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1Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Empty Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:43 pm



Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Social10

  1. A Visit From a 'Corpse' [ Training | No Kill | Flashback | Nanashi ]
  2. A Future Awaiting the Zombie Maker [ Kenta Only | OR Ask]
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Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Ezgif-11

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Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Jutsu10

Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Ezgif-12

Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Other_10

Last edited by Tei on Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:56 pm; edited 8 times in total

2Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Empty Re: Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:44 pm



Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Social10
[12 threads, 2000 words, and at least 13 posts for each participant]

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Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Ezgif-11
[ 2 S-rank, 1 SS-rank ]

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Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Jutsu10
[+ 2 D, 2 C, 2 B, 2 A, 1 S more than S-rank]

Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Ezgif-12

Jūgo, Tei [Tracker] Other_10

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