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1a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:35 pm




Kuro entered the bar blowing off, smoking with his kiseru
wearing is hakama and kimono with his black long hair  and his ponytail ,he would enter taking a seat,this place was his favorite a place where he relaxes and has fun,indeed it was a nice place for relaxation and a drink he was well known by the bars regulars he would always gamble around here  ,everyone liked him in here ,he was charming and one hell of an alcoholic when hes depressed ,not popular by his gambling skills ,but also with the way he treats those around him ,he would listen to music ,smoke and drink ,he would call the bar tender"yo old man  how are ya doing  " the bartender  would reply  "for on i am in my thirteens and  what do you want this time  Boss"those in the bar would usually call him boss as he was the most popular around here " A Long Island Iced Tea on the rocks" it was his favorite drink  this is what he mostly ordered "so anything new around here baldy"
the bartender would reply to him "first off am not baldy and two these guys there been actin' like they own this god dam  place they keep bossing others around-"Kuro would interrupt " is that so then let me go say hi"bKuro went to the bunch that's been ruining his favorite bar he tried talking to them but it was futile, after so it only took him fifteen minutes to get rid of the trash as he returned to his seat the boss would say "Served,this time, on the house" Kuro smiled "oh my i guess cleaning out trash does earn me somthing".

a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Nura_r15

2a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:20 pm



Masayo had a pretty rough day. Her squad worked on her nerves just as the cleaning that had to be done in her house. Luckily Renji, her non-biological father, helped her out. Not much, but it was more than usual. Unfortunatly, Renji had to make comments on how Masayo was working all the time. He didn't do much better either. "Damn him, he should be happy i at least did most of the work. Unlike him." Masayo furrowed her eyebrows and pouted her lips while walking to her favorite place of the whole village, Sky Bar. There would always be someone she could talk to or just have a little chat with. And the drinks were out of this world. Always prepared just how she wanted it. It would be the best thing that would happen this day. The Yamamoto started to see the heavenly place as she got closer. The sound of music could be heard and her frown disappeared completely. A happy smile could be seen on her tanned face as she was almost drooling at the thought of a good cocktail. "What should i pick? A Loch Ness Monster? A Screwdriver maybe?" As she kept thinking about all kinds of cocktails, she got to the entrance of the bar in no time. The smell of smoke and alcohol filled up her nostrils as she walked in. But just when she stepped in she saw a group of overly confident idiotic men acting like they were the king of the world. A long and irritated sigh escaped between Masayo her lips. When she approached the men she could clearly smell the awfell scent of sweat and cheap aftershave. A frown appeared on her face again and she opened her mouth to speak up to the muscular group of pigs. Masayo cleared her throat, but just when she wanted to scold the nasty people, a man interupted her. "Look at you. Are you lost, pretty lady?" A black haired man, who looked fairly drunk, said when he came a tad bit to close to her. As Masayo her hand reached for the hilt of her rapier on the side of her body, her mouth opened to speak. "You have two choices. One, get the fuck out of this bar. Two, you will be beaten by a girl in you stay any longer." It seemed that the group wasn't impressed by her words. The black haired pig, came even closer and the smell of cheap alcohol could be sensed. A furious expression could be seen when Masayo turned her head down. "You have one more chanc-" Masayo her words got cut of my a hand touching her shoulder. Apperantly, it was the idiot who wanted to be injured. "Don't say that i didn't warn you.." Her left hand pulled out her rapier with a swift move and held it quite close to the man's hair. In the corner of her eye she saw someone else approaching. It looked more like he wanted to get rid of the pigs as well, but Masayo just turned her head back to the real business. "Want me to that wig of yours?" With those words said Masayo pushed the tip of her rapier against the hair of the man and as expected the hair came right of. "Looks like you're a bit bald without that piece of hair, old man. Now leave before i cut something else off." Just as she said so the man left with the rest of his gang. The other male that helped her did get rid of some others.

"Otto! For me a Loch Ness Monster!" Masayo knew the crew of Sky Bar pretty good and one of the bartenders was named Otto. Masayo glansed at the person who helped her. "Thanks for helping me. Maybe they wouldn't had left without a serious injury if it wasn't for you." Masayo gave the man a honest smile and offered him a handshake. "I'm Masayo from the Yamamoto clan."

