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Current Plot

Currently, nothing interesting has happened to Aneki as of yet. He has been able to keep his personality(ies) under control and has not had many problems, save for the ones in the past. He may be due for another maniacal breakdown but, who can say how far off that is. As of yet, he has not had anything note-worthy happen and continues his boring and dreary life in Kumogakure.

An outburst of his maniacal nature sends Aneki on a killing spree through the village of Kumogakure. He killed his own kinsmen, innocent genin, and innocent children, and many others because he finally snapped after holding it in for too long. He realized quickly he couldn't stay in the village after killing so many people and so he escaped, killing whoever got in his way. No one noteworthy was involved in the escape or the deaths Aneki caused, and he escaped without a hitch. He ran to Konohagakure to try finding solace or to hide there for the time being. As of now he is considered a rogue ninja.

Last edited by Aneki on Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:33 am; edited 1 time in total



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