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Mitsuo looked to the top of the tree after his powerful attack and saw that Ukiyo looked very tired and hurt. He didn't have to be a medical-nin to know that if she kept going she was going to seriously hurt herself. He didn't want to be responsible for such a thing having happened as she was one of his friends and one of the two Konoha-nin who were still in the Chuunin Exams. He quickly jumped up to the high branches, his weapons away, and moved to help her.

"That's enough fighting for today, Ukiyo...You need to rest, and perhaps get some of those burns looked at." Mitsuo picked the incredibly light girl up in his arms and took her far away from the fire of the battlefield into the sand so he could sit and rest with her. He smiled as he saw the familiar streak of white and black making its way towards them and placed his hand on his companions flank.

Chisoku sauntered in and laid down, also tired after the fight. He rested his large head in Ukiyo's lap and purred gently, his fur soft to the touch but very warm from the sun. His tail flicked back and forth and he closed his eyes as he laid down. Mitsuo chuckled at this, smiling softly; "I think he likes you, Ukiyo. You did very well today, you are a strong opponent and I have no doubt that you will do good in the Exams."

He remembered back to the first time he had ever really met her back at the academy, the cute little Senju girl who was a little younger than most of the class. She had always seemed a little shy, or apprehensive about dealing with people. He had tried to approach her at the academy to see if they could do things together and at one point had earned the young girl's trust. She was very shy but sweet. He had been getting into an argument with another person at the academy about the death of his mother, which was a very touchy subject for Mitsuo, and he was about to punch the other student. Ukiyo tried to break up the fight before it happened and Mitsuo accidentally punched her instead. When he realized what he had done he ran away, not wishing to face the poor Senju girl who he had hurt so...

That was a long time ago, and when she forgave him he felt as if a large burden had been lifted off of his shoulder. Mitsuo and Ukiyo had fought agaisnt his sensei, Takeshi, together. He had brought her along to help make up for their scuffle at the academy years before. He wanted her to forgive him and what ended up happening surprised him much more. The two of them fought as one, their chemistry very apparent and their teamwork seemingly effortless as they battled his sensei. Even his teammates couldn't work together as well as the two of them had. He helped her up after the fight and knew that he had formed a bond that would hopefully last a lifetime.

I guess I did alright, eh nii-san? I really hope this spar will have helped prepare Ukiyo for her fight ahead, and others in the future and that maybe we can fight side by side once more; Senju and Sarutobi, a pairing that will always be symbolic in Konohagakure.




Ukiyo got herself in a squatting position ready to jump off the tree and roll into the sand, when Mitsuo popped up out of the branches. Ukiyo instantly made a hand sign with one hand, touching her index to her pinkey, when she felt Mitsuo put her arm around his shoulder, sword sheathed. Oh. She closed her eyes and relaxed her hand, Mitsuo jumping off the falling tree and catching them both on the sand with ease as he slide across it. He had swung Ukiyo up as he jumped, hooking her legs with his other hand. Ukiyo always felt embarrassed being carried, but never protested as it reminded her of her parents. When they were far from the fire, Mitsuo set Ukiyo down on the sand. She pulled her legs up on her inner thighs to prevent the burn from touching the hot sand any further, and rested her arms by hanging them in front of her/on her lap. She heard the slow approach of a large animal across the sand, and knew it was the cheetah from before. Given he wasn't running, Ukiyo knew he could sense his master's ease. The large feline pressed his head into Ukiyo's lap, pushing her harms out of the way/around him. Ukiyo could feel him purring and was exhausted, so she laid her head down on top of his and closed her eyes, breathing deeply. She was facing away from Mitsuo, then heard him speak.

"I think he likes you, Ukiyo. You did very well today, you are a strong opponent and I have no doubt that you will do good in the Exams."

Ukiyo heard him begin to chuckle. She was in awe of how much energy he had left after that fight. Mitsuo let out a faint laugh. I really did underestimate you. I wonder if you underestimated me? Ukiyo clenched her eyes as she channeled a miniscule amount of chakra into three of her seeds, which were still on Mitsuo's shirt from when Ukiyo threw them with her clones. Three small flowers sprouted out on Mitsuo's chest, one will a fuzzy purple ball for a flower, another with four thin, small blades of pedals that wrap around and meet in a peak, and the third simply a plush white flower with very thick pedals, almost weighing it down. None of these were bigger than 3cm. Ukiyo let out a pleasant sigh of air as her body tried to laugh. This cat is so comfortable. She rubbed her head in a little more, though still not applying much any pressure.

Ukiyo began drifting off as she remembered Mitsuo. He always seemed so hot headed, and I never knew why. On top of it, I sparred with him plenty of times in the academy. Whenever we were paired together for close combat training, I danced circles around him. He seems much kinder now, he seems to have grown. And he's so strong. When we were training with Takeshi his tactics seemed sloppy. But his ninjutsu this time was impeccable. I have put so much training into my Taijutsu that I've neglected my own. This was definitely a great sparring session; I'll improve quickly Mitsuo, bet on it.




