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1Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Unannounced visitor [Miho] Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:56 am




Kumogakure; the village that resides in the lightning country. There are many interesting facilities to explore as it seems that the Raikage had a rather great creativity regarding the setup of his village. The thing that stood out most to the figure that unannounced came to visit the village was the tree atop the administration building. He sat there, on top of the many branches that the tree had. It seemed as though he was taking a nap, but in fact, he was sound awake. He lowered his breathing to attract a minimum amount of suspicions. Birds chirped and sat in the tree beside the man. It was Hao; wearing his usual black coat with golden edges, reaching down to his kneecaps and a white shirt underneath, with black pants and traditional Shinobi ‘sandals’. He had an earring in his ear symbolizing a cross and his hair was a little messy.

It seemed strange that a man that was sitting there so peaceful that the birds weren’t flying away could be the man that once caused terror amongst the nations of the Shinobi World. His arms were crossed and one of his legs was slowly moving to the edge of the branch, sliding off and letting it hang there to make himself even more comfortable. It was a dangerous spot for him to hang out, right above the facility where the Raikage’s ‘minions’ walk about, but he couldn’t care less. The sun began to fade as it moved behind the clouds, engulfing the village into a massive shadow. The temperature lowered slightly and the clouds moved as slowly as ever. What could be going on in Hao’s head, hanging out here?

2Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Re: Unannounced visitor [Miho] Sun Sep 01, 2013 11:32 am



A tall blonde girl was slowly approaching the nearest lake the one of those so little here in the land of clouds and lithging. She was gracefully moving her feet and playing with two metal things in the air while walking. Miho looked more like a circus artist than a real shinobi. Well, she was somehow like that when it comes to how she treated people. Never ending games and tricks. Suddenly, she rolled her eyes to the nearest tree as she sensed something. However, Miho was so full of her own chakra, that she could not identify if that was a man or an animal. She couldn't care less if that was either of that.

When Miho reached the destination, two metal things which were dancing in the air freely some moments ago now stopped and suddenly gone underneath the water. Miho took her one hand out of the sleeve of her sleek black outfit. The water was shining as the sunrays crossed it, she was hesitating a bit to disturb that calmness of the nature. However, the hesitation didn't last long, Miho took off the rest of the outfit and curved a devilish smile on a face while jumping in the water. She was happy to create even a tiny bit of chaos around her. The skin was covered in little drops that made her light skin shine in the sun as well, however, the sun was covered by the clouds soon, thus, the girl went underneath the water and it took way to long for her to come out.

3Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Re: Unannounced visitor [Miho] Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:04 pm




Splash! That was the sound that Hao noticed, echoing through his ears, disturbing his relaxation moment. His eyes lost its focus from whatever’s ahead of him and quickly shifted over to the lake where the sound was heard from. It appeared that a person just jumped into the water, but he couldn’t quite figure out who that person was, as he just started to observe the moment when the sound was heard and the figure already concealed herself by the water that rose up. Slowly but surely, the big splash began to fade and the figure was revealed; it was a blonde haired girl, though unable to identify her height and other characteristics.  As soon as the sun went under, she had disappeared as well. Hao’s deep, black eyes scanned the surface of the water the moment she vanished, wondering where she’d pop up this time. She didn’t pop up at all. It’s like she was drowning without even standing up to it; without even the slightest struggle.

Hao stood up to his feet and vanished with a few fruits falling down the tree, on top of the roof of the administration buildings and the leaves were swirling down, just going along with the flow of the wind. Footsteps were nearing the lake where the girl went missing, though soon ceased. Hao noticed  the water sparkling and the currents still being calm; nothing  to be seen. He didn’t really want to be bothered with this matter, but decided to take little action to determine whether the girl was still alive or not. His eyes converted to crimson as three tomoe appeared right beside his pupil. They were like the eyes of a demon. The Sharingan allowed him to detect any chakra within the water; as soon as he’d find the signal, her condition would be obvious. A chakra signature was seen, by his eyes, to be moving slightly underwater, which could only mean that the girl would still be alive. He’d just keep watch; until the girl should surface again.

4Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Re: Unannounced visitor [Miho] Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:47 pm



”So, it was a man after all.”

