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Day 1~

"Training Kenjutsu. Still needs more work."


Simple, yet excruciating. Sounds hard, but really it's not. Still a little hard, though. Depends upon the work ethic he puts in. Jurou thought this, many times. As his father told him: "Quiet your mind; yet, calm the storm. Drown out all disturbance. Put your body in an eternal resting. Then when you are done resting, open your eyes." He remembered every word, every phrase, every sentence. His father and grandfather were true mentors when it came to Jurou's training, simply removing one's body from all else and stay in one place, relaxing the mind and stay true to what your movements predicts. The Osada were meant to be shinobi's that kept things at a mellow pace; both hot and cold (water at freezing temperature, 32 degrees Celsius.) That is why Boil Release was created, to let off steam when the emotion of anger is at a high rate. All of this talk and thinking about the past had Jurou in a state of mind; a state of mind that precedes to be stated, "If you train in silence, everything will commence perfectly." That was the life lesson learn from his father and his father' father: Calm your body and free your actions.

While doing so, he sat on the ground and meditated for a little bit. Crossing his legs to an indian style and placing his hands on his kneecaps. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, drowning all distractions, quieting the storm of negativity, and calming his mind full of positivity. Sighing while doing this excercise, Jurou opened his eyes as he got up from his seat, putting both hands together infront of his mouth, "Fire Release Shadow Clone." As the shadow clone -infused with fire- came from the cloud of smoke, the clone took a couple steps away from the original Jurou. Feeling his wakizashi sheathed horizontally behind his lower back hanging by a rope, he swiftly unsheathed his sword. Cutting the air with swift elegance and grace. The sound of the blade slicing the air made an eerie sound; music to his ears.

Jurou's lethal swordsmanship is shown to very versatile, possessing powerful strikes with equally impressive speed and precision behind them. He is also able to effectively use it in either a normal or reverse grip, giving him various attack styles and able to attack or defend from various angles. The clone sheathed his sword from the same place, looking at the original Jurou as his master took a normal, waiting stance. Jurou was a master of the Battōjutsu (Multiple Style Slash), using the two different grips to perform swift yet lethal slashes as a means of almost death. The fire clone swiftly dashed toward Jurou as Jurou just waited.

As the clone came close, Jurou swiftly switched his style from a normal hand grip to a reverse hand grip for defensive maneuver. Taijutsu were combined with Kenjutsu for the original Jurou's fighting style, mostly dealing with kicks after various slash attempts, detecting certain openings the clone lend out.

During the first blows, Jurou concentrated on his defense and let his muscles settle into the rhythm of swordplay. Jurou's clone hadn't been completely slow with his moves just yet, still having ninjutsu in the clone's system. Jurou, on the other hand, practiced with his wakizashi in the last 5 to 6 years under his father and grandfather's supervision, but he hadn't really fought his father, an A-rank jonin with most weapons, who didn't relish murdering his grandfather in an unforgettable fight. He'd gotten much better as time passed, but he didn't think he'd ever take on a weapon much like Soshin, known as "Lochness Teeth".

After several minutes of attempting to get past Jurou's defenses, Jurou's clone kept his temper and began to slash at him multiple times in almost all angles as if to throw him off guard and finally find an opening. Jurou's defenses were tough when it came to the reverse hand grip; trying to find a more better moment to go onto the offensive side of the battle.

As the clone was slow on his movement, Jurou began to take to the offensive, parrying one high attack then countering with a low sweep that'll just throw the clone off guard.

The clone was caught off guard and tipped over a litte, causing his balance to be off point but quickly regaining his steps, and the air rang with the tintinnabulation of the singing blades and the hoarse rasp of both fighters' breathes.

Jurou thought for a second that: for a clone, he is pretty good. Then not realizing that it was just a fire clone that can go out of control when away from the original. He wasn't on the subject of the clone's power, then still forgetting that it is just a Clone Technique and that he needed to be careful, but he was a Special Jonin and a powerful shinobi that still needs much to learn.
Jurou's weapon slipped past the clone's defenses and slashed toward his throat. The clone dodged, keeping his eyes on the original, finding strategies to take down Jurou.

When Jurou slashed backhanded in a return blow, The clone thrust his blade vertically and caught it before it cut him in half.

