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1Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Empty Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:12 pm




Running across the sandy rooftops of Sunagakure, Mizuto hopped along between buildings to bypass the large amounts of people in the streets. Clearing a tall apartment complex, Mizuto spied the mission board a few hundred feet away. Running, he approached the post that held the tasks the village needed doing. Panting with exertion, he browsed the D-ranked missions for an interesting job that could test his abilities.

"Let's see here...collecting bills? No, that's not it. Secretary, skipping students, these are hardly jobs for a ninja." Browsing the board, Mizuto found a mission that caught his eye. "What's this? A Jerboa nest? I've never seen a Jerboa before, but it's a lot cooler than these other ones. Might be tough scaring or killing them all by myself, these things could be big." Reaching up, Mizuto tore the mission post down off of the board.


2Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Empty Re: Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:33 pm



Kenshin sighed as he looked at his current amount of ryo. He knew it what it meant when times were like this. It meant he had to actually do shit. He exhaled and started walking towards the mission board, looking up to the sky with boredom. He didn't really feel like doing a mission today, but maybe there was an easy one or something. His emerald green hair sat messy on his head as the wind blew it around. The average bow and arrows he carried were a testament to his laziness, but even he did missions when he had too.

He started to approach the mission board, looking around to see if anyone was there to carry the workload for him. He could always find loopholes. He saw a young man, grinning as he walked up to him. "Here to do a mission?" He asked looking at the piece of paper that he held. "I'm Mori, Kenshin by the way." He introduced himself with fake excitement as he waited for the boy's response.

Word Count: 177/600

3Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Empty Re: Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:47 pm



"Here to do a mission?" Mizuto flinched in surprise as he was approached by a man with green hair. "I'm Mori, Kenshin by the way." Grimacing, Mizuto looked at his paper, then back at the boy. Grinning, Mizuto had a devious idea. 'If this guy comes along with me, I could get him to do the killing and scaring of the Jerboa and I can get the payment.' Hiding the paper in his pocket, Mizuto gave the man a smile.

"Why yes, actually. I want to take this mission, but it would be way cooler with company. It's just a quick inventory check on the food stores in the village, nothing too special for a D-rank. It'll be really quick, in and out. So, Mori, can I interest you in accompanying me on this mission?" Keeping his exaggerated smile, the Sabaku awaited the man's answer.

Word Count: 300/600

4Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Empty Re: Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:11 am



"Sure!" Kenshin said with an exaggerated smile as he looked the boy over. The gourd on his back suggested that he was a sand user, as he had only ever seen sand users carry them. "You can call me Kenshin, by the way. What's you're name?" Kenshin awaited the boy's response with a smile as he looked for more details out of the figure. He didn't really see anything else of note on him.

"Well, I say let's get to it! Lead the way!" Kenshin said as he awaited his partners departure and followed him. He didn't really think this guy was so dumb as to buy his act, but he didn't care either way. He needed the ryo, so it didn't bother him. He just wanted to be done with this so he could go back to relaxing. Maybe he would drop by the greenhouse on the way home.

Word Count: 335/600

5Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Empty Re: Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Sun Sep 01, 2013 2:18 pm



"You can call my Kenshin by the way. What's your name? Looking at his new partner, Mizuto shrugged. "If you absolutely need to, you can call me Mizuto. It's a pleasure to work with you, Kenshin." Not awaiting an answer, Mizuto jumped up on a building, waiting for his partner. He then took off across the village, heading to the food stores where he can find the rat-like Jerboa. Knowing his new partner could very easily keep up, Mizuto did not wait for him.

Reaching the food stores, Mizuto stopped outside to regroup with his partner. "Ok, all we gotta do is check on the food stores, and we can leave. Just make sure it's nice and dry, and that there's no pests around there. Let's go, Kenshin." Opening up the door to the food store, Mizuto held it open so Kenshin could enter first.


6Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Empty Re: Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Mon Sep 02, 2013 4:34 pm



Mizuto was the name of this guy. Well he would be sure to keep that in mind for future missions. After a few minutes of traveling, they arrived at the food stores and the boy started talking. The mission seemed simple enough. Kenshin walked through the door that his partner held open for him. He looked around and the place seemed pretty old. It wasn't that well kept either.

As Kenshin walked around to look at the place for a few more minutes, he heard a noise. It sounded like the buzzing of an insect, from what Kenshin could here. He closed his eyes and focused, hoping to pinpoint where the sounds were coming from. He turned to and walked about 2 meters to the left and looked behind a cart to see a nest of Jerboa. This was about to become work. "Mizuto, you might want to come see this." He said annoyed at the fact that he had to become an exterminator now.

Word Count: 501/600

7Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Empty Re: Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:25 pm



"Mizuto, you might want to come see this." Walking into the room, Mizuto hid the grin he wanted to show. Under the cart Kenshin had approached, a mass of Jerboa scuttled out and away through a hole torn in the wall. "Oh man, Ken, we better get these things out of here." Turning towards the cart, Mizuto concentrated for a second. Suddenly, a stream of Fuuton picked up the cart, sending it flying and crashing into a wall. A mass of Jerboa were picked up, thrown into the air and hitting the wall as well. Dropping to the floor, the survivors hurried to the hole, squeaking in fright as they went. Summoning the sand from the gourd on his back, he flowed it into the hole, blocking it to keep any other rodents from entering. Packing the entrance, Mizuto searched for more jerboa. Seeing that his partner had taken care of the rest, he smiled. "Let's go get paid."


8Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Empty Re: Cleaning That Nest (D-Rank, Kenshin) Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:29 pm



Kenshin raised an eyebrow as his partner acted quickly to destroy the rodent's home and send them on their way. Kenshin smiled as he saw a few of the scurrying away. He imeediately grabbed his bow and took an arrow from his quiver. He aimed up quickly and nailed the moving target easily. He repeated this process two more times in rapid succession as he spotted more of them. After he had killed all the Jerboa, he walked over and pulled his arrows out of the ground, wiping the blood off of them before putting them back in his quiver. "Let's go."

Word Count: 605/600

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