The girl smirked a little and some satisfaction ran through her face. She was thrilled to meet the new man, or, maybe he was the same, to whom she owns a huge favor for not killing her when the clan was being wiped out. Probably not, he would have been gone under the water by now. As Miho couldn’t keep her breath any longer, she decided to reveal herself and to greet then man. The girl jumped from the water, right behind that spot where the mysterious man was. She pushed him lightly from behind to knock him out of balance and splashed a little. However, then threw her curvy body into water very quickly so that only a very sharp eye could notice some of the appearances. As Miho was floating behind with her shoulder skin opened, she couldn’t do anything, but smile.

” It is rude to lurk around while a woman is swimming.”

Despite the fact Miho was still young, and a man looked more serious and matures, she also considered herself a matured person, as a life, one day in particular made her so.

”Let’s say…Why don’t you jump in and I’ll forgive you?”

5Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Re: Unannounced visitor [Miho] Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:38 pm




The woman he just met thought to be clever, though nothing could deceive his Sharingan. Hao just stood there as the girl moved herself behind Hao, giving him a push and followed by being splashed with water. As soon as the girl jumped into the air and dove back into the water, Hao’s eyes widened and spun slightly, as if he was recording it with his eyes and clearly seeing each and every movement. The woman spoke for the first time, seemingly lecturing Hao. Without any patience or tolerance, he just focused his eyes upon the girl. “This world’s space belongs to no one; you and me both can move freely where we please. You just happened to be at this exact spot at this exact moment, just like me. The word ‘rude’ doesn’t fit with ‘freedom’.” he spoke with a ‘high and mighty’ tone. It seems that Hao was just like before. “And what if you forgive me? I don’t benefit from forgiveness from anyone.” With that, he remained silent, his Sharingan still carefully watching over the woman. It was just the usual that he’s on guard like this. Thanks to experience, he figured that no one can be trusted. Not when it comes to freedom.

6Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Re: Unannounced visitor [Miho] Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:12 am



As soon as Miho saw the legendary eye, she understood that it is pointless to play with the man, or she would end up stuck in that eye of him anyways. She pierced into that one as it was the first time her seeing it from that very distance they were in, although she was not so interested in shinobi‘s abilities unless they include using weapons. Miho frowned a little while was approaching the shore.

“You can turn your damn eye off, mister, there is no reason for you not to trust me, I‘m just a mere genin lady, who came for a good refreshing swim.“

That sounded nice and polite, or it would if that was true. Miho kept her weapons lying deep in the lake after all and saw no need to reveal the indentity or clan abilities, like the man did in the first place. She slowly walked out from the water and approached her clothes lying somewhere near the lake, the curvy body would be a nice view for a random man‘s eye, but she did not turn around as she knew the man wasn‘t watching. He made it clear that he was not interested in that kind of stuff from the beggining. While putting her clothes gracefully, Miho spoke in a silent voice, it gave a shivering feeling of melancholy or nostalgia.

“And don‘t give me that „freedom“ stuff you youself do not believe in. We are our own slaves and even if one realizes it, it still cannot be helped.“

The blonde rolled her eye to see if the man was listening even a bit to the discussion she had more with herself than anyone else. Miho couldn‘t care less if he would agree, or if he would understand, it seemed like the man was more serious and experienced than she was, so he probably had his own reasons for not to be interested in a conversation with some arrogant girl who‘s main interest was to collect shiny toys from her dead clan members.

7Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Re: Unannounced visitor [Miho] Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:21 pm




The crimson eyes, which Hao had activated to follow each and every movement that the woman he just met made, slowly disappeared, coloring back to his natural, purely black color. His past experiences have made Hao the man he is today; still unable to trust anyone. The sun appeared from behind the clouds once again; giving off the sparkling sight that the water emitted. His eyes didn’t even avert from the girl, even as she put on her clothes. It seems that the girl didn’t believe in ‘freedom’ like Hao freely spoke earlier, she rather seemed that she resents it. Hao sighed before even responding to the question.

