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1Suzume vs Izumi Empty Suzume vs Izumi Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:06 pm



Arena Six:

Holding my bandaged right arm in front of me, I felt up and down it, testing where the burns still hurt. The medical-nin had done good work, I could barely feel any pain along my right arm, and I went on to check the rest of my right side. It always was my right side that ended up getting hurt. Thankfully, only slight numbness was the worst of my burns now, due to the good healing powers of the medical-nin here in Suna.

I dropped my arms back to my side as I stood in the lush grass of the arena. It was quite the difference from the courtyard she had fought in before. The arena was split in the middle by a wide ravine, which I had checked earlier to see how deep it went, and about 20 meters down was covered in deadly spikes. It was definitely something I needed to keep in mind for the fight. I paced back and forth along the edge of the pool of water, waiting for my opponent to come from the other side of the arena.

[OOC: Only items are my two Tonfas, found in my Signature]

2Suzume vs Izumi Empty Re: Suzume vs Izumi Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:14 am



Finally, Izumi would get some action. She'd been waiting far too long, having to wait for the others to get through Round One of the tournament because the guy who she was supposed to fight didn't make it to the Ivory Tower. It burned her up just thinking about the missed opportunity for a fight. Now that she was granted one, her excitement was tripled. The rules for the fight were simple: only elemental jutsu. That pretty much fit what she was all about.

Stepping through the doors and out into a shitty wasteland, Izumi stepped up to the ravine, looking across it's 8 meter division to a land full of nice grass, shrubs, and a waterfall the made a 10 meter big pool. Her eyes caught those of her opponent's. Kōga, Suzume was her name, but it would be 'Loser' by the end of the match. She didn't wait this long just to lose, whereas this girl looked like she'd already been through a lot, bandages all over her right side that could be seen in between the clothing she wore.

Izumi tightened her vest and made sure her fish net gloves were fitted nicely. She then stood 3 meters away from the ravine's edge and waited for the match to begin. She wore a cocky grin and a look in her eyes that said "I'm gonna fuck you up."

"BEGIN!" Yelled the Examiner from his perch on the arena's wall and the crowd jeered for the action to start.

3Suzume vs Izumi Empty Re: Suzume vs Izumi Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:34 am



The Examiner announced the start of the match and I wasted no time in making a run at my opponent. Jumping over the ravine, I twisted in the air, swinging out with my tonfas as they shot out bolts of lightning at her. There were five bolts that were shot by the time I had landed 2 meters to her left. The first bolt was aimed to her right, the second at her head, third at her stomach, fourth was shot just a bit behind her in case she stepped back, and the last shot was fired right before I landed, aiming straight at her left side.

After landing, I would charge at her with my tonfas at my sides, my cape flowing behind me in a great shine of white. I needed to close the gap quickly instead of sit and wait like I had with Sairento. That was my first mistake that had made me fall into Sairento's plan. This time I had my own plan that I would put into effect right now. I lurched forward at Izumi to strike once with my right tonfa across her smug little face and then spin to my left, bringing my left tonfa to strike her ribs. I would then back up half a meter to prepare for a counter. This was going to be a much quicker match if I had any say in the matter. Which I knew I did. I wasn't about to lose to some girl with hippie hair down to her knees!


4Suzume vs Izumi Empty Re: Suzume vs Izumi Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:24 pm



With the start of the match, Izumi's opponent launched herself across the ravine. The girl spun in her leap over the ravine, each spin creating a bolt of lightning that shot towards Izumi. The shots came fast, and Izumi took a quick duck and roll forward letting the bolts of lightning fall behind her. As she got up, the girl landed to her left. Izumi got set in a ready stance of Wing Chun as her opponent launched forward with her tonfas. Turning to the direction of the swinging tonfa in Suzume's right hand, Izumi stuck out her right hand to redirect the blow, just missing her face. The left tonfa was closely following and she stuck out her left hand to grab Suzume's left arm before it got close to her.

Holding onto Suzume's left arm, Izumi shot her hair, which she focused her Katon chakra nature into it, that would wrap around the girl and burn her. The hair itself would wrap around Suzume's neck, going down her chest, then splitting into two chunks of hair to wrap around her arms. Izumi smiled, "Take this, bitch!" The white haired girl had done exactly what Izumi wanted; getting in close enough to fry her with Izumi's special hair. While the hair would do this, Izumi would be sending four nice uppercuts to the girl. The match seemed simple, but it already was good enough for Izumi to be fighting once again. This was her in her natural environment.

