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1Sairento vs Suzume Empty Sairento vs Suzume Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:46 am

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento Bakuhatsu


The second and final part of the chuunin exams were getting underway, the genin being pitted against each other in a tournament.  It would be a battle of the fittest, only the strongest of all the genin being able to stand up and become a chuunin. Or at least, that's what Sairento thought of it. To everyone else this could be their one chance to show others they were more powerful than they seemed. Sairento was not worried about it. Though he may or may not win today, his friend Isamu had given him the courage to at least try his best. So that's what he would do, regardless of the outcome he would be happy with the knowledge he had at least done the best he could and no one would be able to doubt him after today.

Sairento stepped into the courtyard of a large palace, the sandy brown structures surrounding on either side, a large fountain with a sculpture of the first Kazekage standing in the center. It was this fountain that he walked around to the front of, sitting quietly in front of it. . His Kirigakure headband was tied around his forehead, proudly displayed as he had combed his hair back straight, moving a piece of the bandana of the headband to the back holding it in place. His eyes were a slight yellow hue for his curiosity. He hadn't worn his hooded sweatshirt today and was instead wearing black shinobi tights, and a black netted shinobi shirt. He wore traditional black shinobi tabi and shinobi sandals, ditching his usual garb. He still had his piercings in his face, two in his bottom lip for snake bites, another two in his right nostril. He wore a soft smile, eyes ahead.

His pale skin shown in the sunlight, like porcelain if it could reflect. His hands were holding his ankles and as he heard the footsteps of his approaching opponent he stood up slowly, smiling a bit more. He had given himself quite a lot of mental preperation and would be enjoying this fight as much as he could. He wasn't too keen on the rules as of yet but figured things couldn't be too complicated, it was just a fight after all. He sighed, trying to think of ways to use his jutsu when he had nothing to cut himself with but dismissed it as something he would have to figure out during the fight. Though his eyes continually scanned while he awaited the start of the battle.


2Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:32 am



The grand opening of the second and final round of the Chuunin Exams sounded off with horns and fire jutsu. I had never been inside the Great Colosseum before, but standing inside it now while the arena was filled with people all ready to watch the fighting started to make me nervous. Making it through the first round had proved quite difficult for me. The wolves were a tough fight and the alpha male had even landed a hit on me. I had been quickly patched up once inside the Ivory Tower, so well in fact that I could move my right arm without it hurting. The small cut that the wolf had made in a glancing blow was already healed up nicely, though it still had a scar that laid across my right collarbone. The medical-nin that had patched me up had said it wouldn't be permanent like my other two scars that were on my right cheek and right side of my stomach in between my hip and belly button. Why was it always my right side that got hit?

Redirecting my attention to Lady Kazekage, I listened fervently with great admiration. The Kazekage was my role model, the very kind of woman I aspired to be like. Here she was, standing before me and all of Suna that had come to watch the Exams' Tournament and she seemed to be unaffected by all of the attention. Even when one of her kids cried out during her speech, she didn't flinch. I wanted to be just like her, keeping my cool even when things didn't go as planned. Following all of the instructions that she announced, I made my way to the bracket board and found my name on the left, my opponent's name written above me. Igarashi, Sairento. I didn't know him, but then again he was from Kiri.

Making my way to the fourth arena. As I approached the entrance to the arena, it's banner stating 'Palace Courtyard', I took a deep breath. Exhaling slowly, I focused on hiding my emotions and feelings. This match would require me to do my very best. My father was counting on me to uphold the Kōga head family name and Daisuke-sama, my Bōjutsu sensei, had said that he'd be watching me from the stands. I looked up at the arena's stands, taking in all of the clamor and noise the people were making. One more deep breath and then I stepped through the entrance. A large fountain was in the middle, with a statue of the first Kazekage standing upright in the middle, water coming from his hands. The rest of the courtyard was filled with orange colored plants, and lots of sand-colored structures occupied some of the space. Pillars lined three sides and a stairway to the palace was on the north wall.

