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1Kichirou vs. Orino Empty Kichirou vs. Orino Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:52 pm


Arena 1:

“You got everything you need dear?” Kichirou didn't bother to look at his mother who spoke, he being more occupied with his equipment spread out on the floor a front of him. The man had received word that this portion of the exams would be a one on one battle with the stipulation being each contestant only allowed to have one item. A single item that if not choose correctly could hinder the individual. Kichirou already knew what item he was going to choose but he wanted the input of his mother, after all she was a former Jounin of Kumogakure.

“Just take a standard deck of playing cards" Nodding at the woman's advice, he pocketed the deck before standing up and given his mother a hug, and kiss on the cheek – something that she return.

“Don't you dare lose in the first round. I'm betting on you.” The words reached Kichirou's eyes as the man made his way out of the apartment heading towards the place where he will be fighting, leaving his mother to her own devices. . .

One Hour Later . . . .

Lake Oasis, due to Kichirou having the luxury of traveling throughout the nations he had the chance of visiting the place where the arena set up was based off of. And if his memory served him right tropical flora of different shapes, sizes and species would litter the area. The palm trees would provide excellent coverage and possible ambush spots for those who wanted to take that route. And what's an oasis without a body of water in the center of it? The body of water wouldn't be transparent, nor incredibly murky. Though the visibility one might have when looking downward probably wouldn't be that great, a mere meter and that was pushing it. And other information Kichirou could recall would have to wait, the man having reached the enterance to the second part of the exams, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves before entering.

A smile tugged on the corner of his lips, eyes glossing over the ten acres, everything was just like the oasis he visited. They even manage to replica the tall Shinto Tori gates surrounding the lake, given respect to the guardians of the cardinal directions. Without measuring them Kichirou could confidently say they were roughly seven meters in height, give or take a meter or less. The smaller ones seem to be half that size, each one being placed into them – representing the sub directions. Eyes took note of the stone placed in the center of the lake – that separated the northern and southern entrance. Kichirou having entered from the northern entrance, it would only make sense his opponent entered from the southern one.

Channeling chakra into his legs, Kichirou bounced to the top of a palm tree, located right beside the northern Tori gate. Being five meters in height, and one of the few tall ones, it would be the perfect place for an ambush. Hunkering down in the top of it, the stereotypical leaves of the tree covering him perfectly. His clothing that matched the coloration of the leaves and bark of the tree, being dark green with sploshes of brown mixed in made him completely invisible to the naked eye – especially if one look for afar. The only viable way in seeing Kichirou is by walking right underneath the tree and looking upward, only than will one be able to spot the gambler. Lowering the intensity of his chakra down to barely academy level Kichirou waited patiently for his opponent to arrive.

All the while thinking how to secure this victory. . .

Stipulation For Arena 1:: Only one item.

Chosen Item:

2Kichirou vs. Orino Empty Re: Kichirou vs. Orino Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:28 pm



Orino lit the end of his cigarette as he waited for the official to give him the "OK" to go into Colosseum. Was he afraid? No, he certainly wasn't; he had bested many opponents in sparing matches that verged on real combat. Besides the officials would stop the fight if anything were to get too critical. He brought down the top of the lighter with a clank, its metal head cutting off the red flames oxygen supply abruptly. He took a toke, then another, the waiting was beginning to get bored. "Time to get out there", came a cry from the stairwell that led back the way he came; it was time.

Orino stood up from the chair he was sitting on, cigarette still between his lips.The back of his white and white kimono was trailing behind him as he got up, it was hot in the underground portion of the Colosseum; slipping it off was the right thing to do. Reaching behind him he put both his arms into the sleeves and brought it up to cover his back and began to tie it while walking to the entrance. The back of the Kimono bore the symbol of the Gaiso clan outlined in red upon a white background. The black sash made a tightening sound as it was pulled closed and the other end tied down in the traditional Japanese style, he was ready and looked the part of actual nobility instead of street trash.

Giving three knocks on the solid metal doors was the ready signal. The doors gave an audible creek as their weight was flung ajar reveling the lush battlefield. Orino adjusted his hidden dagger that Hung under his left armpit connected by a shoulder holster. The battlefield looked like a picture from a fairy tail.Tall red Shinto Torii gates surround a lake while in the middle sat a lone stone. Various flora and fauna grew in the arena and filled any gap left lifeless. Orino stepped out into the arena prompting a cheer from the crowd. Looking about he could only see the landscape stretched out before him. The gate directly ahead of him remained shut, a contende no where in sight. It seemed he was the first one let out. Orino folded his arms so that his right hand rested on the hilt of the dagger, just in case. With that he let out a bit of smoke from his mouth, waiting for his opponent to show.

