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1Trying some different foods Empty Trying some different foods Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:37 pm



Hira walked in the bar and sat down waiting to be ordered, this was new to him he would usually just catch his own fish rather than eat out. The waitress got to him "What may i get you?." She had a penetrating smile and he was motionless for a few seconds. "Oh uhmmm... a bowl of ramen would be nice." he stuttered. "Ok then it will be here right away" she stated walking away, only to be back a few minutes later with the ramen setting it down on the table. "Enjoy" was all she said to him before walking off. Hira looked at the ramen for a second unfamiliar with this type of food, he picked up the bowl and slurped only a little. He smilled "Hey this isnt half bad." He slurped the rest of the bowl quickly, and sat back for a second. He put a small tip on the table and walked out the door.

2Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:25 pm



"Well well.... it wasn't half bad" He said exiting the bar. He then stood there for a moment wandering what to do next. He began to walk down the street wandering if he should train or just take it easy. He paced and continue pacing while thinking of what to do. Not seeing where he was going he walked into an older women causing her to drop her cane. He picked it up and handed it back "My fault i wasnt watching where i was going." As he said that she just smiled and walked off. then he did the same, smiled and walked off.

3Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:17 pm



"Wait up young man." the women said, when she said that he stopped and looked at her puzzled. "I have to thank you in some way, so here is a fish i bought at the market ealier." she said handing him a salmon. He looed at the decent sized fish then looked at her "Thanks a lot granny I love fish." The old lady then turned and walked off, Hira did the same and went about his own business.

4Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:19 am



As Night entered the bar with Hira, he took a seat with Hira. As the waitress came over add asked for the order, Night then said, "Since I've been having cup noodles for so long, i guess it's time for a feast. 46 bowls of large ramen, 35 skewers of meatballs, 24 plates of teriyaki beef with rice, 53 steamed buns and 5 jugs of iced peach tea. I'll order later if it isn't enough. What will you have, Hira?"

5Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:00 am



Hira watched the waitress attempt to right down nights large order and couldnt help but chuckle. Hira looked up at the waitress when Night finished and said "Ill have 20 large fish and 20 large bowls of ramen." As the waitress walked off Hira turned to Night "Im begining to wonder how we are gooing to fit that all on the table."

6Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:07 am



Night then stared at Hira and said, "I know. That's why I only ordered my appetizer. " Night checked his pocket to make sure his sword is still there.

7Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:14 am



Hira facepalmed and then stared at Night "Im not paying for this one up front, this one is going on my tab." Hira looked around and then back to Night "With so much food on the table we are going to get so many dirty looks." Hira said smiling. "If a bar fight startes, be carful with that sword, we dont want to kill anyone today." Hira said tapping the table with his finger.

8Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:17 am



Night then said, "Okay, I'll settle with this. I mean, its a blessing, since the stupid Mizukage made me penniless. Meh, if a fight starts and I don't control, this bar will become flat, and I'll be meeting the Mizukage again."

9Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:21 am



"Im mostly just saying if anything happens let me handle it, there is enough water here that i have plenty of matieral to use for my jutsu." Hira said with a smile before adding "But lets not think about that lets eat and enjoy." as he finished that sentance their food arrived at the table.

10Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:29 am



As the food arrives, Night said, "Meh, i wanna play too!! Itadakimasu! " Night then started eating, finishing one bowl after another quickly.

11Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:34 am



Hira watched as night downed one bowl after another and smiled saying "Go ahead eat, eat all of it." After which Hira began eating fish after fish after fish.

12Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:42 am



Night then smiled, "I'm done!" . He then gave his stomach some pats, showing that he's pleased with the meal. He then took one of the jug and started drinking the Iced Peach Tea. He then pushed 2 jugs to Hira, saying, "This tastes wonderful! Try it!" He then begun to drink his 2nd jug

13Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:24 am



Hira watched night push the two jugs over and at first was hesitant. Hira said "Looks ok, i guess i can try something new." After saying this Hira picked up one of the jugs and sipped slowly at first. After he realized how good it was he chugged the rest in that jug and the other jug night had past to him. "That was pretty good, i could make that a regular drink of mine." Hira said with a smile.

14Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:31 am



Night then smiled and said, "Of course you should! Iced Peach tea is the best drink ever! " He then looked at Hira and said, "You're really strong. I'm not surprise I lost. Have you sparred with the Kage? "

15Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:24 am



"You bet it is." He smiled He then took a drink before answering Nights question "Im only that strong because i train alot and i dont give up, and i have not yet sparred with the kage but i think it would be fun and challenging."

16Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:31 am



Night then sighed and said, "Haha, I guess training helps! But i guess I'm weak since I've never trained. I'd rather sleep." Night then started laughing before picking up the last jar and chucked it all in his mouth.

17Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:43 am



Hira laughed a little saying "Dont worry im lazy to at times." He then smiled and added "Your acually not that weak, i mean thats one heck of a sword you have." After finishing his sentance Hira slumped back in his seat and yawned. "I think if you practiced with it you could become a really strong ninja." Hira said still yawning.

18Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:48 am



Night then replied, "Yes, I'll train super hard like I used to! I'll train like hell with this wonderful sword. I'll be so strong that no country will even touch Kiri, and harm shall befall on this country, so no bad things will happen anymore!"

19Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:51 am



Hira chuckled a little bit and said smiling "Thats the spirit, feed off of that.. By the way you never told me how your match with the kage went, mind telling the story?"

20Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:59 am



Night smiled and said, "Hehe, about our fight. Well, as you know, I know nothing about ninjutsu. And when we fought, I did not bring any weapons. So, i fought him barehanded, and was close in injuring him tons of times. But. I lost. So, he made me pay for lunch, and my debt is huge."

21Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:03 am



Hira listened and nodded saying "I see, well ninjutsu can be hard to train at times. Even I struggle with it sometimes, but i think you could learn some handy jutsu if you trained hard enough." Hira then crossed his arms saying "Now im not master but i could help with water techniques if you want.

22Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:40 am



Night then smiled at Hira and said, "Well, thanks! Hope you train me well next time! I hope you'll train me some special jutsus! "

23Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:57 am



Walking into the bar, the Special Jounin sat down to a table by himself. Sitting there for five minutes made him starving as a waitress came to his aid at the right time.

"Yes sir, what can I help you with?" Her voice was a sweet melody-like tone. Her frame was voluptuous; hour-glass with a considerable large bust doubled with her long, jet black hair flowing like the Kiri river to her lower backside, standing at a mere 5'0".
"...Just a bowl of ramen please." Jurou answered softly, astounded by her beauty.
"One bowl of ramen coming up." She wrote his order down and moved on to the next table.

She was something to see; a sight to be known. Who was Jurou thinking? He was a ninja, a shinobi, a Special Jonin, not on the job yet.

24Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:00 am



Hira sat there and noticed Jurou over in the distance, but he chose not to approach him rght away. "You bet night sometime ill be happy to show you some of my jutsu." Hira said turning back to night.

25Trying some different foods Empty Re: Trying some different foods Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:12 am



Night did not notice the presence of the man. "Yea, I'll be strong! I'll be a wonderful shinobi, like my parents! I'll protect the whole village, with your help, of course!" said Night.

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