Looking around the courtyard, I found my opponent standing near the fountain, his eyes looked straight ahead at me. He was quite pale, and had many piercings that I had to control myself from wincing at. No emotion, I reminded myself. As I stepped up to meet him, I removed my hood and pulled my hair out from underneath my cloak, letting it fall softly and blow with the breezes. My tonfas were quite visible, one on each hip poked out from in between her pants and belt. Without taking up too much time I bowed slightly to him. "Oss." Then coming back from the bow I got into my ready stance. "I am Kōga, Suzume. Show me what you can do."

No Pets:

3Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:29 am

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento Bakuhatsu

'Koga, Suzume.' This would be Sairento's opponent. He gave her a soft smile, moving his form to circle her quietly, moving back to the fountain. He didn't know anything of this girl and would have to take it slow, or risk his chances of winning this. His eyes went to her tonfa, and the hues of yellow became a bit lighter, showing complete curiousity, before becoming a baby blue color to show his calmness. She used a form of Bukijutsu, which meant that she was better set for close-combat situations. Sairento was not one for close combat though, so he had som sort of advantage, as well as a strategic advantage. If he could stay far away from this girl, he may have a chance in winning. He quietly observed her, tilting his head. What to start with, what to start with. His hands twitched a bit as he thought, his net shirt tight against his skin. He gave a knowing smile after a few seconds.

Let her attack first..

A voice from his head gave him this notion. Subconscious thought pulled from the very back reaches of his brain, moving into his cerebrum and cerebellum giving synapses that moved quickly, devising a plan. He would have to stay at a distance, but allow her to show her cards first. This would be somewhat tricky, especially as he didn't know many jutsu at this point that would readily distract her. He had a bit of a strategy developing but would need a bit of time to let it come to completion. He decided not to use any jutsu just yet, moving his form from the fountain, backing away with quick steps. This girl would be fun to play with, it was just a matter of how to play with her.

He moved around the girl, making his way back to the fountain. A large stone obelisk was beside the fountain, roughly half the height of sairento and only twenty or so pounds heavier. He began to focus his chakra a bit, reading a jutsu, moving closer to the obelisk in case it was needed. He looked from the obelisk, to the fountain's water, to the girl and smiled to her, blue eyes deepening in color. She was beautiful, it was too bad they had to fight each other. "You are quite the beauty my dear, I am sorry we have to fight. But since we must..Ladies first?" He chuckled softly and gave her a disarming smile as his hues became a soft pink color. He was showing this girl manners and awaited the next move from her.

4Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:53 am



I watched her opponent pace around her, studying her just as she was studying him. Noticing his eyes changed color from a yellow to a lighter shade and then to blue, I figured this must be some sign of his clan, possibly a window into his emotions.  If so, this would make things even easier to read into his movements. Studying him further, I watched his eye movement while he backed up to an obelisk.  His eyes foretold a plan as they looked quickly at the obelisk, then the fountain water, and then back at me.  A smile formed from his lips as he called out to me, "You are quite the beauty my dear, I am sorry we have to fight. But since we must..Ladies first?"

I stood still, straight-faced and emotionless at his statement, too busy studying his face and body language.  Quite the curious thing about his eyes, as I noticed they changed from a deep blue to a pinkish hue as he had told me I was a beauty.  It seemed there might quite well be a connection between those eyes of his and his emotions.  I noted that in my head as I formulated a plan of attack.  This guy, who seemed quite younger than I, seemed to like to play things defensively.  Even though that was my goal as well, I figured being on the attacking side could be a good thing.  I was one of the best at countering as well, so this should prove to be fun.

Quickly I pulled up my hands, my left hand shielding from his vision what I was scribbling behind it with my right.  Once the characters were ready I formed a small orb around the writing, still shielding it somewhat with my hands as I thrust it forward, aiming just to the left of the obelisk.  The goal was to get him away from the fountain since he loved it so much.  As soon as I released the orb, I darted with my advanced speed around to his left flank, keeping a 5 meter distance in anticipation of the attack.  As I ran, I formed a tiger seal, igniting the orb as it passed the edge of the obelisk, and thus was directly on his right side, which triggered the seal that the orb had contained.  An explosion, three meters in radius, went off next to Sairento.  If it hit, it'd give Sairento first degree burns to his body seeing as it wasn't a centered hit, yet still quite damaging as he was within the estimated range.  Also, the explosion would toss him three meters to his left flank, or rather, to me.  I had my hands on my tonfas in case of anything odd, my eyes glued to him.


5Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:31 pm

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento Bakuhatsu

A few things happened within the moments the girl had sent the explosive seal his way. He was quite close to the obelisk and as she studied him and sent the jutsu towards him, he pushed his hand to the obelisk, using his jutsu at this point. His quick reactions allowed his to pull the obelisk, moving at a high speed as he switched places with it. The orb hit right beside the substitution as Sairento jumped into the fountain's water. The substitution was sent flying towards the girl, hitting the floor and poofing back into the large stone obelisk. Underneath the water, sairento continued to think on what he should do, surfacing on the other side of the water after a little while. He focused chakra into his feet, stepping up onto the surface of the water.

"You almost got me there! That would've hurt for sure." His eyes retained a mixture of baby blue with slight pinkish hues in them as he stard at the girl from behind the statue. So, range wasn't good enough anymore. If she could throw her seals then he might have some trouble. He had to find her weakpoints and fast. She seemed to stay emotionless but there had to be something under that. Sairento moved from the water's surface onto the ground beside the fountain, moving his hands together quietly, preparing himself for her attack should it come.

There had to be a way to do this, quickly. He watched her with his hues which became a dull grey. He had to focus on the task at hand and couldn't let himself get distracted from what he was doing. He spotted a rather sharp looking stone on the ground, picking it up quickly. This would come in useful when the time was right. It would allow him to use his jutsu much easier than trying to cut himself with his fingers. He smiled, keeping it in his hand whilst moving in an arced fulcrum beside the fountain, wondering which jutsu he should use next.


Last edited by Sairento Bakuhatsu on Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

6Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:20 pm



I saw the hand movement from my opponent as he performed the Substitution Technique flawlessly, just getting out of the blast in time. My eyes narrowed slightly as I contemplated my next move. The plan had been to force him into close range, but it seemed he realized that as well. Checking my body language and facial expressions, I relaxed my face and body with a deep breath. Remembering my training of the Kokoro no Me during my long amount of Clan training, I erased any outward expression that I may have been projecting, only looking completely blank and emotionless. This should help conceal even the slightest hint at my plans.

Sairento spoke to me again, "You almost got me there! That would've hurt for sure." He was obviously trying to get some kind of reaction from me. However he was giving away plenty with his eyes alone, not to mention his constant remarks. For my sake, I hoped he'd continue in this way. As he talked his eyes were blue with hints of pink, but as he stood on the water, I saw his eyes change into a dull grey. This meant something was up, I just knew it in my gut. I hadn't completely figured out what his eyes were trying to tell me with their colors, but grey was not a pleasant color. I set myself in a ready position and waited, my left hand bent out in front and my right bent closer to my chest. He seemed to like the distance, so that ruled out most Bukijutsu and all forms of Taijutsu. What was his game? I decided to wait and find out.

7Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:03 pm

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento watched the girl quietly. She wasn't going to attack him just yet. He didn't smile, he didn't frown, he just had a blank expression. Quietly, the man pulled the sharp rock he had procured up, looking at it quietly. He needed to get the girl close at some point but could not do so without getting attacked by her Tonfa himself. He thought quietly on his next move, looking back at the water. He smiled softly, his idea coming to form. He would quietly let his arm fall with the rock in hand, moving closer to the fountain. He jumped up, hitting the pedestal of the statue, then stepping up once more to jump on top of the kazekage's head. This would allow him to sit quietly, watching the girl. His chakra was already moving to form within his hands and he was readying himself to shoot out another jutsu but would not just yet.

He watched the water below him, allowing his ideas to come to fruition, then looking back at the girl. From the hands of the Kazekage water would spew out and he quietly leaned down, taking a small drink from it. He then filled his mouth with water, spitting it in the direction of the girl, watching it fall just short of her. This was mainly to insult the girl, if not goad her into attacking him. He readied himself by standing, and getting into a position ready for defense, his arms close to his body, but in front of him, fist balled up. He clenched harder on the hand with the sharp rock, allowing the rock to pierce his skin a bit, some blood trickling into his palm. The girl's eyes couldn't be sharp enough to see the blood just yet, and that was his hope for his plan to come to fruition.

8Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:26 pm



I watched the boy stop smiling, relaxing his face as well.  Trying to be tricky it seemed, he walked backwards to the statue of the first Kazekage, jumping up on top of its head.  How dare he disgrace the first Kazekage with his feet.  The statue was to respect one of the greatest Shinobi of history.  I pulled out my tonfas, twirling them a bit in my hands as I thought of a new way to get close to him.  I leaned against one of the pillars that lined the walls, until an idea hit me.  Stopping my twirls, I stood back up, and using my speed I performed five fluid motions with my tonfas.

Starting with my right foot forward, producing lightning chakra on my tonfas.  Moving swiftly, I made a thrust with my right tonfa where Sairento stood, then swung around my left tonfa, aiming above his head. I then spun on my right foot, picking up my left and then landing it down just as quickly, the twirl spun my two tonfas for two more slashing movements aimed to the right and left side of his body.  Immediately after the swinging movements were finished, I used the momentum for another half spin and then broke into a sprint.  After three steps I jumped up at the statue's chest, thrusting with my left tonfa in Sai's direction for the final blow.  I didn't expect all of the shots to hit, so I aimed where he'd most likely dodge, knowing most of the area had been covered.  If they did, the bolts of lighting that had shot from my tonfas would burn his skin quite badly.  What wouldn't be covered would be made up by my rapid jump to the statue, where I would flip forward to land my feet on its chest, and bounce off of it so that I could catch him in the air as he fell or dodged.


Last edited by Suzume on Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

9Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:43 pm

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento quietly allowed the first wave to hit his chest, making a slice in his netted shirt, burning a bit into his skin. He fell backward as the female started towards him with her continuous swings, flipping backwards, onto the water channeling chakra into his feet as he fell. He then quietly allowed the chakra to channel into the water, pushing up a bit of it to form six water clones of himself, all with blood coming from their palms. Three of the clones allowed the blood to form  balls in their hands, then shot them at the girl, one to the chest, one to the back, another to the head. She was still in the air and may be able to block but currently would not be able to dodge them.

While underneath her the other three clones would pool water in their mouths, spitting it on the ground below her. The water would form three puddles around sairento's position from when he left the water and landed upon the ground under the girl. One puddle was directly underneath the girl, the others were next to where she would land. These were not normal water but only Sairento knew that. He quietly then pushed chakra into his palms, forming it into raiton element, watching her. He would not use his next jutsu just yet, rather wait for the girl to respond.  Should she get hit by the blood balls, it would be small fractures, should she block them and land in the water, she'd be caught in his jutsu. After shooting out the blood balls, the first three clones would turn back into water, forming puddles of it upon the ground. The man quietly watched, his muscles tensed to jump away.



10Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:15 pm



Finishing my half flip, landing with my feet on the chest of the first Kazekage, I saw that one of my bolts of lightning had hit my target.  However he had fallen backwards to the other side of the statue.  Bouncing off of the Kazekage statue to Sairento's right so I could see my opponent once more, I noticed he had made six clones in that time it took for me to land and bounce off.  Three of the clones shot small bullet-sized balls of what looked like blood at me while the other three clones shot puddles of water in the general area of my trajectory. I certainly had fallen into a trap made by a skillful opponent.  There wasn't much time to think and I winced as the bullets caught me in mid-air.

The three blood bullets would sink into my skin in a devastating hit.  Devastating hit it was, but it didn't touch me, but instead my body vanished in a puff of smoke, replaced by a piece of flooring that had broken loose on the bottom of the fountain.  I had implemented the Substitution Technique into my plan the moment Sairento had used it himself.  Such a clever trick needed to be used fairly.  Now that the tables were turned, I would keep it that way as I lay under water.  There were three clones where I had been, and four others that stood together.  Three of them I knew had fired at me.

Laying in the bottom of the fountain, I noticed the real Sairento as the three clones that had fired at me dissipated into puddles.  Placing my feet on the fountain's floor, I pushed up with all of my strength right behind him.  Exploding out of the water with my arms spread out to my sides, my tonfas extended out.  Twisting as I jumped out of the water, I spun out of the water, going for a double hit to Sairento's head.


11Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:39 pm

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento Bakuhatsu

The girl's body turned into a tile and he smirked softly. Neat trick. He had already been tensed to move and ocne he heard the splash of water meaning the girl was coming out of the water he leapt forward. He turned as she swung, getting hit once in each shoulder, causing a bit of pain and soon a bruise if he was hit there again. But with the raiton chakra in his hands, he forced it outwards, allowing his raiton chakra to push outwards to the girl's chest. This would be his stun trap jutsu and regardless of the girl's speed she would not be able to dodge it this time, as she was coming towards him at this point, swinging her tonfa. Before he landed, he used the tiger handseal to trigger the jutsu. He had taken two more hits, falling onto his back, quickly rolling to be back upon his feet a few feet away.

I might lose this..I am sorry Isamu..

His thoughts tore at his mind as he sighed. This wasn't as easy as he hoped the puddles had dried up and his clones were about useless so he dispersed the jutsu binding them. He didn't have much left now and he was beginning to let the multiple strategies run through his brain once more. The jutsu SHOULD hit the girl and he would have time to recover as she would be stunned. If not, he picked his rock up from the ground, preparing his chakra for one more assault upon the girl he would have to think and react quickly. He didn't have another jutsu he could really use at this point but depending on if the other jutsu hit he may have a chance.


12Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:04 pm



My surprise attack from the water had worked perfectly, allowing me to land four solid hits on Sairento.  Falling back onto the water's surface, I started to control chakra at my feet, keeping me on top of the water.  During my attack, something had happened, and as I looked down at my chest, something was triggered and a faint blue-ish color of lightning spread across my body.  The electricity stunned me with it's force.  In the instant that my body was hit with the initial shock of lightning, my mouth quivered involuntarily and I cried out in the sudden shock of pain taking over my body.  It was quick, and it was all I could do to muffle it, but it had come out.  I didn't like that it forced me to cry out, which would surely spur on my opponent to attack.

I knew I was stronger than this, and tried to collect my thoughts while being stunned.  It was quite the clever trick my opponent had made, he was indeed showing me what he could do.  The shocking of the jutsu made my body, now soaked from head to foot, twitch every time I tried to move, keeping me still while it still shocked me.  With eyes wide due to the lightning coursing through me, I watched as Sairento got back to his feet far enough out of my reach if I had even been able to move.  There was nothing I could do but wait for the effects to pass, though this inability to move angered me deeply, I preferred not to show it.


13Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:42 pm

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento faintly smiled as his jutsu took effect. It was time now to end this. He quietly and quickly moved his form to the girl's own, pulling her from the water, placing her on the ground. The shocking sensation would be gone, the stunning part of his jutsu still there for now. He moved to sit behind the girl, pushing the sharp edge of his rock against her medula oblongata. He made a small incision on the skin, then making an incision on the closing wound he made on his palm earlier. He quietly focused his chakra to meld with his blood, pushing the palm against the girl's medula oblongata wound, forcing it into her system. The blood moved into her system, clotting around the medula oblongata, slowing the bloodflow to it immensely. This would shock her cardiac and respiratory systems from lack of blood and oxygen moving to it, causing her eye sight to fail slightly, her breathing to become heavier and her heart rate to slow just a bit.

He then moved his arms around her throat, as the stunning process was about done. His right arm came around her neck, his left arm coming to push behind her head, pushing the back of it forward. His right hand held onto the inner part of his left elbow, while his left hand was on the back of her head, pushing forward. He then wrapped his legs around her waist, clenching them tightly, while leaning back to pull her with him, causing her breathing to become more and more labored, stopping the supply of oxygen by holding her throat tightly to choke her. "Please surrender so I don't kill you..." He sighed, waiting on the girl to tap, clenching harder as she regaining mobility.


14Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:17 pm



I felt the stun effects wear off, being able to struggle in movement as free as I could in a headlock.  Sairento was quite smart to do the headlock, and skilled in his medical ninjutsu from what I could tell, seeing only the ground while everything else was a fuzzy hue.  I had plenty of training from Daisuke-sama back at my Kōga clan's training dojo.  The Kōga were the elite of shinobi when it came to physical combat whether it was through Bukijutsu or Taijutsu.  From the choke hold I was in now, I could tell he wasn't any good at Taijutsu.  The choke hold was good for an amateur, but then again, it was his medical ninjutsu that was helping him here.  I had felt a small cut and his skin pressed upon my neck.  A tingling sensation was felt in my spine that made me shiver.