3Kichirou vs. Orino Empty Re: Kichirou vs. Orino Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:15 pm


Dark green orbs locked onto the individual who wore a white kimono style attire into the arena - where the pair would do combat.  Obviously the first thing that the gambler took note of, besides the odd color, was the long sleeves of the attire. While the man didn't see himself as the smartest cranyon in the box, Kichirou knew that long sleeves can be used to hid handheld weapons or relatively longs ones if there were a sheath sewed to the inside. And seeing how the smoking man didn't seem like an idiot or a newbie to the battlefield(this being determined by his lax composure), Kichirou could only assume that those sleeves of his would play a roll. As to what, that has yet to be seen.

"Enough thinking, time to act. Now lets see. . ." Flipping out a single card, nine of spades to be exact, a seal form on it. if one had a bird's eye view or could see the seal they were instantly recognize it as the one's found on a standard explosive tag. This wasn't coincidental for Kichirou based the seal off the latter, he just tweaked it slightly.

Shifting his body to get a clearer angle of his opponent, while still remaining hidden, Kichirou threw the card with a quick snap of the wrist. The nine of spades bursting through a gap in the foliage, speeding diagonally towards the kimono wearing opponent.

Kichirou's hands were already in the tiger seal, and once the card were within three meters of the opponent, the gambler would send chakra through the tiger seal - detonating the explosive seal. An explosion of three meters would occur, having the potential to hurt the man if he didn't dodge. Not like it matter for if the man dodge, the explosion would potentially given Kichirou a smokescreen allowing for another ambush opportunity.

Not like I'm showing myself anytime soon.”

Chakra: 140 out of 150

Jutsu Used:
Name: Explosive Seal
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Offensive|| Supplementary
Range: 0-3 meters
Specialty: Fuuinjutsu
Duration: Can lost up to 3 post, before dissipating.
Cooldown: 1(+1 per duration)
The fuuinjutsu user draws the characters are founded on a standard tag onto an object than forming the tiger seals sends chakra through the characters causing an explosive to occur. This explosion is roughly three meters  in radius, causing 2nd degree burns to those caught within the center, while 1st degree to anywhere outside of the center, along with flinging them three meters away.  Any fuuinjutsu user with basic knowledge of seal(C Rank in Fuuinjutsu) can remove the seal fairly easily. Those who who ain't fuuinjutsu specialist can override the seal by flooding it with an D rank amount of chakra equivalent to the seal rank. Activation cost -10.  The seal can used in conjunction with Kichirou's playing cards, dice, or coin, being placed on them with a simple touch. If not used in conjunction with Kichirou's playing cards, dice or coin add a +10 to chakra cost.

4Kichirou vs. Orino Empty Re: Kichirou vs. Orino Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:27 pm



Orino took another drag of his cigarette, the calming nicotine filtered out of carcinogens and passing through his lungs and back out. The smoke cascaded from his lips and down his chin as a slow fogy waterfall. Replacing the cigarette in his mouth he re-scanned the scene, Door had not budged, no sign of life other than the flora and fauna, no sudden movements; or were there? Hearing a slight rustle, not enough to be blatantly obvious, but a slow subtle rustle(Shifting of wight in the tree, preparing to throw the card). Cocking his head to the origin of the sound, it looked like a normal palm tree. Tall, brown, and green with leaves jutting from its top flopping down like the lazy ears of a hound.

Still eyeing the palm tree, another rustle was seen and immediately accompanied by a small rectangular item; it looked to be.... a card?  Immediately, Orino jumped away from the area the card was heading. If anything is thrown, the user usually doesn't want to be around when it lands. Since Orino jumped a bit before the card was thrown, he traveled three meters before the card let out a an explosion that singed a bit of his long sleeves, causing Orino to put up a hand to protect his face while still not looking away from the direction of the blast which now created a small smokescreen. Landing three meters away from the blast(6m from Kichi), he would have to prepare an counter attack.