3a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:45 pm



"Thanks for helping me. Maybe they wouldn't had left without a serious injury if it wasn't for you." said the girl
after finishing them off with her
he smiled and replied "oh my,calm down dear "as things calmed down the  young lady would offer her hand to shake Kuro would shake her hand with a smile,surely she must've felt his tender touch from his hand as if it was not there ,this was  one of the reason he is nick-named a ghost,still it was a nice cold tender touch  he then would say smiling "strong hands ,i am Soseiji  Kuro its a pleasure to meet you young lady you're type are my favorite strong and strong willed"as he said that he moved his left  hand in her direction waiting to see her reaction but his real claim was the man attempting to attack her as he held his neck choking him till he passes out"the yamamoto clan such a nice clan ,with a nice name,i read about it your special element is ranton if i am correct"the man smiled at her and lead her to a chair "give her whatever she wants its on me "said ryuu to the bartender then turned to the young lady "we dont want trouble, so hold you're anger dear ,think of this as a thanks from me  for getting rid of those pigs,so masa-chan will you tell me about you're self "the man said that in an easy tone Kuro was the type to attract lady's with his beauty and handsomeness ,but he was never interested only strong women acquired his attention which was masayo a flawless tanned skin with dark purple hair she was quite tall as well the man asked her "you know otto this must not be you're first time here is it?"strange as it is  no one approached Kuro the way she did with a thanks even after helping them ,neither did kuro open up to other people he was mostly a loner the only person he spoke to openly was the bartender otto Kuro was a daily customer  the bartender knows him well he was shocked to see him interested in another person ,neither did he ever invite someone to for a drink on his account,Kuro having smoked enough from his kiseru he hid it in his kimono  and started drinking his drink enjoying the taste of his own favorite mix.

4a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:04 am



"Oh calm down, dear." The young man said while reaching for the hand that was given to him. When theirskin touched Masayo could barely feel his touch. She did feel a very tender and cold one though. "Strong hands. I am Soseiji Kuro. It's a pleasure to meet you, young lady. You're type are my favorite strong and strong willed." Masayo was flattered and gave Kuro a smile. A little blush crept on her cheeks. "I like polite guys like you. Or is this just a polite guy act and are you going to turn into a huge douchebag as we chit chat?" Masayo raised one eyebrow and looked at the man a questioned look. "I'm just kidding, Kuro." Suddenly, Masayo saw the left hand of the Soseiji coming toward her. With her eyes she followed the pale hand of the young man. It appeared that without his help, the Yamamoto would be attacked of some sort by someone who had a deathwish. Apperantly, he was planning on choking the man until he fainted. Easy dealth with. A disappointed sigh came from Masayo her throat. "Some people just don't know when to quit, huh?" While looking at the passed out man, Masayo said those words.

"The Yamamoto clan is such a nice clan with a nice name. I read about it. Your special element is ranton, if i am correct?" Masayo turned her eyes back to the person in front of her and gave a nod. It indeed was her clan's ability. The usage of Ranton, the advanced element. "That is indeed correct. And the Soseiji clan. I've never read much about it. Tell me something." The 18 year ood girl said while moving to a free table and sat down. Her elbows were both on the table keeping her hand up for her head to rest on. A curius glimpse could be seen in her green hued eyes. When Masayo heard Kuro say that she could have anything she wanted. The girl objected. "I already order something and payed for it. I see no usage in doing it again until this glass is empty."

Masayo looked around a bit but turned her head back to Kuro when she heard him talk. "We dont want trouble, so hold you're anger dear. Think of this as a thanks from me for getting rid of those pigs, so masa-chan will you tell me about your self ?" As soon as she heard the request of telling something about herself she started to think "I am an orphan. My mother died when i was born and my father was already dead. But someone adopted me and i still live with him. His name is Renji, he was one of the caretakers in the orphanage. Well, i also like mysteries and such to solve. Oh and i also use a rapier to fight. I was always interested in fencing so this in the best weapon for me. Now enough about me. Say something about your self, Kuro." Masayo leaned her head back on her hand. The curius glimpse in her eyes had never left.

"May i ask what you're drinking? I've never seen it before and it has a tasty smell to it." Masayo was quite curious with drinks and basically everything. She would always try new things. Maybe she would even find a new favorite?