Jurou blinked as if coming out of a daze but continued onward, feeling the gash on his chest starting to seep the red liquid.
"This clone is really something else," Jurous' thoughts were exact as he got a good look at the clone; not even a scratch, almost as if Jurou was going easy on the clone. "I think so," thought Jurou as the clone swiftly moved toward Jurou's direction. Their weapons caught each other high in the air, and they stood belly to belly, face to face.

Sparks started to rise from the two blades clashing as Jurou leaped to avoid a low kick.

"If this keeps up..." Jurou was being ridiculous. How can he let his own clone beat him in Kenjutsu? Something that he is trying to perfect. He thought the idea was ludicrous to begin with. "Your time..." While still in the air, Jurou's body dematerialized into mist then instantly disappeared before the clones eyes. This was the concept of the Mist Body Technique. A slash was heard by the sound of the wind getting cut and the clone's body reverted to its normal fire-state, targeting Jurous's sleeve to be burned. Jurou's put out the fire with the nearby swamp water.

"...Is up." There was still more training to do. But today, was enough of the training.


- 1340 Word Count

Last edited by Jurou Osada on Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:42 pm; edited 2 times in total



Day 2: Part 1~

"Getting tired for some reason."

Returning back to the place where he once was, Jurou laid down on a rock while looking up at the sky. He felt the need to either sleep or day dreaming, became exhausted after training with his clone. Usually when Jurou would not sleep, his mother would walk into his room, and say, "Close your eyes, relax." And that is exactly what Jurou was planning to do.

His eyes became heavy, shifting downward as he couldn't be strong no more, and drifted into a deep sleep.There, in his dream, he would train. There, in his dream was him currently at the Osada village, and his father standing infront of him. Their conversation was nonetheless a good one, issuing the fact of the reason why he slaughtered the Osada clan.

The day was more beautiful, sun shining, birds singing their tunes, two quite strong adversaries staring down one another. Father and Son... battle to the end.

"Son..." Jurou's father, Keiichin, gracefully said with a voice of sorrow, his head hanging low in shame, not even wanting to look at his own seed. "I... am sorry for my actions. You should not have seen what was being taken at the time." His talk about the slaughter of the clan and of his grandfather.

Jurou chose to ignore the words from his father, for words meant to him nothing and nothing more. Especially from the weak.

"I know you are angry at me, you have the right to speak or not speak." Keiichin said with sadness in his voice. He just wanted his son to forgive him.

"...Why..." Jurou said. Moving in amazing speed, he was infront of his father.

Keiichin knew what his son was talking about, but he chose to pretend not to. "Explain."

"...Why did you attack the clan...? Why did you kill grandfather out of anger...? I understood your madness of grandfather's words." His tension were flaring. "But, most of all...." There was a close-up on his eyes, "...why did you have me think you hated me? Why?!"

Keiichin let out a depressing sigh at his son's words. Even his son's words went through him like a ghost. He wanted to answer the questions, but did not have the heart too. What kind father was Keiichin anyway? Was he even a good father?

With blinding speed, Jurou pointed the tip of his wakizashi at his father's throat, anger surrounded his body, his father's blood would be next. “I would like to see you dead, but what type of son would that make me?”

Keiichin chose to ignore the words. "I apologize for what I did, Jurou, but...” Words couldn't explain his pain, “Your grandfather was wrong for what he said. He was furious about her and saw that she was weak in both strength and mind. But I knew your mother better than that. His words got to me like a blade decapitating the head. I loved her dearly with all of my heart, but it was either the clan, or myself." Keiichin meant what he said.

"… You disgust me... How could you destroy my family?!" Jurou grew angrier at his father. Holding his wakizashi in a normal grip, his body movement consisted of his right arm moving upward in an attempt to slash at his father for his actions.

Keiichin chose to ignore Jurou's word as he slipped and caught Jurou with a thrashing kick to the chin.

The force pushed Jurou in the left direction, feet away from the very man that laid waste on the family clan. His father taught him everything, every technique, every skill. There were alot of other things Jurou taught on his own.

Keiichin then dashed toward Jurou with amazing speed, Soshin, the “Lochness Teeth” sword in his left hand. The fight against his son will at least give Jurou a taste of his dad's power. If anything, Keiichin saw it as spar, training to make his son stronger.

Jurou stood up, wiping the blood from his mouth as he switched his sword style to reverse hand grip so that his father can taste the steel of his wakizashi's blade tip. “This will be your grave!”