I don’t believe in freedom?” He stopped after uttering those words and gave a light chuckle afterwards, somewhat mocking the answer the woman gave him. “Let me rephrase myself. You are enslaved and have limited space, while on the other hand, I’ve obtained more freedom that you could ever dream of. I’m limitless.” That was his response to the woman’s thoughts. He didn’t care what the woman thought of him, nor what her response would be. It was all merely an observation that he could use to further expand his knowledge about the world and how rotten it has already become. “If you’re enslaved, then think about what your ideal ‘freedom’ would be. Don’t just stop at thinking.. Achieve it. The person in control of yourself is you alone. Freedom is everyone’s reality, but live in an illusion of boundaries.” He had finally ceased his speech, looking up at the sky as the birds flew into the sunlight, giving his eyes a moment of rest before the light blocked his sight once again, almost directly diverting his eyes away from the sun.

8Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Re: Unannounced visitor [Miho] Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:25 pm



As soon as Miho put on her clothes she was standing there still with her back turned to the man. She was listening carefully what the man had to say and couldn‘t help herself but smile after the whole talk he has given. The thing that amused her the most was that he was the first one Miho met to be so hard for her to deal with. The blonde adores challenges and new experiences when it comes to cases like that.

The moment Miho turned to meet the man‘s gaze, she somehow felt insecure for the first time through these years. He reminded her someone, the man seemed so cold and distant, that it gave her a shivering feeling bringing back a weird memory of her father. Miho was caught in surprise, she couldn‘t imagine that she could ever meet a person so much like him, with the similar dark and cold aura around. However, the moment of confusion was too short to make any difference. Miho stepped back a little and leaned herself to the tree relaxing her every nerve. She never had a problem with staring right into  stranger‘s eyes, that‘s what she kept doing.

“You‘re talking the truth. However, the truth for you is a whole different thing for me. Your freedom is yours alone, my ideal freedom had gone under the ground long time ago along with all of my people. While you are okay by just being alone, even if there are plenty of your people in the world, I wouldn‘t be able to achieve this kind of situation just by myself ever again.“

Miho didn‘t expect the man to understand as she knew there still were a lot of Sharingan users left, so he haven‘t experienced such a huge loss. However, the blonde was never the one to complain about something, thus those words she spoke were more gently and explaining, then the rude answers she was used to give to others.

The sun distracted her gaze from the man and Miho closed her eyes, sunrays were too bright to handle like that. She slightly moved her finger and her chakrams came from the depths of the lake. One stopped right in the air, where the round bright circle of the sun was, protecting the angle of sunrays which were bothering the girl‘s eyes, so that she could open those again. The other metal went back to her arms.

“ I guess so limitless person like you do not answer question. But still, what the man like you is doing in the place like this? Naturally, there is always are reason.“

Miho remembered almost the same conversation she had with her father some years ago. She asked him, why is he going to the village, however, he answered he just wanted to look around. Despite the fact that she knew he was lying, she believed each and every word. Although, after the sun rose up, the father came home carrying his legendary sword which was soaked in unknown people‘s blood. Without any hasitation, the only child girl took the sword and willingly polished it for her father. That was the reality she knew and missed of.  The reality of her staying by the man‘s side watching the people being easy killed and pointing the finger to who would be next.

Miho sat there gazing at the weapon in her arm, waiting for the man to answer.

9Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Re: Unannounced visitor [Miho] Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:21 pm




From Hao’s observation, it seemed that the girl didn’t like to give up on her own beliefs, hence why she keeps going into everything Hao mentions about ‘freedom’. He figured that at least something in her past must’ve happened in a negative way, possibly regarding enslavement or torturing. He wasn’t sure of this, so he just dropped the thought completely from his mind, not wanting to bother himself with the past of others. Hao didn’t even move an inch and barely blinked during the talk that the woman gave back at him. He closed his eyes, whether it be in frustration or that he couldn’t believe that the woman hadn’t realized it yet.