5a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:28 am




"I am an orphan. My mother died when i was born and my father was already dead. But someone adopted me and i still live with him. His name is Renji, he was one of the caretakers in the orphanage. Well, i also like mysteries and such to solve. Oh and i also use a rapier to fight. I was always interested in fencing so this in the best weapon for me. Now enough about me. Say something about your self, Kuro."
hearing that his look would change,thinking to himself even now people suffer from death and loss

"May i ask what you're drinking? I've never seen it before and it has a tasty smell to it."

the man hearing that would put a hopeless smile on his face and hands her his glass "here have a drink" enjoy .
"its called long island iced tea" the man said informing her about his favorite drink,telling her more about it    "A Long Island Iced Tea is a type of mixed made with, among other ingredients, vodka, gin, tequila, and rum. A popular version mixes equal parts vodka, gin, tequila, rum, and triple sec with 1½ parts sour mix and a splash of cola, which gives the drink the same amber hue as iced tea ."the man paused as he remembered ,that she asked him about himself,the man hesitated he didn't like sharing his past with others but he felt it would have been okay to let her in about him.
"i died before"what he said would shock anyone as the jutsu edo tensei is banned nowadays it has been completely forgotten even if not his eyes were normal ,he would then continue"i was shiro,after i died i became kuro,i was a happy bright kid  when i was a kid,but i was kidnapped by some scumbag shinobi's
my dad died and my mom can no longer be a shinobi ,i got so angry at the shinobi,my appearance changed and i gained blood lust  and i killed them"remembering the scenes as if something abnormal happening those who were capable of feeling chakra could sense his chakra grow darker and   darker as his appearance changed then  reverted after five seconds,he was angered by the past,but soonly he calmed down ,he then would turn to the young lady smiling,so did you like it"he said referring to the drink,she asked him about his clan he replied"soseiji clan meaning twins or the Gemini clan ,history is boring so i will go into out specialty our kekei genkai allows us to create a real clone with half of  the creator's chakra  he is physically alive, injury or flesh wounds , deep wounds wont dissipate it ,it can either be killed which would leave my chakra halved for a while ,or  i would dissipate it  getting my chakra back"the young man smiled at her he liked how blunt she was ,and as she showed interest he gladly informed her of what she had wanted to know the man would look at her smiling waiting for her  to tell him what are her thought of his favorite drink.
enjoying his conversation with her it was the first time he talked to anyone like this it felt as if he had made a  Friend.

6a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:28 am



After asking what his drink was, she got to take a sip. It tasted quite good, all the ingredients were perfect together. "It's really good. I think i might order one after my Loch Ness Monster." With a grin Masayo placed the glass back in front of Kuro. Masayo actually likes everything with alcohol in. From a normal beer to the most unknown cocktail. She loved them all. It was always a good way to let all the stress out and let free of any other problems. Masayo saw that her cocktail finally arrived and took a sip. "Good as always, Otto! I'll be sure to leave a tip for you!" The green eyed girl shouted through the bar to thank the bartender. It was obvious that Otto was smiling when she said that she will leave a tip for him.

Masayo leaned back when the Soseiji member began to tell his story. The young girl was shocked by the few first words the man told her. "He died? But... How? The moment we shook hands, i could feel his touch. Is this some sort of genjutsu? Or is he just telling me lies?" Masayo was confused but still very interested and curious. She would decide if this history was true or not by the amout of detail he would give her. If it has enough detail, Masayo could not do anything else than believe his words. But if it was the other way around, if he would tell it with less detail, Masayo would definatly have doubts about it being the truth or not. "I was Shiro." Masayo her eyes widened and a thousand thoughts roamed through her brain. "He was another person? This is getting more strange by the minute!" She heard Kuro continue with his story."After i died i became Kuro. I was a happy bright kid when i was a kid, but i was kidnapped by some scumbag shinobi's. My dad died and my mom can no longer be a shinobi, i got so angry at the shinobi, my appearance changed and i gained blood lust and i killed them." The Yamamoto felt sorry for Kuro. She wouldn't asked if his backstory was this sad. A gentle hand was placed on Kuro's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. If i can do anything to help you create better memories, just ask." Masayo returned her hand and took her cocktail in her hand. "Cheers." Masayo ticked her glass against Kuro's glass and it made a small but high sound. Then the 18 year old girl brought the glass to her lips and let the liquid slide in her mouth. A warm feeling could be felt when it flowed through her throat.