Making the required hand seals, he placed his right hand over his mouth in an 'O' fashion and released the built up Katon chakra in his lungs. The bus sized fireball would erupt from his mouth and towards the origin of the card. Regardless of where the opponent was, the 30 mph fireball would hit hit unless a vertical jump was done, the jutsu would dissipate the smokescreen left behind from the explosion. Now on the defensive, Orino got into his taijutsu stance, ready to confront opponent when he reveled himself.


5Kichirou vs. Orino Empty Re: Kichirou vs. Orino Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:04 pm


A scowl couldn't help but to mar the face of Kichirou's. The gambler having realized his mistaken moments after activating the seal on the playing card. Instead of activating it when it got within three meters of his opponent, the gambler should have waited till the distance were a meter or less – this way the explosion would have captured the opponent, even with the two meter jump. Luckily this mistake didn't cause him – unlike it would have if faced with an experience opponent. Kichirou didn't allow himself to drown in self pity, for right when his opponent jumped and put a hand up to cover his face, he had already threw three cards in three different directions.

The first card, it being the two of diamonds, sped towards the airborne smoker, the kanji for 'flash' having been written on it. Quickly substituting himself with the third card that landed on the northeastern gate, it being roughly ten meters from the gate he was aside. Kichirou wouldn't waste any time in activating the flash seal, it undoubtedly being with range of the airborne opponent. Similar to a flash bang, the bright light illuminated the arena blinding anyone caught within it's ten meter radius. A bang loud bang also happen at the same time of the flash, said bang being loud enough to cause ringing, but were mainly used to cover up any noise Kichirou might make.

That wouldn't be the only thing activating . . .

The second card, it being a jack of hearts, would land a meter to the left of Orino might land, it sinking into the ground before a doton knight equipped with sword and shield emerged from the ground. All of this would happen in less than a second, and seemed almost instantaneous, making it hard to noticed the small delay. Said knight would charge at the opponent, during an upward slash, along his left side of the ribcage upward to the armpit, right when the smoker touched back onto the ground. Given the smoker minimal amount of time to dodge, well substitution were possible. . .

Now balancing on the sub-directional, Kichirou watched to see how his opponent would deal with a flash bang and the knight waiting below.

[ooc:: if you have any questions on my post, please pm me. . .]

Chakra: 120 out of 150:

6Kichirou vs. Orino Empty Re: Kichirou vs. Orino Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:39 pm



The fireball let loose and barreled into the smoke screen and obliterated the palm tree Kichirou was hiding in. The look of disappointment on Orino's face did not show as his opponent reappeared on the northeastern gate but was well evident to the young Gaiso. His opponent was a mid to long range fighter, his ambush tactics and use of thrown objects made that entirely evident. His opponent did what he was good at, a game of keep away from him. A game of cat and mouse, although Orino was the mouse at this point. It sickened him to no end to feel weak. He was not especially equipped to handle long range fighters, up close and personal was his style, but he had tricks up his sleeves to get out of the sticky predicament he was in now.

He was now in mid-air as his opponent send another card his way, aimed at him or in his individual vacinaty. He had to find a way to correct his course, and fast. it was most likely another bomb. Orino had finished weaving the handsigns as the card went off, sending off a blinding light. Orino kept his cool. He had memorized a general layout of where he was at. Turning his head to the wall he was approaching, he let out the fuuton chakra that dwelt deep in his lungs.It was never a good idea to end up with your back to the wall.He unknowingly dodging a hidden danger that the flash band had hid from him. He was now gliding towards Kichirou. Almost immediately after he started his glide, he weaved another set of handseals, it was time he revealed his clans secret ability.

Hitting the ground between the stone golem and Kichirou he let loose a cloud of deep black smoke from his lungs that masked any trace of his presence. He was now completely hidden from sight both normal and chakra based. He waited in the flowing black abyss and hid, waiting on a perfect moment to strike.


7Kichirou vs. Orino Empty Re: Kichirou vs. Orino Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:17 pm


No sooner had the smoker started the gliding towards the general location of Kichirou, the gambler jumped off the northeastern tori gate and began running, his destination obviously. Using one of the many palm trees as a spring board the gambler landed on top of the eastern tori gate – the higher gate given him a better vantage point that any of the sub-directional ones. It was only by the skin of his teeth that the dark haired made it, for once he had made contact with small palm three(under 3 meters in height) and using it as a springboard to get to the top of the eastern tori gate(7 meters in height), smoke were already licking at his heels. It would seem that the smoke was some form of technique that the man used. “Eh, probably why he smokes. . .” The gambler mused looking downwards, eyes unable to pierce through the gray abyss. Kichirou wouldn't bother in using any other techniques. No, instead the gambler would allow his knight to do his work – all the while flipping a card with on a seal on it. . . The light tug on his chakra pool telling the green eyed male that his knight was still alive. . .