Plenty of my people? I’ve forsaken the Uchiha Clan a long time ago.” He begins his sentence with something sinister; something a loyal Uchiha would never say. “Humanity is rotten. This was proven a long time ago and will be proven for many years to come. The only thing in the world that’s genuine and can’t rot away is freedom. While your ideal freedom may have died, the will to live on creates a new type of freedom.” He takes a break for a second, reflecting on what he just said himself. “This new type opens possibilities most inhabitants of this planet haven’t even thought of. I’ve had a taste of this type of freedom. The will to live. This Sharingan of mine represents my will to live. It’s given me power to obtain the freedom I so much desired. This is why you can only obtain your desired freedom by fighting for it. Struggle and prevail. In this world, freedom isn’t given to you. You’ve got to prove yourself that you’re worthy of having freedom. And I succeeded. So ask yourself.. By being here at this exact moment, you’ve proven that you have the will to live. If not, you would’ve erased to exist already. Then why do you still cling on to the mindset that you’re not free, but rather the opposite? If you’re alive, do something about it.” He finally finished his speech, but didn’t even have to catch his breath. It seemed that throughout the years, Hao’s used to this sort of thing. The following response was to the question as to why Hao was in this area, which was just a simple answer to him. “Seeing the world. As explained before, I’m free. That’s the reason I’m here.

10Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Re: Unannounced visitor [Miho] Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:27 am



While the girl was waiting for an answer the sky was getting darker, clouds were gathering around, It seemed that the nature itself was reflecting the mood. She rose an eyebrow when the man started giving his lecture. It seemed that they couldn‘t understand each other, or most likely didn‘t want to. Miho felt her blood boiling, she wanted to do something right away when the man was speaking in a calm and cold manner. Naturally, she would have frowned or growled, but only a deep sight came out and her honey eyes shined a little like small cubes of glasses.

“I don‘t know what gave you an impression that I already gave up, I am here after all, in the middle of my daily hunting and despite the fact that everything I find are already deep in the ground, I‘m still here. However, you‘re right that the world is rotten as long as people like me exists, who just are stuck in between the process of achieving and actually achieving something. I understood everything you said about your angle of freedom, but people cling to someone that is what makes them human, thus my freedom is also clinged to someone. Just to be able to simply go and talk to or see my clansmen would make me free. To see my family would make me feel free. To be able to revive my clan and pursue our path together would give me a feeling of freedom. However, all of us are more than gone now, so I am stuck in a lonely and pathetic freedom you have described.

The sky was almost black by the time Miho spoke everything out. She naturally would become all excited about the argue thing, but this time it gave her a sad feeling. It was not like her to curve a straight line on her lips that was messaging about her concern. She decided not to add anything more not to get even more upset than she already was. When the blond gazed at the man, he seemed somohow supernatural, with that dark background behind him, like he would be the one creating the upcoming storm. Maybe it was true, considering the storm that occured in Miho‘s head. She stepped forward towards the man wanting to decrease the distance, but then stopped in hesitation and bit her lip. It was the first time she didn‘t know what to do, which showed that the girl was just a plain unsignificant person compared to the man.

11Unannounced visitor [Miho] Empty Re: Unannounced visitor [Miho] Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:22 pm




None of the words that the girl spoke hit a nerve, nor did he seem to be remotely interested to what she had to tell. However, he did know how to respond to such. Slowly, he walked towards the great lake that was not too far away from them. By focusing his chakra towards his feet, he made the first step onto the lake and continued walking forward until he was about in the center of it. He lowered himself to the surface of the water and dipped his finger, pulling it almost directly out of it afterwards. A drop slid down the tip of his finger and he began to speak as the drop was hanging on the last inch of his finger. “The drop is the individual. The water is humanity. Is a drop of water, still part of water?” He spoke, the drop immediately falling back into the water as he finished and directly spoke when the drop had merged with the water. “The answer’s yes. However, I stand above that. While I am a drop of water, I have cut myself loose from humanity and began to rise above; to a higher being.” He assumed that this was the only thing that he had to say at this time, but he added a little something to it. “You’re a drop of water who merges with humanity and clings on, which you say is precious. People die. The loss of a loved one gives birth to what all of us call ‘hatred’. Not hatred towards the person or illness who caused it; but hatred towards life.” This is the basis on which Hao fights; not letting anyone infiltrate his mind and convince him otherwise. That’s the kind of person Hao is. His pitch black eyes still stared into Miho’s eyes.

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