"Please surrender so I don't kill you..." he whispered into my ear.  How could he dare ask me that?  A Kōga never surrenders to anyone.  His choke hold wasn't that strong, I'd faced stronger choke holds from the Kōga clan members who specialized in grappling Taijutsu.  My breathing was strained and my heartbeat slowed, but that let me stay cool and calm.  I coughed and hacked, my face looking left as I tried to look up at Sairento, "P--please....don't..." I said in a struggled voice, I displayed vivid emotion in my face of panic, pain, and welled up my eyes to cry.  Using this emotional ploy and cry as a distraction I slowly rose my hands to my head, my left hand going straight forward, while my right hand scribbled a seal on the ground near my hip.  It wasn't the best idea, but it was my only option at this point to successfully get him off my back.  The scribbling was done, and I lurched my right hand to meet my left, forming a tiger hand sign to trigger the explosive seal.  The explosion was very close not to hit him, or me for that matter, but I didn't care.  I wasn't about to lose this match anytime soon.


15Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:39 pm

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento heard the girl's voice, moving his left hand which still had the sharp rock in it to her throat, moving his right arm up against her jaw, flexing his bicep to continue the choking, his right hand holding tightly to his left shoulder for support. The rock was against the right side of her throat, pushing into the skin just enough to draw blood on the right side of her jugular. His eyes moved down to her right hand, watching her perform a seal, shaking his head.

The explosion of the seal gave him some slight burns and blew his form back, he left arm being swung as he flew, scraping the sharp rock against the girl's throat as this happened. Her own move would cause the rock to go from just being pushed into her skin to quickly scraping across it, while they were pushed back. It was three meters that he was thrown, landing a bit away from the girl, as when he hit the ground his body rolled a bit. He held tightly to his rock, coughing quietly into his right hand, standing once more. He then moved a bit away from the girl, hopping back a few more meters.

16Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:31 pm



The explosion did its worst to Sairento and I.  My right side was covered in first degree burns from the right shoulder to my legs, my hair was singed and burnt as well by the explosion.  Although it had freed me from his choke hold on me, the rock that was at my throat had scraped against my neck from the explosion's force knocking his arms off of me.  Gasping for breath as I slowly got up, I looked around.  It was still hard to see my surroundings, but I noticed something dark and fuzzy moving to my left.  Retreating several meters back, I focused on the dark fuzzy figure before me.

Every step, leap, and all movement on my right side stung.  First degree burns were annoying, but they weren't lethal or even crippling, so I counted myself fortunate to have not wounded myself badly.  This guy was quite the adversary, coming close to defeating me.  I couldn't help but brush my hand against my neck.  On the front, the scrape made by the rock had started to bleed, but it was nothing, just a scrape.  Next thing to check was the back of my neck where I felt a small cut, but it wasn't open, some sort of blood clot was covering it.  Knowing I didn't heal that fast, it must've been why I still couldn't see.  Cursing at myself in my head, I needed keep my distance from him until I could see clearly again.

Having fallen back from the dark fuzzy figure, (OOC: 6 meters to be exact, though Suzume doesn't know exactly because of her impaired vision) I pulled out one of my tonfas to aid my defense.  I would need to keep moving slightly, but not too out of control so I wouldn't hit anything or run into one of his attacks.  I strafed from side to side, concentrating my eyes in an attempt to watch for moving objects, but it wasn't helping much.  So with a Tonfa in my right hand and my left hand close to my mouth, I waited and listened.  My vision was impaired, so I would have to rely on my other senses until it came back.  Adjusting my focus to my ears, I noted the sound of the fountain water and the faint whist of the wind.  Now knowing the sounds of my surroundings, I would have to wait for my opponents next move.  With my impaired vision, I could still tell where my opponent was, but what he did specifically was unknown to me.  With my strafing side to side, I could better see if anything was shot at me.  This wasn't the best predicament for me and I knew very well that this match was nearing its end.