7a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:20 pm



"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. If i can do anything to help you create better memories, just ask."

"hahaha"Kuro let  a gentle laugh pass his mouth "you're a kind lady,masa-chan,do not be really  ,that is of the past i like to focus focus on my present in other words my drink and you" as
she placed her hand gently on his shoulder "your hands ,exactly the opposite of mine warm and strong ,they feel so alive"said kuro as he held her hand,slightly blushing.
he then would let go and  she would return her  hand to her glass as she took it kuro went with the flow took his glass and ticked it with her glass just as she did  saying "cheers" he would then drink smiling happily "i am glad to have met you here ,i never thought to  make a friend ever,am glad i did"said kuro as  he would take another sip from his drink "Lock,Stock,Barrel,you fell into my trap"he turned the glass to the side where she drank from"its here i suppose what do they call this ,an indirect kiss?"the man would let a gentle carefree laugh as he took a sip from where she had placed her lips to drink earlier"done,mission complete"the man smiled kindly"i never laughed this much before this place is really the best" he said passionately with a smile,"lets go on a mission  together sometime,i want to see you fight ,o and please wear a skirt ,its much better ,it shows much more ,mhm mhm ,you know the saying masayo ,there is no such thing as a worthless panty shot my dear"kuro would then take another sip from the same place,kuro was feeling increadibly happy ,enjoying his time with her and teasing her,it was the first time kuro had spoke with anyone like this.much more make a friend ,otto  with a shocked look on his face staring at kuro kuro was incredibly popular but he was never social,he was amazed by the girl is that a special power of hers otto thought  ,never did he ever think someone would change kuro still she easily did.

8a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:22 pm



As Masayo heard a small laugh escape Kuro's mouth, a smile played on Masayo her lips. It was fun to hear someone laugh once in a while. Renji was always complaining about her and in her squad is was very serious. So it was quite nice. Masayo hadn't noticed that he was holding the girl her hands, until Kuro began to talk. "Your hands, Exactly the opposite of mine, warm and strong. They feel so alive." Masayo her eyes widened when she realized Kuro held her hand. Her eyes were staring at their hands for a few seconds. The 18 year old girl looked back up to see a slight blush on Kuro's face. Masayo could not do anything else but laugh a little. Then the man his hand let loose of Masayo's and they both grabbed their drink. The two glasses collided against each other and made a soft sound. "Cheers." Masayo said and took a sip. Her eyes followed Kuro also drink from his glass. "I am glad to have met you here. I never thought to make a friend ever, am glad i did." As the Yamamoto member heard those words come from a person she had just met another smile was playing on her lips. It was quite nice to hear such thing from a person she just met. No one ever told her that before and she really didn't have much friends either. So it was very pleasing for the young lady.

The warm feeling of alcohol could be felt in her body and she loved it. It made everything and everyone loosen up. "Lock, Stock, Barrel, You fell right into my trap." The girl her smiling expression chanced into a more confusing one. Did this nice young man really trapped her? Masayo watched him intenstly, staring at him with her green orbs that reflected a shine of the light in the bar. A second later Masayo saw him drink from his glass once more. She couldn't help but notice that he drunk from the same side Masayo took a sip. At first she wasn't bothered by the fact that she drunk from his glass but when Kuro stated it as a indirect kiss, Masayo her cheeks got a warm feeling and she blushed. It wasn't normal for her to blush but when someone you barely know makes such statement, it would be emberrassing. "You know, you shouldn't tease someone like me, Kuro..." Just when she said that a slight kick was given to Kuro by Masayo under the table. It wasn't a painful kick, though. A grin appeared on her face as she had given the kick.

"I never laughed this much before. This place is the best." A happy grin could be seen on Masayo as she laughed as well. Why not laugh about the situation? It was quite comic. Masayo did find it sad that this man had not laughed like this before. Her mission to make him laugh more started. It was silent for a few seconds but then Kuro began to talk again. "Lets go on a mission together sometime. I want to see you fight. Oh, and please wear a skirt. Its much better. It shows much more ,mhm mhm ,you know the saying Masayo ,there is no such thing as a worthless panty shot my dear." The Yamamoto looked at him as if he must be blind. The girl wore a skirt all along. She always wears her red skirt, that shows some skin of her hips. An eyebrow was raised as she questioned herself if he had noticed it or not. Masayo tried to forget the fact that he didn't see it yet and wanted to invite him in some pooling. "Say, Kuro, do you like to pool or snooker? Because the pooltable is free at the moment." Masa loved pooling or any kind of sport actually. She just liked to be active and feel alive.

