons.

664/600 Words

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