The two clashed, throwing and receiving blows after blows, exchanging hits and slashes in all directions. Ducking under, Jurou saw an opening - Keiichin's right rib cage when he attempted to slash at Jurou horizontally - and took advantage to it. Letting his blade stick the ground, he jumped to low height, still keeping his grip on the handle. Shifting his weight to the left, he turned in a 360º motion, lifting his left leg in the process.

When he spun around fully, his left foot connected with his father's right rib cage as his father took the hit, fell to the floor a few feet away from Jurou. Jurou stood on his own two as he held the sword in his hand in a normal hand grip. Keiichin got up swiftly, regaining his balance. He wouldn't give up. By doing so... amazing velocity, he swiftly ran to his son.

Jurou then just stood there where he was standing as he sensed his father coming for him. The feud between him and his father will come to an end, right here, right now, in Jurou's eyes...

Jurou woke up from his slumber, feeling lightheaded from the way his head was positioned on the rock; turned to the left as the backside was on the flat side of the rock. He rubbed his head some, feeling his wakizashi sheath horizontally on his lower backside hanging by a rope. Feeling tired once more, he put his head back on the flat side of the rock...

...and continued his slumber. He still dreamed of that faithful moment.

Day 2: Part 2~

The skies grew dark, the clouds were now pitch black as it rained heavy... the final battle between father and son will soon come to an end...

While being held up in a castle-like building, Keiichin met up with his son with amazing speed and was now in front of him, again. The skies grew dark and lightning flashed and thunder roar... it rained heavily. "Is this how you plan to live your life son? In solitude because of my actions? In despair for my purposes?" His words werein a tone of voice that meant one thing... he wanted Jurou to shed his blood..

Jurou grew tired of his father's words and appeared turning his back, his father a few steps behind him. "When will you ever learn that you cannot dwell on the past? Forgive, but never forget." His father said in a soft tone.

The boy never turned around but said, "...the past cannot be changed...I do not care of I can forgive but never forget..."

"...I will rid of your future now, in the present!" And with that said, Jurou swfitly moved over to his father and clash with both swords together. The impact was great enough that the castle exploded.

Each blow was given and received, faster then the next. The impact made the force even stronger and stronger. Jurou crash landed into a wall. Jurou regained conscious and stood on his own two feet. Jurou's wakizashi and Keiichin's Soshin clashed several times. At the end, it ended victorious with Keiichin slicing at Jurou's left arm. After one-of-two hits was successful, Jurou dodged the third and rammed the butt of his sword's handle onto Keiichin's stomach.

Feeling that sting, Keiichin held his stomach, Jurou performed the needed handsigns, “Skilled Mist Technique.” Opening his mouth, Jurou creates a cloud of mist which he releases from his mouth. In addition to Skilled Mist, Jurou performed the needed handsigns, “Hidden Mist Technique.” A cloud of pure fog-like mist was exited from the water around, making it thick due to the chakra kneaded. Keiichin's start to rip apar and be torn for no reason, and now he cannot find Jurou.


Holding his wakizashi with a reverse-hand grip, Jurou's body disappeared, using the mist to mask his disappearance at the time.

“Where is he? Damn that boy!” Keiichin said, standing up and looking around. In all directions, he felt horizontal and vertical slashes leaving his body with slash marks and blood dripping.

The mist cleared as Jurou saw his father on his knees, holding a severed cut to the abdomen, bleeding severly. Jurou, right now, felt no remorse or sorrow from his father as Keiichin kept on apologizing. Raising his sword up high with a normal-hand grip, he let his eyelids go heavy and move downward half way, “Your time...”

“...Is up...” That phrase echoed inside Jurou's head as he got up once again. He shook his head, trying to remember what happened. What he didn't forget was the fact that he was able to train with his father.

Even though despite all differences, Jurou still loves Keiichin. Jurou Osada still loves his father. His training was up for the day. Who would've thought training inside your dream and/or mind could've been so helpful?

- 2091 Word Count

Last edited by Jurou Osada on Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total



Day 3: Final Day~

"I don't understand what happened to Isshin," The thought of his teammate was a bad one, "He was so good, but now...

...he's different."