Mitsuo couldn't stop smiling. The small beautiful flowers that had grown on his chest made sure of that. He had seen the power of the seeds in battle to create hulking trees, smokescreens, and sharp bamboo sticks but he hadn't expected them to be able to be used to create such a beautiful thing as this. It was like Ukiyo herself, Mitsuo thought to himself, chuckling once more before wincing at the pain in his leg. He had taken one of her water seeds straight on and had almost forgotten about it. He had also suffered some burns during the match, though they were rather minor for the most part. At least his feet weren't burned, and he would be able to walk back to the village, which he couldn't say the same for Ukiyo. He reached his hand out to help her to her feet, knowing that she was proud and probably didn't want Mitsuo carrying her again, and as soon as he was sure she was okay they took off back towards the sand village.

Mitsuo was very tired, Ukiyo had taken him very close to his limit as well and he was happy that she had done so. Right now she was one of the people still carrying the pride of Konoha, and the Will of Fire, on her back through the Chuunin Exams. He wanted to see her do as well as she possibly could. He hadn't realized how much he had begun to care for her though. He had always cared for her during his academy days, and it had crushed him when he had hurt her. When they had reunited against Takeshi-sensei, it made him truly happy again, and as time had gone on his care for her had continued to grow. He shook his head at the thought, Chisoku giving him a look that he couldn't help but thing was a smirk, as though the old cat could read his mind.

She is a very dear friend, Chisoku. I will take care of her no matter what...

The sun was setting when they had made their way through the gates of the city, noticing how absolutely beautiful the Suankagure sunset was for the first time. He walked through the gates, still keeping Ukiyo close to his view, not letting her go and making sure no harm would befall her. He knew she would be fine and that she could have probably gotten to the hospital alright without him but he wanted to help her out, still feeling horrible that he was the one responsible for her current state.

When they arrived at the hospital he made sure that they tended to her burns, not accepting any treatment until she was taken care of and making sure that he would be able to stay by her side. He wanted to make sure she would be okay, wanted to make sure she knew he cared. He wanted to be her watchful protector, even though he knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself.

What an odd feeling, eh nii-san?

He had prepared her for the next step of the exams, and had taken care of her while she healed up, now the rest was up to her...

(4536/4500 training complete 3/3)



Ukiyo rubbed her cheek against the feline’s head as she rested. Soon, she noticed the cat’ head slipping out from under her and backing up a few steps. When she turned her head, Ukiyo realized that he was getting up with his master as Mitsuo had risen to his feet. He offered his hand to Ukiyo, which she accepted. She unfolded her legs and attempted to push off the ground as Mitsuo lifted her up, but hesitated for a split second as a shot of pain echoed through her body. The slight delay resulted in Mitsuo lifting her up entirely on his own, which resulted in startling her a bit. "O-oy." Ukiyo's voice was weak and hoarse. As she got on her feet, Ukiyo channeled a bit of chakra below her, creating grass beneath where she stood. This would act as a soft, cool surface to walk on so as to not damage her foot further. With Mitsuo’s assistance, the two of them made their way back towards the village. Ukiyo moved slowly, leaning much of her weight on Mitsuo. Mitsuo smiled brightly, though also seemed concerned for Ukiyo. She gave a tried smile, “I’m fine, this is nothing.” She said weakly. Ukiyo wrapped one arm around Mitsuo’s as she leaned on him. He reminds me a lot of my uncle. At the thought of her family, Ukiyo looked away from Mitsuo towards the desert, recalling her fate.

The sun was settling into a perch on the horizon; a beautiful cast of blue, yellow, and pink shaded the sky. Small, scarce clouds floated off towards it, reaching for the light they would never grasp. Ukiyo admired the sky, though it felt strange looking upon it without any obstruction. The lack of branches and other such foliage was still bizarre to her; the full view of a sky was both inspiring and baffling. How the villagers of Suna managed in a place like this was beyond her. As the two of them walked back, Ukiyo wondered what would become of them. Mitsuo was caring and seemed to have a kind hear, which only put Ukiyo through more turmoil. Even people like him? She thought, looking down at her grass as if speaking to it. Ukiyo pensively bit her lower lip until the bright light of the sunset began to be cut off by the village up ahead. Looking up, she saw massive stone walls obscuring her view of the desert; sand and expired plant life alike crushed beneath them. She hung her head and looked at the grass again, wearing deeply sorrowful expression. Yes. Even people like him…

When they arrived, Mitsuo refused treatment and stood by Ukiyo’s side as she was treated to. ”You don’t need to stay here you know. Ukiyo winced as they applied ointment to her burns. Mitsuo put his hand on her arm and held it firm, clearly refusing to leave. ”Really, you should get your leg looked at. The young man didn’t speak a word as the medical-nin proceeded to bandage her up and then move on to her arms. Ukiyo sighed and closed her eyes, smiling lightly. Suite yourself.


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