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1Cleaning the trash Empty Cleaning the trash Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:33 pm



a cranky mission kuro had received with the current description
 the Objective was To eliminate the presence of the bandits.
one-hundred and fifty Ryo for the trash
A new group of bandits have been running a muck across the village. Find a group of the bandits and either dispose of them or put them into custody.
Mission details: No matter how many time this mission is done the recipient of the mission will find four members of the new bandit group somewhere in the general Kumogakure area. These bandits are weaker than an average genin in all fields except Taijutsu. For taijutsu they all practice under the style of Boxing.
 Easily angered, rash to act.
They tend to not speak, usually only making grunts and loud shrills.
another group of idiots that use taijutsu is all that he saw it they were to be eliminated and that's what he intended to do ,as always just doing the job ,and it should not require a sweat Kuro is used to cleaning trash like that of the streets off kumogakure,these were the types of missions he took he would stalk them without knowing and like a predator hunting them down in the act

Last edited by Kuro on Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:07 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Cleaning the trash Empty Re: Cleaning the trash Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:04 am



this time it was a group of masked bandits.Bandits they attack people bother people act like hotshots steal and take anything they want and act all tough but when it comes down to it they are cowards,Kuro disliked hood rats and bandit pumpkins such as the ones hes about to eliminate.

as usual hiding on the roof of the highest house  looking at the fluffy clouds , smoking his brains out with his kiseru blowing smoke chilling this was  one of kuro's happiest moments calm and sound .

still even after being relaxed he never forgot his mission eliminating  he actually began thinking of ways to beat boxing style taijutsu not that it was difficult he just liked to finish his enemies with speed and style 
its always been that way a minute or more like an hour earlier he was asked tog o  on  mission with a group of shinobi he knew ,but he bluntly  declined he liked working around ,when with others he would worry 
he may need to protect them or they may him
he ay hinder them or they may him ,and so he liked to work alone,as he left his spot entering sky bar speaking to the bartender he wanted to ask hi if he have any info on his target

3Cleaning the trash Empty Re: Cleaning the trash Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:54 pm



"so you got me any info ?" with a simple smile Kuro questioned Otto the bartender "what type of info"
"info that would help me bust your ass "replied to his question then continued "ya know about them"said Kuro as he took his kiseru and started smoking.

as they finishing their little chit-chat ,got down to business and started trading info on his target ,from what he learned ,it appears that they roam the town at night  thinking their some hot shots and bothering everyone stealing, pestering, fighting ,not so amused by  what he had heard Kuro got up and headed for the door to go out searching for them, but as he was leaving old man otto stopped him telling him  about the place they hung out the most ,kuro nodded and left the bar ,jumping from roof to roof.

as he stood on the promised place or in other words the place they mostly appear in which was a small market  area ,Kuro would sit there on roof  in the night it  seemed as if he was truly a ghost  he barely appeared ,smoking his kiseru  a devilish  feint smile appeared on the ghost's face as he saw his targets appear a small group of four .

4Cleaning the trash Empty Re: Cleaning the trash Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:01 pm



a voice from unknown source would yell to the four"welcome welcome , my lord death awaits you,so you four are the ones appointed to hell  are you i promise you to have lots of Gorey fun " said the voice, as punks were bullying an old man for his daughter in panic they looked around they were surrounding the old man and his daughter ,as they finally realize a ghost had been standing in the circle they made  ,startled by his appearance , pitch black hair, pale white skin, silver moon eyes in a Yukata along side his black and gold kiseru with smoke being blown by the ghost, it would appear to be kuro with a careless smile on his face he would say
"a beautiful night,no?" the four hooligans  pissed off yet intimidated by what he said they started makingloud grunts and shrills , "o i am no one special just a ghost"said kuro with his carefree smile still on his face, they were easily angered and they were rash to act ,complete idiocy is in them easily angered what kind of idiots were they thought Kuro  to be easily angered or in other words letting emotions take over  one's action is  an idiotic flaw in a shinobi ,a shinobi is one that endures ,these idiots didn't deserve their names what about a title of shinobi,such were the thoughts of Kuro the idiots  would come at him one on one

the first one attempted to punch kuro on his face and gut  ,Kuro side stepped and  knocked him off in one blow  on the back of his neck while the two other idiots attacked from opposite directions ,Kuro would let them pass and attack   each-other  he would then punch both in their faces after doing so he would dislocate their arms  ,as the fourth guy came he proved a little faster he attempted a cross punch on Kuro's shoulder but Kuro would reply by blocking and garbing both his arms and kicking him roughly in the stomach and thus knocking down the last one,after protecting the old man along his little daughter which was about the age of five she would say "thank you mister here is a gift for you"as she held a lollipop  with both her palms Kuro smiled gently  taking the piece  of candy putting it in his mouth while placing his kiseru in his yukata he would pat the girl carrying the four idiots to prison.

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