Last edited by Suzume on Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

17Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:24 pm



Shockingly it seemed to be a standstill.  As my vision returned to me, my opponent seemed to be in a daze. That or he was just watching me. He stood before me, yet he had done nothing. Was this to toy with me?  Thanking fortune for granting me my vision again, I didn't hesitate to use it. Charging forward in great speed, ignoring the slight pains of my right side, I attacked him with flaming tonfas.

My right tonfa aimed at his right cheek in a quick twirl that extended my Fonda's long shaft to strike his cheek.  My left tonfa I kept tucked in and punched with its short end at his stomach.  Then spinning in a low crouch, my cape twirling with my body as I stretched my legs for a sidestep to the right and behind Sairento.  My left tonfa was next to strike again, this time I had twirled it in my hands to its extension, aiming for the back of his head.  My right tonfa then swung around low to hit his left leg, angled appropriately at the back of his knee to buckle the leg.  The whole time I went to attack I was ready for any attempt for him to counter or block.

If these hits landed, my left tonfa would continue it's sweep to the left of his head, stop, then reroute back in front of his head. Spinning the tonfa around in my head I would pin his neck with my left tonfa. While my left tonfa had his neck, my right tonfa would me moving at the same time, this time tucked back, parallel with my arm, in a thrust on his back which I would press down as hard as I could so that I would throw his body to the ground while burning his neck and back with my tonfas. Then too finish things off, I would slap my feet down hard on each of his wrists. I would put most of my weight on the right tonfa as I kept myself low in a slight crouch, my legs apart as I held him down and my tonfas pinning his head and torso. I wouldn't sit on him, rather keeping myself slightly lifted, and again, resting my entire weight on the right tonfa pressed into his back.

If it all went as planned, the match would now be in my favor. Quite possibly, it could even be over. I smiled on the inside while keeping a blank expression outwardly. My face looking completely calm. I was ready for any counter or block he might have, and ready to chase him down if he tried to get away. I didn't burn myself to just lose later on.


18Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:49 pm



(OOC: Calling autohits to the attacks above, will write what they did.)

Everything went just as planned.  My right tonfa connected with Sairento's face, bruising and burning his right cheek with my flaming tonfa.  His stomach folded into my left tonfa's thrust, another burn to his stomach.  Ducking low and spreading my legs in a side step around him, I looked completely fluid in my movements, not an ounce of wasted energy as I twirled behind him, reaching up with my left tonfa, hitting the back of his head.  Bringing my right tonfa in low to his left leg, giving it a hard smack at the back of his knee, burning the skin and buckling immediately at the hit.

My first part of the attack was flawless, and so was the finishing moves.  Popping up I snapped my left tonfa around and hooked it around the front of his neck, pulling back to me as he was down on one knee.  I thrusted forward with my right tonfa, pushing on his back, forcing him to the ground.  The smell of burnt flesh from his neck hit my nose, but I didn't let up.  Placing my feet onto his wrists, I prevented him from forming any seals.  I adjusted my weight to focus mostly on my right tonfa as I kept myself lifted up, not sitting on his back where he might try to buck me off.  The tonfas had burned through. Perfectly.


Now, I stood over his battered, brusied, and burnt body.  I whispered into his ear, "It's over.  Thank you for a good match."  I kept my pressure on him, my jutsu still working and my tonfas still ablaze.  My cape blew in the breeze, the Kōga's clan symbol flashing in the sunlight to the entire audience.  Everyone would know of how I, Kōga Suzume, had won today.  I kept my focus until the moment when the Examiner would call the match over.  Father would be pleased, but this would be just my first step as an heir as the Kōga's clan head.  The slight pain in my right side reminded me of how close I had come to losing this match, but it just proved my diligence and will to keep on fighting.  That was my way, to never give up but to keep fighting, til the last breath.  Maybe that was the difference between Sairento and I, and why this had become the result of the match.

19Sairento vs Suzume Empty Re: Sairento vs Suzume Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:25 pm


Sairento vanished from Suzume's grip in a puff of smoke. A few feet in-front of her, The referee stood, the young boy hanging off his shoulder, apparently unconscious. "Kōga, Suzume wins!" he called to the assembled masses, who gave Suzume a thunderous round of applause as the referee carried off the young man to the medics.

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