Simple, yet excruciating. Sounds hard, but really it's not. Still a little hard, though. Depends upon the work ethic he puts in. Jurou thought this, many times. As his father told him: "Quiet your mind; yet, calm the storm. Drown out all disturbance. Put your body in an eternal resting. Then when you are done resting, open your eyes." He remembered every word, every phrase, every sentence. His father and grandfather were true mentors when it came to Jurou's training, simply removing one's body from all else and stay in one place, relaxing the mind and stay true to what your movements predicts. The Osada were meant to be shinobi's that kept things at a mellow pace; both hot and cold (water at freezing temperature, 32 degrees Celsius.) That is why Boil Release was created, to let off steam when the emotion of anger is at a high rate. All of this talk and thinking about the past had Jurou in a state of mind; a state of mind that precedes to be stated, "If you train in silence, everything will commence perfectly." That was the life lesson learn from his father and his father' father: Calm your body and free your actions.

Thinking the same procedure as he did two days ago, he felt an enormous chakra coming his way. No doubt it was Isshin, the taijutsu specialist. They used to been partners ever since they were Academy students, although they did not get along well. While being apart of the ANBU, Isshin defected the ways of the Mizukage and left the village, becoming an S-rank missing nin wanting to learn new abilities. And fortunate for Jurou, Kenjutsu was one of those abilities. Isshin stood at a good 5'6", weighing at a muscle-toned 150 lbs.
He wore the traditional ANBU clothing, fairly light mixed with dark skin, black unkempt hair and blue eyes. His voice was cold, yet brutal with a passion for fighting. This was not the same Isshin from years ago.

The night was young and beautiful.... despite the battle field full of blood and gore from the two opposing forces, Isshin and Jurou. They were comrades of the same rank, until when Jurou won the Chunin exams. Isshin went off to get much stronger so he can match Jurou's power. But to be evil at the same time, "I guess power does come with a price."

Isshin motioned his hair, blocking his eyes, back to the rest of his hair. He looked at his teammate with his sword in his hand, holding a calm and relaxed look on his face. He spoke; saying, "How does it feel old friend?" Isshin said, sniffing the smell of blood in the air as his cuts and bruises stayed on his skin, also with Jurou.

Jurou looked at his wakizashi that glistened in the sunlight. He stood there silent, choosing not to say a single word.

Isshin gave a evil, smiteful chuckle as he punched his fists together, "I'm not in the mood for killing. We can do this and train together, for old times sake."

"...And what makes you say that?" Jurou finally beginning to speak, in a voice that only sounds like the ocean sparkling on a sunset.

Isshin hesitated, then answered. "It's been a long time since I was able to have fun. You should know how showing off your power works. You've done it on your old man---"

"That is where you stand incorrect Isshin." Jurou cut off Isshin from his speech, pointing his sword at the Taijutsu specialist. "He had to pay for his wrong doings. He slaughtered the Osada clan in cold blood. All because he was angry of what my grandfather said."

"You chose to do what was right by taking his life. Since when did you learn to kill?" Isshin roared in the atmosphere as he lunged at Jurou with swift velocity, demonstrating his tremendous speed.

Jurou chose to only stand where he stood.

In mere seconds, both opponents clashed together, the sound heard from all over, like thunder and lightning hitting a bass drum.

Isshin was on attack mode, using his impressive dexterity and cunning speed to push Jurou back farther, trying to find an opening. Jurou used his reversed hand grip to be on the defensive mode, trying to find an opening to Isshin's attacks. Unfortunately there was no opening because of Isshin's velocity. He was fast, equal to Jurou in speed.

Jurou crouched, dodging a high roundhouse, and countered back with a swift, horizontal slash to Isshin's left arm. Letting his blade stick the ground, he jumped to low height, still keeping his grip on the handle. Shifting his weight to the left, he turned in a 360º motion, lifting his left leg in the process.

When he spun around fully, his left foot connected with his teammate's right rib cage as Isshin took the hit, fell to the floor, a few feet away from Jurou.

As Isshin hit the ground numerous times, he returned with a backflip, landing on his feet. "Crafty. Mixing Taijutsu with Kenjutsu is really something."

Jurou ignored the little words that were coming out of Isshin's mouth. He stood where he stand, but in mere seconds, was below Isshin.

"It took some time to complete." Jurou hissed, launching a vertical swift slash -having his sword in a reverse hand grip- to Isshin's cheek, followed by a knee upward to Isshin's chin.

Isshin blocked the slash but got the cut on his right arm while blocking. However, he didn't the chin and was immediately popped in the air.

However, Isshin was quick to motion his body backwards, doing a somersault in the air then landing down on his feet. He sheathed his sword while in the process, holding the blade's handle in a normal-hand grip.

“I'm actually having fun this time.” Isshin said, looking at Jurou.