9a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:24 pm



he was slightly drunk from all the liquor he drank
he would then focus at her o you are wearing a skirt i didn't notice ,"sure masayo-chan i am up for some extra fun" ,said the man enjoying his time with her , why not let loose  he repeated to himself in  heard voice, a quote he used to say ,"stress makes you bald but its stressful not to stress s in the end you can do nothing about it,so why not let loose"he was really having fun with the girl the people that knew him halved int two ,that he is a dead ghost or a monster that killed powerful shinobi at such a young age,still it didn't matter although he just met the young girl of eighteen ,he felt that need to treasure this friendship,not many people accept you for who you are among one thousand only one can be a true friend,perhaps if she did not appear this would have been another night where kuro gets drunk and dwells about the past keeping on whining  its what he usually did,as he stood up ,"lets go"he said heading to play with her or extra fun its been a while since he had this much fun might as well savor the  sweet moment ,he hoped she would be enjoying her time ,but seeing from her grins and her laughs ,he was relieved , it would be downer if he was the only one having fun,but they both seem to enjoy their time,still aside from the fun it was an incredible happy moment for kuro away from the sadness and the gloominess ,suddenly his pale skin would and his eyes would hue to red turning orange,it seems happiness cures his ghostly appearance ,it was all thanks to masayo "thank you masa-chan" the man said thanking her as he took out his kiseru ,smoking , blowing smoke
strangely tho ,whatever he smoked ,it smelled like sake to cherry  blossoms a beautiful scent , instead of smoke filled the air.
smiling as he usually did a careless hopeless smile .
a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Nura_r16

10a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:09 am



Masayo lit up ever since she came to get a drink and getting to know a friend was fun as well. To think that her day started of as a big frustration. No one would believe her when they would see her happy smile attached to her face. Masayo should actually thank that group op men for getting to know Kuro, but she would be way to proud to do so. When Kuro stood up from their table and walked toward the pooltable, the raven jumped up from her chair and followed with a pleasant expression on her face. "Don't be sad when i beat you, Kuro." The female said with a grin while walking to the bar to get two pool cues. While she was at the bar she had a small chit chat with the bartender, Otto. "Otto, how have you been?" The white haired bartender was just preparing some cocktails for customers when they were talking. The smell of the liquid that went in Masayo her nose, made her order the drink Kuro had before. Then the Yamamoto would shout at Kuro, if he wanted another drink. "But i've been good, Masayo. Nothing special really, just working everyday. And that drink is on the house, you helped us out together with Kuro to get those men out or at least calmed them down." Otto told her while making the drink she ordered. "Thanks Otto. You're nice as always." Otto really was a nice person. Someone who followed his heart by all means. A person that anyone could love, he made a better atmosphere in every place. One could always talk to Otto about everything, he would always have such a well thought opinion about every topic.

When Masayo got her drink she gave Otto a nod and walked back to Kuro. "We have everything we need to pool, so you can sart, my friend. I'm giving you the honour to take the first shot." Masayo grinned at Kuro, eager to begin the game. Who could imagine Masayo pooling with someone she thought didn't even exist before? Some things happen fast and some happen slower, but in the end they are all worth the fun and pleasure.

11a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:07 pm



"Don't be sad when i beat you, Kuro." as the man heard that he would reply "no it goes like this: dont cry when i easily defeat you woman "in a mocking tone tho he accepted the challenge he did not know the slightest bit  about it,he ordered his usual rink and took it with him to the pooltable but crippled  by what he had heard

"We have everything we need to pool, so you can start, my friend. I'm giving you the honor to take the first shot."

intimidated kuro would reply "nah its okay you can have it"

that didn't sound well at all his voice was crumbling not knowing what-to do  he decided to watch her play her game and then play it was the first time he played pool he  usually gambled  with cards,but this he never did
he side stepped giving her the lead denying the fact he doesn't know the game saying "i go easy on girls go ahead start" taking sips from his drink he carefully inspected her moves hoping he may learn a thing ,or he would just embarrass himself for lack of skill and for the big talk he had said.

