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The white drapes hung along the sides of the only window in Izumi's hospital room. All the sheets were white and the walls a weird sandy color that didn't mix well at all. A pungent aroma filled the cool air as the fans whirred and other medical devices hummed around her. She clung to the bedsheets for warmth but only felt colder. They were so thin that the breeze from the fans blew right through to her skin. Looking around her, she couldn't tell how long she'd been in the hospital. The last thing that she could recall was collapsing around the Guanyin girl during their match.

Izumi's eyes narrowed in a quick realization, "That fucking brat beat me!" She pounded her fists down at the sides of the bed. Losing wasn't new to Izumi, but she didn't like admitting losses. Scrunching up the sheets in her hands as the match came back to her. That little girl's needles were the reason she was in here, Izumi remembered them going through her at the start of the match and knew that they had affected her from that point on. A nurse came in, a look of alarm on her face.

"Please calm down, young lady," she said, trying to lay Izumi back down on the bed. "You're still not fully healed up, and your wounds could reopen very easily. Internal bleeding isn't easy to fix, you know." The nurse raised Izumi's bed so she wouldn't be laying flat but now a bit more in a sitting position. She then held up a small wired device with one red button on it. "Now, remember you can just press this button when you need something and I'll come in to help you."

Izumi just nodded, a look of slight disgust going across her face. She wasn't much for receiving help, especially not from people of the Sand. The two shinobi villages hidden in the Rock and hidden in the Sand were not on the best of terms. Izumi knew this well, and made sure the nurse realized this as well. The nurse quickly began to leave the room, then paused at the door. "Oh, and it seems you have family here to see you."

Izumi looked puzzled at this. No way would her family travel all the way from Iwagakure no Sato just to check on how she was doing in the Exams. They had forbid her from being a shinobi for most of her life. She shook her head, the nurse must've been wrong. There was no way any family was here to see her.



Waking up early, Ichirou got up quickly from his slumber. He didn't know how the girl was doing, but he needed to know who she was. That girl from the Chuunin Exams. At first he had thought he was seeing things, but even after he had been eliminated from the exams, he saw and heard people talking about her, calling her, the 'Yagatsuki girl'. This was by no means a coincidence. He had been quite the researcher when he had learned about his past and of his clan. There was no record of any other living Yagatsuki besides him and his twin sister that were separated while still infants. Being a twin, he had always known he wasn't the only one, but now the chance was here to meet another Yagatsuki, and this one could really be his twin sister.

Heading for the door, his foster family tried to stop him. Ichirou was a ninja of the Sand, and the girl had come from Iwagakure no Sato. It was like his foster father had told him of how they had been separated. His foster father and an Iwa-nin had both found the babies, making a temporary truce to take care of the two babies lying with the dead mother. It was only temporary, and the two villages were never on good terms. The deal was made for each village to have one, so as to make it fair for both sides. At the time, neither had known that the babies and the mother were Yagatsuki. Thinking over it now as he made his way through the streets, it was a cruel deal that was dealt. Any other ninja from Iwa would be looked at as a potential enemy, yet Ichirou couldn't believe that if she was indeed his kin.

Stepping into the hospital, he made his way through the many hallways to the girl's room. He had stopped by a few times already, but each time being denied because she was undergoing treatment. She had gotten terribly injured in her last match. Ichirou hadn't gotten to watch any of her matches sadly, as he had to recover from his own small wounds. He just had reacted to slowly, although there were some whispers that he had thrown the match. Either way, he didn't really care. His focus was on the girl, not his own matches. He stepped up to the room but was stopped by a nurse, which after explaining that he was related to the girl she allowed him to enter only after she checked on the girl first. He heard the nurse try to calm the girl down and then scamper back to the hallway. Seeing him standing there, she paused and looked back into the room. "Oh, and it seems you have family here to see you."

The nurse walked off and Ichirou stepped through the doorway. There, laying on the raised bed was the girl that had been on his mind ever since the Chuunin Exams. Her long, red hair was the same color as his, a more marroon looking red. She seemed to be a bit confused from his appearance. "Hello, there." I greeted with a smile, stepping up to a chair by her bedside. "I very much would like to talk with you. My name is Yagatsuki, Ichirou." I sat down and waited for her reaction. I needed to see what her hair could do myself, and no doubt she would want the same from me. Hoping to ensure I was a Yagatsuki, I focused on my Fuuton chakra nature, causing my hair to lift up and blow around me slightly as if a constant breeze was keeping my hair from hanging still along my body.



A long, dark red-haired boy walked into her room.  He looked the same age as her and she noticed his hair was the same color as hers.  Mindlessly her right hand went to her hair as the boy stepped up and introduced himself. "Hello, there.  I very much would like to talk with you. My name is Yagatsuki, Ichirou."  Her eyes just followed him as he sat down.   Her eyes went a bit wider  as his hair seemed to be blowing by some wind yet there wasn’t any breeze in the room and she glanced back to make sure the window was closed.

Could it really be? She thought to herself.  He had the same last name, his hair matched her’s, his hair seemed to be more than just normal hair, and now that she looked at him closely, even his eyes were the same color as hers.  “Is it really you?”  Izumi asked him, struggling to say the words as she struggled in her mind to comprehend what was going on.  It made sense that an international event like the Chuunin Exams would be a place that she could run into her twin, but she hadn’t thought about it until now.  She didn’t even think her twin would’ve become a shinobi like her, but it made sense.  They were twins so they would have a lot in common.

Adjusting herself to sit more upright in her bed, she turned to face Ichirou.  “I’m Yagatsuki, Izumi… I guess that makes us… related.” She took a slight gulp after saying the words.  “Do you have a scroll?”  If this boy was truly her twin brother, then he should have a scroll similar to hers.  That would be strong enough proof that this was real.

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