“I am glad you are enjoying yourself.” Jurou said, looking at Isshin.
The two moved at the same pace in different directions, blades clashing as the two metals ring together when they clash. Multiple slash attempts were made; some were successful, some were unsuccessful. Their swords crossed, sparkling in the morning sun. Clanking blades echoed across the red field mixed with the dull sound of steel biting into flesh. Isshin was hit with a gash across the chest when he avoiding the vertical slash downward. Isshin whirled and swung his weapon, Jurou blocked it with his own and countered with a high parry and a straight kick to the abdomen. Isshin tumbled backwards. The blades locked and Jurou swung them both around with one hand in a reverse-hand grip, bringing down Isshin's sword. Jurou's wakizashi rose and met the man’s chest.

“Kill me. You took your father's life, why not mine?” Isshin stated.

Jurou was above all careless about anyone, but that was when he was a Genin and a Chunin. Times have changed. Jurou lowered his sword as Isshin looked at Jurou. Jurou eyed back.

The friendship was still there. It just needed time. With that, Isshin vanished. Jurou was now finally exhausted. Was he done with his training? He doesn't know. But he does know this, if his Kenjutsu was S-rank like his Taijutsu, “I would be just like my father.”

- 1315 Word Count.

Total - 4514 Word Count

Last edited by Jurou Osada on Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 2 times in total




Day 4~

"Seems there's no stopping to training."


Simple, yet excruciating. Sounds hard, but really it's not. Still a little hard, though. Depends upon the work ethic he puts in. Jurou thought this, many times. As his father told him: "Quiet your mind; yet, calm the storm. Drown out all disturbance. Put your body in an eternal resting. Then when you are done resting, open your eyes." He remembered every word, every phrase, every sentence. His father and grandfather were true mentors when it came to Jurou's training, simply removing one's body from all else and stay in one place, relaxing the mind and stay true to what your movements predicts. The Osada were meant to be shinobi's that kept things at a mellow pace; both hot and cold (water at freezing temperature, 32 degrees Celsius.) That is why Boil Release was created, to let off steam when the emotion of anger is at a high rate. All of this talk and thinking about the past had Jurou in a state of mind; a state of mind that precedes to be stated, "If you train in silence, everything will commence perfectly." That was the life lesson learn from his father and his father' father: Calm your body and free your actions.

Jurou was still thinking the same thing his father told him after the training with the clone, his father in his dream, and with Isshin. But now, he wanted to train alone this time. He wanted to master the specialization of Kenjutsu. But what makes Kenjutsu so unique?


Pertaining to techniques that entail the use of swords, whether the users be shinobi or samurai. Kenjutsu can be used in combination with taijutsu, ninjutsu, chakra flow and even genjutsu in order to achieve more devastating techniques. There have been many practitioners in the arts of Kenjutsu. Jurou could only name the most important people in his village; 7 Swordsman of the Mist. There was: Zabuza Momochi, Mangetsu and Suigetsu Hozuki, and Kisame Hashigaki. Jurou wanted to be just like them, strong in Kenjutsu to where he can wield almost any sword. Time to get started with this training.

Returning to his spot after 3 days of training, Jurou feels the breeze of the Kirigakure wind beneath his nostrils as he inhaled the smell. It was cold, yet refreshing. He thought he would be done with training but he was wrong. Sheathing his wakizashi from behind, he held the handle in a normal-style hand grip. He utilize the sword's grace, cutting the air with the blade as it made an eerie sound to it. He switched from horizontal slashes to vertical and sometimes diagonal in a matter of 3 slashes, picking up speed with switching from normal-style hand grip to reverse-style hand grip. He would add various kicks at the end of the combo of slashes from vertical to horizontal in swift movement, some kicks such as a roundhouse, heel drop, 360º kick, or even kicks that when Jurou sticks his blade in the ground, uses the weight on his legs to jump and rotating while keeping his grip on the handle and kicking his leg out, returning to his feet and picking the sword up by the handle when finished.

He would slash at various angels using his finesse and agility to certify his movements, making them much faster. Depending on the opponent, he would stay with either normal-hand grip or reverse-hand grip, or simply switch off from one grip to the other, using reverse-hand grip defensive style as an offensive maneuver. He would also move in different directions, being very versatile with his movements in both his feet and/or slash attempts.

Now the time to relax was needed, finishing his training for the day. "I just want to become stronger."

- 648 Word Count

Total - 5395 Word Count

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