12a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:34 am



Masayo grinned when Kuro spoke up. "Then this is a challenge then? The one who gets the last one in wins and needs to do whatever the winner wants. Deal?" The girl couldn't hide her devilish grin as she stated the deal. She really wished he would agree, and of course that she would win, but there was no doubt about that. Masayo had been playing pool sonce she came to this bar. Everytime she analysed others and their techniques. It was quite facinating to see, when you know the rules. "Say what, if i start this, it is a challenge alright and the deal stands?" The Yamamoto grinned some more as she heard the man say something. "I go easy on girls. Go ahead. Start."

In the background people could be heard, whispering. "Did he just really accept a challenge with Masayo? Not a smart move, kiddo...". Another person joined their conversation. "Yeah, and a pool challenge at that. This guy must be really confident."

Masayo heard everything they said but didn't react. "Then i'll start, since you said so nicely." A hint of sarcasm could be sensed in her words. The girl handed Kuro a pool stick and held her own to get used to the feeling. She placed all the balls in the triangle shape. The girl placed the white ball in the line of the triangle and bend down together with her pool cue. The wooden stick was placed so the tip of it could barely touch the white ball. With a nice push, the white ball rolled at a fast pace against all the other balls and the yellow one with a white stripe already went in one of the holes. "7 more to go." Masayo said overconfidently. Because she got her first ball in she had another turn to strike. From where the white ball was none with a white stripe could be launched. So she just pushed it gently in a direction where it was hard to hit a full colored ball. "You turn, my friend." Masayo went back to the nearest table and drank from her drink.

13a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:35 am



Masayo grinned when Kuro spoke up. "Then this is a challenge then? The one who gets the last one in wins and needs to do whatever the winner wants. Deal?" The girl couldn't hide her devilish grin as she stated the deal. She really wished he would agree, and of course that she would win, but there was no doubt about that. Masayo had been playing pool sonce she came to this bar. Everytime she analysed others and their techniques. It was quite facinating to see, when you know the rules. "Say what, if i start this, it is a challenge alright and the deal stands?" The Yamamoto grinned some more as she heard the man say something. "I go easy on girls. Go ahead. Start."

In the background people could be heard, whispering. "Did he just really accept a challenge with Masayo? Not a smart move, kiddo...". Another person joined their conversation. "Yeah, and a pool challenge at that. This guy must be really confident."

Masayo heard everything they said but didn't react. "Then i'll start, since you said so nicely."  A hint of sarcasm could be sensed in her words. The girl handed Kuro a pool stick and held her own to get used to the feeling. She placed all the balls in the triangle shape. The girl placed the white ball in the line of the triangle and bend down together with her pool cue. The wooden stick was placed so the tip of it could barely touch the white ball. With a nice push, the white ball rolled at a fast pace against all the other balls and the yellow one with a white stripe already went in one of the holes. "7 more to go." Masayo said overconfidently. Because she got her first ball in she had another turn to strike. From where the white ball was none with a white stripe could be launched. So she just pushed it gently in a direction where it was hard to hit a full colored ball. "You turn, my friend." Masayo went back to the nearest table and drank from her drink.

14a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Empty Re: a drink(open/invite only/no kill) Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:56 pm



Kuro watched her as she amazingly scored one right away.amazed by what he saw he said "o-oh its good you got skills"but the truth is what he was saying to himself "i am so fucked"as his turn came up Kuro focused on the balls he's supposed to hit and luckily his hand tripped hitting a ball he needed to hit to score .and so he took one down. true is was all luck but at least it worked out in his favor . maybe this will give her an idea that he is actually skilled at pooling . well still this turn he survived but next turn its up to god his fate is in her hands . still it was fun hanging out with her the girl seemed to have a wonderful free spirit a spirit that will never be chained down by fate he by now considered her a friend a friend that he held dear to his heart and would do anything to protect her . although he was troubled a beautiful smile struck his pale white skin .a smile gentle enough to sooth the pain of another. aside from all that mockingly acting he said "you know you can give up anytime dear masa-chan"his tone was a mocking one
masayo seemed to have a short fuse perhaps these words were the death sentences of his.

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