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1turtle. turtle. turtle. turtle. turtle. Empty turtle. turtle. turtle. turtle. turtle. Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:01 pm


Name: Genbu
Rank: C
Species: Turtle
Personality: Genbu is a rather shy, anti-social soul. While he doesn't mind getting close to Masanori, anyone else will be snapped at. He doesn't get excited for much, but occasionally Masanori will go diving, turning himself into liquid and swimming through the oceans as they hunt down jellyfish and and sponges for Genbu to eat. He lives his life inside Masanori's abdomen, and during combat, does nothing other than hide in his shell and rehydrate his master when he needs it.

Water Release Water Generation Technique:
Turtle Style Iron Shell Technique:

Last edited by Masanori on Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:01 am; edited 1 time in total


Interesting concept, a pet and a constant Suiton battery, I thoroughly approve of this delightfully sinister pet :3

350 Ryo


Deducted from Mitsuo, since he said he'd cover it. Danke Sehr.


After relooking over everything with a sound mind, Revoked

I am revoking this due to the pets ability to allow you to go around the Hozuki clan's MAJOR drawback. This "rehydration" needs to be either reworked where it doesn't allow a hard counter to your drawback, removed altogether, or your pet rank needs to be increased. Poke me when this is done and I will relook over the Pet Application, thank you! :)



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