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Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka

-Moved to Locker-

Last edited by Yoshiro Kuroka on Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:45 am; edited 11 times in total

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka

Free pet requested from post time skip event prize found here Page 19



Define "several hits" in predatory rampage into a set number per for armor rank. And am I to assume that the -10 chakra per post is added on top of the activation cost? Because you can't get around paying the activation cost for an A rank jutsu (Same goes for steel skin). For concussive roar, does the move stun them or cause them to lose consciousness? It says both and I'm not in love with the idea of it manipulating blood flow in a person's body without being a medical jutsu and even then most medical ninjutsu like that require physical contact. And there should be no added wind unless you make it a fuuton jutsu. The violent vibrations of A rank chakra infused sound waves should be able to blow away most things in it's path anyway. For steel skin, how does it behave when struck by tai/buki strikes that are not jutsu? It says it can take one A rank jutsu, but what if someone with S or SS rank bukijutsu or taijutsu hits you normally or with an S rank sword? There are several weapons on this site that are capable of damaging steel. Does it just stop non-chakra augmented strikes? Also concussive roar's cooldown time should be MUCH longer if you want it to make someone lose consciousness in one strike. D rank jutsu usually have a 3-4 post cooldown.

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka

bump changes made



For Predatory Rampage just make it 5 hits to break A rank armor. Damage, but not break leaves too much up to interpretation. If the armor is not broken they would still be getting the defensive bonuses that it gives and they need to know whether or not it needs to be reforged if it is broken. For Roar just say it stuns them leaving them paralyzed for 1 post. It would do the exact same thing you have it as now and we won't have to worry about someone rp'ing about being unconscious. And you still didn't do what I asked you to include in steel skin. I understand it defends against jutsu, but how does it respond to non chakra enhanced attacks? You only mention "techniques" up to A rank. Does that mean that any character with S or SS ranked tai/bukijutsu can damage him normally even without using jutsu?

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka




"additionally the force behind the roar is so powerful it is able up anything weighing less than 20kg."

There is something missing in that sentence, fix it please. But otherwise the jutsu looks fine.

For the Steel Skin jutsu, choose one or the other If you want to make him capable of moving during the jutsu, remove the reflection. Complete jutsu stopping power is usually reserved for purely defensive jutsu. If you want to make him immobile while he uses it and use chakra to stimulate hair follicle growth to make a temporary shield that is fine, but making his skin hard as steel? (Steel release is banned, even for pets.) The closest thing that could really be done is chakra flow and using doton chakra to harden your body, but pets can't use elements. If you want it to behave like armor and have him be able to fight normally during the jutsu then remove the reflection and just say he infuses chakra into his fur in order to harden it or something, but no steel skin.

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka

Bump thanks for the help i think i have changed everything that was required now :P



Glad to help

~1/2 Approved~

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka



~This ability allows Hades to spike up and shoot strands of his fur, towards his opponents as if they were senbon.

Do you have permission to use other people's custom abilities? If so, everything looks okay, and this is APPROVED

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yes i asked binsu if it was okay before i added it thanks for your time



please change the name Hades in that ability to that of your pet's name, as Hades is my pet's name :)

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