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1Jerboa Nest[D-Rank] Empty Jerboa Nest[D-Rank] Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:11 am



Syekren quietly sat up from his bed, looking over a mission scroll he had procured from a delivery crow earlier that morning. Seemed there was an infestion of Jerboa in the local foodstores and it was too much of a problem for the store owners to take care of. Figures. The male uchiha yawned, and stretched, slowly standing up from his bed. He didn't want to move honestly, but he could use the ryo. Silently, the slightly-clothed male moved to his dresser, then grabbing his shinobi tights from it, pulled them on. Folding up the legs slowly, he pulled on his shinobi tabi, then rolled the legs back down over them, taking brown cloth, wrapping it tightly at the hem of his tights, to keep sand out. Syekren smiled at his work, then slipping on his brown netted shinobi shirt, slipping into his tan Sunagakure jacket, pulling the hood over his head. Time to hunt some jerboas. Quietly, then genin waved goodbye to his parents, exiting the house with the scroll in his hand, slipping it into his pocket for safekeeping. His hands went to his jacket pockets as he walked, making his way into the downtown area, looking around for angry, worried, or otherwise disgruntled shop owners. He found who he was looking for: A young woman standing in front of a sweet bun shop, pointing inside the door. Sure enough there were at least ten of the rascally little buggers in there, skittering around, munching on food and such. The genin laughed softly, moving into the store, watching them scurry away. They were fast, not as fast as him, but fast. How to deal with this though..There were ten and a nest in there. He could kill them or get rid of them. Tough choice.

He thought for a bit more before decided to move quickly, sweeping up one by its tail, then looking at the others. He devised a plan. He quietly moved to a display rack of sweet buns, with a bit of glaze on them, and quietly rubbed the back of the jerboa he had in the glaze, holding it towards the other so the smell drifted to them. He then quietly set that jerboa on the ground near the door, booting it outside. Sure enough, within moments the other jerboa were skittering after the first, jumping onto it, attempting to eat it alive. He shook his head a bit at the brutish animals, walking back into the store momentarily to find their nest. Sure enough it was behind a crate of buns, and he dug it out, walking back to where the creatures were still devouring their kin, tossing it on them. He watched them silently, performing the tiger handseal while breathing in deeply. Then stopped, shaking his head. He quietly walked back inside, grabbing one of the long matches used to light pilot lights, striking it against the ground and bringing it to flames. He then quietly pushed it to the nest, watching it quickly catch fire, burning the creatures underneath it as well. Tiny screams could be heard from the animals and the Uchiha chuckled softly. Too bad they were such nuisances. He then handed the still burning long match to the proprietor of the bun store, patting her back."All done, make sure you take those buns off display, rubbed one on a jerboa. Or don't your call." He then quietly went towards the Kage manse to turn in his mission, whistling a lovely tune to himself as he did so. He strolled leisurely though, not really in any sort of hurry.


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