Chakra 140/150:

5Suzume vs Izumi Empty Re: Suzume vs Izumi Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:01 pm



I was shocked, no one had been able to deflect my moves before. This long-haired girl was younger than me, too, yet she moved with the same speed as me. My first two swings with my tonfas were blocked, the girl grabbed hold of my left arm as I spun, stopping me in my tracks as her hair shot towards me. I did a small hop and swung my legs behind me to kick off of the girl and get away from her hair. A bit of her hair still latched onto my arm as I got the rest of my body away, and I felt the hot hair burn my flesh. Instincts kicked in and I pulled my arm out of the hair's grasp, holding my forearm.

The pain in my arm reminded me of my last battle. So it seemed that I wouldn't be able to win this unscathed. I would at least scorch her back in turn! Channeling Katon chakra into my tonfas, I crouched down then flipped over Izumi, my hands extended over my head twirling my flaming tonfas by their handles. This would hit her three times on each side of her neck, producing awful burns that should irritate her and bring pain every time she turned her head.

After hitting her neck, I would land back into a crouch. Extending out my left leg, I would twirl around to face my opponent's back, swinging out my left leg to knock her legs out from under her while she would still be reeling from my tonfas' attacks. After that I would stand back up and leave a meter space in between her and I to prepare for whatever tricks she might have.


6Suzume vs Izumi Empty Re: Suzume vs Izumi Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:46 am



(OOC: That kick is kinda an auto-hit, but I'll let it go this time.)

The girl had slipped away from the hair, but Izumi had managed to wrap around Suzume's left forearm.  Her kick sent Izumi back a meter, though she was able to stay on her feet.  The kick was only enough to distance each other, but it seemed Suzume wanted to come back for more, flipping up and over Izumi's head.  The flaming tonfa trick was old and she was ready for another attack.  Using her Yagatsuki Shield Technique, Izumi wrapped up her shoulders, neck, and head with her hair.  Still concentrating her Katon chakra nature in her hair, the tonfas' attacks didn't have any effect on Izumi.  

She spun around to face Suzume's landing.  The low leg kick was easily dodged with a small jump, which Izumi used to lunge forward in the air, activating her jutsu to punch Izumi in her head.  The punches would be two heavy punches.  A left punch followed up with her right fist.  If the punches hit, Izumi would be on her back and Izumi would use this to dive into the ground while going for a grab at Suzume's left leg.  If everything worked, Izumi would be stuck in the ground all the way to her neck.

Chakra 100/150:

7Suzume vs Izumi Empty Re: Suzume vs Izumi Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:17 am


Reminder; you have 24 hours before the week clock runs out and it'll go up to staff vote.

8Suzume vs Izumi Empty Re: Suzume vs Izumi Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:06 pm



(OOC: Giving the match to Izumi. Been too busy with first week of college classes. Good match.)

Again with the hair! It was really starting to get on my last nerves. Being able to block my tonfa attacks wasn't according to plan. Now she was coming straight at me with disgusting earth arms. My right hand was keeping me balanced as I kicked out with my left leg. Her punch came flying into my face that knocked into my left cheek as my face turned in a last second flinch. The blow knocked me onto my back, and before I knew it she had dragged me under the ground. My head the only thing sticking out of the arena's floor as Izumi popped up before me.

Stuck in the ground, I couldn't move my tonfas or anything below the ground. All I could do was look up at my opponent with complete anger. She had shamed me once, but now that I knew what her hair could do, I would make her pay for humiliating me. If it weren't for her stupid hair, this match would've been mine. The only way for me to get out of this situation would be to use an Explosive Seal but that would be a violation of the match's rules. She had defeated me in elemental jutsu, something I would never forget.

The Examiner landed next to Izumi and raised her hand, "That's it! The match is over! Yagatsuki, Izumi wins!" The crowd roared a thunderous applause as additional proctors lifted me out and escorted me to the medical facility. Izumi's punch had caused some bleeding in my left cheek and was already swollen quite a bit.

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