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1Chisoku (C-Rank Cheetah) Empty Chisoku (C-Rank Cheetah) Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:27 pm



Name: Chisoku
Rank: C
Species: King Cheetah
Appearance: Chisoku is a typical King Cheetah, with a black mane of fur on his neck and head and three stripes that run down his back from the bottom of the mane to his tail. His tail is spotted yellow until four inches below the tip, where it has an inch wide black stripe and then white for the tip. Otherwise he has short tan fur with black spots all over the rest of his body, except for his white underbelly. He has notable tear marks running from the the base of his yellow eyes to his chin. His head and body are 140cm long and his tail is another 70cm. He weighs about 100lbs and is around 80cm tall. His fangs measure to around 2 inches long and his claws aren't sharp enough to pierce skin, being more used for speed than killing power.

Personality: Chisoku is typically rather laid back. He often allows people to approach and even pet him, purring his appreciation quite often. He is quite social and enjoys the company of others, almost never leaving Mitsuo's side though occasionally leaving for short periods of time to hunt. He does not have the temper of Mitsuo, but if he feels as though he or Mitsuo are threatened he will get very aggressive and defensive of his master.



Last edited by Mitsuo on Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Chisoku (C-Rank Cheetah) Empty Re: Chisoku (C-Rank Cheetah) Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:14 pm



For coiled spring, that speed increase needs to be given a number and the impact damage needs to be quantified. Standard C-Rank impact damage is bruising and possibly concussive force, but no bone damage.

3Chisoku (C-Rank Cheetah) Empty Re: Chisoku (C-Rank Cheetah) Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:19 pm



Edited with specifics

4Chisoku (C-Rank Cheetah) Empty Re: Chisoku (C-Rank Cheetah) Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:21 pm



~Approved~ for 950 ryo, enjoy~

5Chisoku (C-Rank Cheetah) Empty Re: Chisoku (C-Rank Cheetah) Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:32 pm



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