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1Blood Price - Second Attack [Iwa-C] Empty Blood Price - Second Attack [Iwa-C] Fri Jun 21, 2013 5:52 pm



There was a bad tides blowing in on the wind. Something was wrong and the bandit's knew it though none could place a finger on exactly what this something was. Some sixth sense had put them on edge and the lookouts for the camp were scanning the horizon with marked apprehension as if at any moment something would lope out of the blackness of night and drag them wailing back into the cold darkness with the ghosts and ghouls. The first lookout turned to his fellow and attempted to make some small talk about the man's family. His companion replied in an unenthusiastic tone giving the bare minimum of information.

Something was out there however watching and waiting. Kyōbōna had already feasted this night wrecking another camp but he was not satisfied. The Tengu had told him that until his enemies were complete decimated that he would not teach him the secret of shutting out the new and disturbing sensations that he was experiencing. And thus Kyōbōna lurked waiting for the prime opportunity to attack. Finally one of the guards had to reluctantly heed the call of nature. So discreetly heading out to the wild he dropped his pants and began to proceed with his business. It took less than ten seconds to crush his windpipe causing him in turn to soil himself at the same time. The stench did not bother Kyōbōna - he had long ago become immune to the effects living in squalor and charnel himself.
He could not wait long - the other guard was far to nervous and would soon raise the alarm If he was not silenced. Creeping forward as quietly as possible while sticking to the shadows Kyōbōna began to reach a hand out for the guards leg. However beneath his feet a twig snapped. Normally this would not be enough to cause much alarm and indeed would either be brushed off as either a the second sentry returning or a tanuki going about it's nightly business. But this was not to be the case. The guard spinning towards Kyōbōna's position in a flurry of movement got a glimpse of the towering figure in the half light and focused upon the two sharp points of bone that protruded from Kyōbōna's head.

Drawing in breath the guard screamed at the top of his lungs.


The initiating worm had alerted his fellows. It would be the last mistake he made in this life. Kyōbōna sprang up to the guard tower with a grand leap from his powerful thighs. One punch to the stomach ruined his organs and then another to his skull caused cerebral haemorrhaging. However the remaining bandit's were already mobilising their forces and were coming for him as a single unified front. It was time to make use of his most powerful jutsu.

As the brigands dashed in for their attack Kyōbōna sent chakra into the ground drawing forth the technique known as the orbs of naraka. Stone spheres covered in foul characters which moved at Kyōbōna's will drawing themselves up from the earth and circling the Amida akin to satellites moving around a desecrated sun. Perhaps foolishly the seven men did not halt their charge but fuelled on adrenalin merely increased their pace hoping to quickly overwhelm  Kyōbōna with sheer numbers. The first of their number leapt into the air brining his poorly made katana up ready for a swift downwards strike to Kyōbōna’s head. A stone orb caught him in the side roughly expelling the air from his lungs and knocking him to the stony ground beneath.  A second slid to the side cutting for Kyōbōna’s flank , another of the orbs darted in blocking the blow then jabbing out like a pinball shot from a coiled spring smashing into the bandit’s face and causing a sickening crunch as the cartilage in his nose was crushed into a bloody mess.

Another attack from the front. This time it was too fast for the orbs to catch so instead Kyōbōna reached out one massive hand and caught the weapon in his palm. Blood welled up as the blade bit into his flesh but the pain was of little to no importance – in his time he had felt things that were  far worse than the simple bite of a shoddily forged swords into his palm. Putting some force behind his action he snapped the worthless thing in two . Clutching the broken blade he shafted the shard through the man’s chin and into his brain. But even as he disposed of this attacker another’s strike was barely turned aside by an orb from behind going wild the blow meant for his neck sliced instead across his shoulder blade. This was more painful but not debilitating in fact the pain was driving him into an even greater state of fury.

Another man went down low trying to get a tanto into Kyōbōna’s thigh.  Bad move as the blade first began to enter his flesh the ogre began to feel the rage of the berserk state come on.



A flash image himself of tearing an arm from a socket like a child pulling of the limb of a doll.

Stomping on a corpse until there was nothing left to identify and even the bones had been turned into naught but splinters.

More blackness.

His head slamming to the countenance of one of his attackers cracking bone and breaking the man’s jaw.

A deep intense pounding like a kettle drum in his head getting harder and harder till he felt like he was going to explode.

Finally Kyōbōna awoke feeling like he had been run over by a herd of rhinos. Covered in scars and wounds he knew that he had succumbed to the berserk rage that black state filled with nothing but hate and adrenalin where men cared nothing of their own safety and only for the destruction of their enemies. The camp was in ruins not satisfied with merely killing its occupants the frenzied barbarian had torn the entire thing to shreds and showered it with blood and viscera.

This was enough for one night.

The beast inside was spent and he needed to sleep. Time was needed to recover and to complete his task he would need to be in top form.

And so Kyōbōna slunk off into the night.

1060/1000 words

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