The lack of resistance told the knight that he had missed his target. The lack of a cooling sensation of life essence was also another indication of it's failure. Needless to say the earth knight were less than pleased – not like it could show such an emotion. And than the smoke came in obscuring the summons' vision, the helmet it wearing not help in this situation. With an animalistic growl, the knight began charging towards the last known location of the smoker(well Orino began falling), it's sword swinging wildly the need to spill blood being it's only concern. Who needs eyes when your entire body is made of earth and you had a sword and shield to dice and bash your opponent with? This knight surely didn't. Now if only it didn't move at academy level. . .

-5 to maintain Knight. . . 1/5 post remaining before knight disperse. . .

Chakra Remaining:: 115 out of 150

8Kichirou vs. Orino Empty Re: Kichirou vs. Orino Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:30 pm


What is going on down there?” The gambler mused, having not heard any thing keen to a battle progressing with the gray muck that was smoke. The card from earlier still being flipped about in his right hand. While it hadn't been that long since the smoker user had engulfed the ground below in chakra based smoke, at least that what he assumed it was, it still shouldn't have taken this long for something to occur. The light tug on his chakra pools told the green eyed shinobi that his knight were very much alive, and still wanted to spill the blood of another. Was the knight still looking for the man? Had the man hidden himself so well that the knight couldn't find him? Lightly dusting off his pants and rising from the cross legged position, he having sat like that moments ago, dark green eyes strain in a futile attempt to pierce through the smoke. . .
Frustration. If the earth knight could feel emotions that would be the prominent one. Has it been minutes? Or was it only seconds, since the mist rolled in? The knight wasn't sure and personality didn't give a damn. The only thing it were concern about was spilling the blood of the human who cause such a shroud to descended upon the air. Along with paying him back from denying it(the knight) the chance to feel his blood against it's stony body. As the knight continued to swing the sword around, it suddenly the knight executed an upward slash. . .
Drip. Drip. Drip.

The soft sound of what seem like water droplets hitting the ground, reached the 'ears' of the knight – not like it could hear it. The knight continued the upward slash. Why? Because the knight 'felt' his sword hitting something that wasn't hard nor extremely soft, and best part of it all – there was resistances! Could it be the human that his sword made contact with? The answer to it's unspoken question came when it's stony face was suddenly sprayed by a 'warm' liquid. It could only mean that it's attack struck true. Despite wanting to relish in the moment of spilling the man's blood. The knight knew this wasn't the time for it. With that the knight thrust the earth sword forward, it's point speeding towards the general location of the right lung, if it pierce the knight wouldn't simply pull it out. . .no instead the being would twist the sword counter clockwise and 'rip' it out . . . dealing more damage.
The smoker had just been dealt a direct hit. The knight had unknowing delivered a slashed across the man's upper body, starting from his left hip going all the way up to his right shoulder. This wound was two inches deep, and if not treated in time could prove fatal. Of course the severity of the wound wasn't known by the knight or it's summoner(Kichirou) both still being obscured by the smoke.
But out of all of this. There would be one question asked, if this was truly the end of the fight. Why didn't Orino move?

-5 maintain Knight
2/5 Post before Knight disperse
110 out of 150 -- Chakra Remaining

9Kichirou vs. Orino Empty Re: Kichirou vs. Orino Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:57 pm


(OOC: Stopping this here due to the severity of the wound dealt. There's no way any reasonable referee would let this continue.)

As Orino's legs gave way, the arms of the referee wrapped around his waist, keeping him on his feet. "That's enough, boys." he said sternly, as two medics jumped over the edge of the arena and began to approach the young genin. "The winner is Gyanbura, Kichirou" he roared to the crowd, who burst into a round of thunderous applause. The referee helped carry the young man off the field with the assistance of the two medics to somewhere more quiet where they could properly clean and seal his wound, leaving the crowd to their jubilant celebration of the young Konoha shinobi's victory.

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